Icon one and four stack - dosing



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So I’m running these two now. Onto my second week and after starting at 2 pumps each now I’m up to three. Going to four next week but feel I just don’t have enough body area for all of the gel spread out.

If one were to dose 2x per day what times would be good? Or is this not suggested?

I usually do my dose around 7 AM at present, could dose again around 2-4 PM if that works?


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Easy solution just get bigger but for now twice a day is what I prefer. Right before and after bed.


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Where are you applying, assuming it's the same pumps as ther epi product I was doing 10 pumps at a time, 3 on each leg and 4 on my upper body, at 12 I split it to 6/6. The more you use the more you may want to look into skin care. After about 8 pumps it can irritate thin skin areas on me and a few others. I dont believe that's a problem when using a normal amount of pumps tho lol


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Thanks for the responses gents.

I’ll probably do split dosing. I try to apply to non hairy areas so the legs are limited to posterior knee, VMO, top of feet, but that’s not a ton and then 4 total on upper body pretty much covers me. Will split doses as I keep increasing amount.


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Thanks for the responses gents.

I’ll probably do split dosing. I try to apply to non hairy areas so the legs are limited to posterior knee, VMO, top of feet, but that’s not a ton and then 4 total on upper body pretty much covers me. Will split doses as I keep increasing amount.
Yeah you're kind of gotta shave your body in order to use max td amounts.
A word of advice to anyone, Don't shave your a** lol I got coarse black hair and when that s*** grows back it sucks


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The Icon One gel carrier is really gentle on the skin - it's the same carrier we use in dermacrine.

The Alpha Four, Ultra Epi, Ultra Eleven, Ultra Hard use a more aggressive carrier and it can be a little harder on the skin

If you rotate the application sites between the Alpha Four and Icon One, you'll probably save yourself from too much skin irritation - still use a night time moisturizer to keep the skin from drying out - this is also more important in the winter months when skin is usually drier anyways.

It is ideal to apply these only in the morning, as the carrier buffers delivery through the day - if you apply too late you could see some issues with sleep - particularly with the Alpha Four (and other products with androsterone/epiandrosterone).

Keep us posted on how this treats you.


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Thanks! I think I’ll be able to stick to morning. I might be tossing in some ultra hard. Maybe pre workout if that makes sense. Never run icon one and the lethargy is real. Still able to lift but relying a bit more on stims than I would like.

Would dropping to 3 icon one + 4 alpha four AM, as well as 2-3 ultra hard pumps (pre WO) make more sense to fight this?

other suggestions welcome. Also thinking maybe my split dosing is making it worse so will try just 3-3 tomorrow AM and report back.

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