Ich1ban's second weight loss log [Restore, Shred-XS, Retain2, Guggul, DCP]



Ich1ban's second weight loss log [Recreate, Shred-XS, Retain2, Guggul, DCP]

Took a 1.5 month break from my last stack mainly consisting of Leviathan Reloaded and DCP. I was orginally 245lbs and went down to 222 and lost 5% BF.

I gained some mass over then 1.5 month break, unintentional bulk but food intake was clean.

Reason i'm doing a second cut is because i did loose weight which was mostly fat but i am seeing uneven-ness with my body, fat really does burn off where it was last stored.

So basically i got lean forearms, kinda fat in the upper arms, lean calves but fat thighs, i can see abs but still i have fat on the lower abs and sides and still the big ass.

Restore (dropped)
USPlabs Recreate (added)
Ergopharm 6-OXO Extreme (added)
Shred-XS [I believe this is much better then the Hardcore version]
Retain 2
Guggulbolic Extreme
CLA Caps
Megadosing Fish Oil [30G/day]
Flax Seeds and Flax Oil
ON Whey Protein
ON Whey Casein
Green Tea [2 or 3 teabags daily]

Following the CKD Diet
Meal 1: 3 whole eggs, Grilled T-Bone steak or Chicken Breast
Meal 2: Oatmeal, Banana (or some other fruit), Almonds
Meal 3: Hamburger or Pita Sandwich or Subway sandwich, not alot of choices since i go out with officemates to eat but i try to get the healthiest on the menu.
Meal 4: Can of Tuna and Spicy Dijon Mustard, 2 boiled eggs, almonds
Meal 5: Chicken Breast and A1 sauce
Meal 6: Some sort of alternating tuna recipie, almonds

I'm a student and work full time so i don't have much time or energy to drive to a gym and drive back all sweaty [dont feel like taking a shower in the gym hahaha]

So i'll mostly be doing Free Weights and do a full body workout at home 3x a week. Got a bench, Olympic weight set, elastic bands, and dumb bells to use.

Starting weight 238lbs 20% BF, up from 222lbs 25%bf

This is similar to Swole's awesome cut tread but i opted a different thermogenic and no thyrogen-x.


i dont think u need all those supps if u dont have a great diet down (no eating out, lol)
also with the free weights, u can still put together a great program of 1 part per day.
make the effort to cook and take food with u and i think ur all good to go. sub'd


Definitely yes, trying to stay away from my old diet (take out chinese/pizza/hamburgers)

Been mostly on tuna, chicken, and sometimes grilled steak then almonds, fruits and tuna for the mini-meals.

I'm wondering right now if adding Nolva con-currently or after will help with my man-breasts.


Just bought Recreate last night, but it might have to wait until i finish this stack


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Shred it up dude. Why fish and flax? Why not just the fish?
Thanks man, just got my supps today and will be starting first dosage today except for the shred-xs, ill start it tomorrow.

Oh im just combining them so i can get the omega 3-6-9 from different sources, i have about 400pills of fish oil and becomes a pain to swallow them all since im megadosing 30g/day. Plus i use the flax seeds for fiber and lignans.


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Thanks man, just got my supps today and will be starting first dosage today except for the shred-xs, ill start it tomorrow.

Oh im just combining them so i can get the omega 3-6-9 from different sources, i have about 400pills of fish oil and becomes a pain to swallow them all since im megadosing 30g/day. Plus i use the flax seeds for fiber and lignans.
Gotcha, Sounds great bro. Fish oil caps work better if you're on the go but I find that the liquid fish oils yield a higher amt of eda/dha per serving and end up being slightly more cost effective at the megadosing levels. I keep a few bottles of liquid at home and a bottle of caps in my bag.


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Gotcha, Sounds great bro. Fish oil caps work better if you're on the go but I find that the liquid fish oils yield a higher amt of eda/dha per serving and end up being slightly more cost effective at the megadosing levels. I keep a few bottles of liquid at home and a bottle of caps in my bag.
Def a great idea!!!


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fo sho!

I'm currently have concerns on continuing to take ALRi Restore. I've been reading on multiple forums with the talk about Restore containing andro.

The concern was raised but i haven't yet found any solid counter claim other then "possible contamination" from the manufacturer that provides the 6-bromo.

Bah my confidence on the product seriously went down. I have a bottle of 6-OXO Extreme and ordered Recreate a few days ago. I'm currently on my 2nd ALRi Restore pill.

I'm thinking of discontinuing it until i can get some solid facts or just use another product.


permanently dropped Restore and will use 6-OXO Extreme + Recreate

Will possibly drop Retain2 if Recreate has a strong enough cortisol control.

Anyway weigh in today is 232lbs. Straight diet and 3 full body workout sessions later.


Weigh in 229.6

I'm feeling some sides from the Recreate it seems, reason i'm deducing it's Recreate is it only started a few days after my first caps.

dry mouth, dry lips, lips are real dry that i've gotten cold sores, and i'm feeling a little lethargic or just a little tired then normal, so i have to constantly push myself to workout, basically i'm saying i don't feel any energy from reg dose of 2 caps am and 1cap pm/before workout

However, i noticed extreme appetite suppression, last weekend i didn't eat the whole day, like Sat AM to late Sat PM. I had to force myself to eat.

Anyway just wanted to share my short experience with Recreate. I'm not feeling any "clean energy" as some describe from it so i'll up my dosage of Shred-XS to 2 caps am and 2 caps PM

Edit: Just wanted to add that i'm doing the KCD diet, so maybe i'm feeling tired often is because of the lack of carbs?


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i'm feeling a little lethargic or just a little tired then normal, so i have to constantly push myself to workout

Just wanted to add that i'm doing the KCD diet, so maybe i'm feeling tired often is because of the lack of carbs?
Both are characteristics of low carb diets.

Also, one thing to think about is increasing your intake of calcium.

In order to break down the protein (i'm assuming your diet is low carb high protein??) your body nutralizes the acids with calcium.

Also, ketones ( produced as a result of your body breaking down the fat by ketosis) ARE toxic in your body, and will put stress on the liver and kidneys to excrete it. Make sure to drink water water water.

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Both are characteristics of low carb diets.

Also, one thing to think about is increasing your intake of calcium.

In order to break down the protein (i'm assuming your diet is low carb high protein??) your body nutralizes the acids with calcium.

Also, ketones ( produced as a result of your body breaking down the fat by ketosis) ARE toxic in your body, and will put stress on the liver and kidneys to excrete it. Make sure to drink water water water.

Wow thanks for the info.

I probably do about 1 gallon of milk in a week, i guess i should increase that?

Yeah its high fat, high pro, low carbs which i cycle. i take in about 200g of protein then then fats come form fish oil, cla, sesamin, eggs and some others.

Oh you mentioned about ketones, im taking in RKs on top of my body being in ketosis (i hope, have to get some ketostix soon), about 300mg twice a day, thanks so much for the info. As far as water intake i take in about a gallon a day, sometimes 1.5gallons.


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Wow thanks for the info.
No problem, i'm just glad I had a professor that was thoroughly interested in supplements/diets/things that interested ME, so I paid attention and took notes :).

I'm not completely sure about the amount of calcium required to supplement that, but here is a link concerning calcium intake from mayo: Mayoclinic - Calcium Supplements

I would recommend taking a calcium supplement daily for your calcium needs though, and you can always keep the milk in your diet, no need to decrease that.

Just wanted to make you aware that you will need more calcium than a normal diet to offset the calcium loss from neutralizing the acids from your particular diet/food intake.

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