I need a 1-ad (oral)/4-ad transdermal cycle plan

gettin' big

New member
I need a 1-ad/4-ad transdermal cycle plan. Weight 192 Height 5'11 22 years. Lifting 4 years, 1 year straight .Someone please help me out. Should I go with 1-ad by itself for a first cycle or can I go with the 1-ad and 4-ad stack, I know I need to start out with low doses but how low, and what do you think is a good dose to work up to for first cycle. I really need some expert advice, can somebody step up. Also I was thinking rebound XT for pct, nolva, milk thistle and trib. Anyone know what would be a good dose to run them at if indeed I am going to need to run a lower dose of the 1-ad/4-ad transdermal because its my first time. Please someone step up and help me out

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