I think I talked myself out of Tren.

Old Witch

Old Witch

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Do you like DHB? I’m about to jump on a test & DHB cycle.
Yeah it’s my favorite. I could rave on and on about dhb for hours.

As strong as tren (not mg for mg but at effective doses) and safer than anavar, it’s like a fantasy.
Old Witch

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DHB is supposed to be the shizz, but horrible pip
The pip isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. If a guy has ever used test or tren base or bold base.... winny suspension...

The pip is like that times 1.5-2 Yeah it does suck but if you have a penis and testicles you should persevere.
Old Witch

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AND, you get used to it, it goes away.


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Tren almost lost me my family and my job, I won't touch tren again, imo no one should.
John Smeton

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I used it last two competitions , and I did many before without it.

These two times are the only two I used it 150 mgs for five weeks both times..

Its too androgenic for me..I value my hair...If it wasn't worth the risk of losing my hair id use it last 6 weeks at 150 mgs dose......its not worth the risk right now

also there's some research showing it causes alzheimer's . I know guys that dont compete and use tren at twice and more the amount I used for a short time, I shake my head..
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Yeah it’s my favorite. I could rave on and on about dhb for hours.

As strong as tren (not mg for mg but at effective doses) and safer than anavar, it’s like a fantasy.
how so stronger, androgenic?

androgenic is the reason many guys dont mess with tren anbd/or use a small dose...prostate swells, hairloss if predisposed
Old Witch

Old Witch

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how so stronger, androgenic?

androgenic is the reason many guys dont mess with tren anbd/or use a small dose...prostate swells, hairloss if predisposed
I didn’t say stronger. Tren definitely is the stronger androgen and mg for mg the stronger anabolic steroid overall by a long shot.

But at effective doses of each, they’re going to provide most of the same benefits at about the same rate with no or almost no notable negative side effects from dhb aside from the usual suppression. Just not going to have the same strength of effects at the same exact dose. You’ll have to take a lot more dhb, which can be costly.

They both can cause hair loss, I’m prone to it and dhb did not cause me any hair loss though. Epistane did. Both might cause night sweats and insomnia. Dhb gives me night sweats and insomnia.

Dhb certainly won’t cause any of the mental side effects tren can cause, and it’s just as versatile. Increases IGF1 output, increases metabolism, protein sparing, nutrient partitioning, all that good stuff. This makes it an excellent choice for bulking, cutting or recomposition. So it’s got a lot going for it.

So why didn’t this awesome steroid ever make it to market back in the day? It’s insoluble in grape seed oil, benzyl alcohol, and benzyl benzoate! That’s why all the dhb under the sun crashes immediately if it isn’t warm. Unless EO is used, it won’t ever stay solute. And EO is not approved as an additive to human injectables. So since they couldn’t truly stabilize an effective injectable solution by approved means, they had to look into other ways of delivering it. M1T anyone? This was shown to be too toxic so..

Enter the actual Pharma marketed DHB product: mesabolone.

Now, what we get from UGLs is either going to be simply crashed dhb brewed by normal recipes OR it will have another solvent added to keep it in solution such as EO. It’s going to hurt either way.

Dhb had another reason for not being marketed, PIP.

A crashed solution isn’t the end of the world, likely they might have thought it just needed to be warmed before injection as we often do. However, the warm oil will also crash inside the depot welt causing extreme discomfort and some pain which some might call “just barely intolerable”

You can either live with that or buy a brand that uses EO and risk whatever health problem scares people away from EO. Or use tren and end up in prison for murder.


New member
That’s solid reasoning, lol.

I’m running test, tbol, t3 taking out tren

Opted for tbol instead of winny I did t want the joint issues of winstrol. Didn’t want to pay for anavar. I’ll be doing low carb high protein.

Only 2 cycles under my belt and both were bulking. Will be first cut with gear. So I’m excited about that.
Did my first cut on gear for the first 10 weeks of 2019. 300 test e, 400 eq. 2,000 Cals a day, high protein, lowish carbs (20%).
Lost 20lbs, strength dropped, looked flat. Started eating big again a few weeks ago, upped the test to 500, muscles instantly filled back out.When i say instantly i mean after like 2 meals. I lost little to no muscle mass despite the 20lbs weight loss. Strength is coming back quickly. Only put a few pounds of weight back on.
In conclusion, cutting on gear sucks ass, just like cutting in general. However, for me it was very effective for retaining muscle mass when all was done. It's way more awesome to bulk on gear. Cutting just doesn't result in that super human feeling.


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I didn’t say stronger. Tren definitely is the stronger androgen and mg for mg the stronger anabolic steroid overall by a long shot.

But at effective doses of each, they’re going to provide most of the same benefits at about the same rate with no or almost no notable negative side effects from dhb aside from the usual suppression. Just not going to have the same strength of effects at the same exact dose. You’ll have to take a lot more dhb, which can be costly.

They both can cause hair loss, I’m prone to it and dhb did not cause me any hair loss though. Epistane did. Both might cause night sweats and insomnia. Dhb gives me night sweats and insomnia.

Dhb certainly won’t cause any of the mental side effects tren can cause, and it’s just as versatile. Increases IGF1 output, increases metabolism, protein sparing, nutrient partitioning, all that good stuff. This makes it an excellent choice for bulking, cutting or recomposition. So it’s got a lot going for it.

So why didn’t this awesome steroid ever make it to market back in the day? It’s insoluble in grape seed oil, benzyl alcohol, and benzyl benzoate! That’s why all the dhb under the sun crashes immediately if it isn’t warm. Unless EO is used, it won’t ever stay solute. And EO is not approved as an additive to human injectables. So since they couldn’t truly stabilize an effective injectable solution by approved means, they had to look into other ways of delivering it. M1T anyone? This was shown to be too toxic so..

Enter the actual Pharma marketed DHB product: mesabolone.

Now, what we get from UGLs is either going to be simply crashed dhb brewed by normal recipes OR it will have another solvent added to keep it in solution such as EO. It’s going to hurt either way.

Dhb had another reason for not being marketed, PIP.

A crashed solution isn’t the end of the world, likely they might have thought it just needed to be warmed before injection as we often do. However, the warm oil will also crash inside the depot welt causing extreme discomfort and some pain which some might call “just barely intolerable”

You can either live with that or buy a brand that uses EO and risk whatever health problem scares people away from EO. Or use tren and end up in prison for murder.
1AD is also an option. But it's going to cap out at a certain dose due to not enough enzyme horse power... I did 1 cycle with it at 400mg for 6 weeks. Got lots of deep acne on shoulders, little gains and some fat loss. I was not in a caloric surplus though. Really really didn't like the acne. My shoulders looked like I was turning into one of those stone people from Game of thrones. But, I am very much acne prone so ymmv
Old Witch

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1AD is also an option. But it's going to cap out at a certain dose due to not enough enzyme horse power... I did 1 cycle with it at 400mg for 6 weeks. Got lots of deep acne on shoulders, little gains and some fat loss. I was not in a caloric surplus though. Really really didn't like the acne. My shoulders looked like I was turning into one of those stone people from Game of thrones. But, I am very much acne prone so ymmv
Yeah but that cap is like two grams a day. And it’s active before conversion. Just not as much. In fact I almost think it hardly converts. I took many many bottles of 1AD in a row. And I tried the different 1-Test products out around that time as well. They’re definitely slightly different. Oddly it seemed like I got worse bacne from 1AD than almost anything else other than just turning 15 itself.

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