How suppressed does 3 to 4 weeks of M-drol really make you?



Alright guys,

I'm into Day 4 of PCT which is Toremifene 120/60/60/30 after M-drol 10/20/20/20. And I have to say, I'm really really surprised as to the lack of noticable suppression. Libido is maybe a little bit less, but that just means maybe 2 times a day instead of 3. And it might also be that M-drol made me feel so dead inside that it's like waking up and anything would seem better than that lol. But visible atrophy is slight, and I really only started noticing it deep into week 3. Body weight is still up the entire amount I gained, and of course, its really only been a couple days.

And I am comparing this to what it was like after coming off test/deca for 3 months, where I was shut down for a good 8 weeks afterwards, with a huge pile of clomid running for 6 weeks. I guess I was expecting something like that, which for me, also includes a moderate dose of depression with the suppression. And trust me, I'm the biggest proponent of serm PCT that you'll find and think most people who buy all that otc pct crap are wasting their money. But this really doesn't seem all that bad, and I might even advocate this kind of cycle in between longer injectable cycles. I'll be curious to see what my blood work shows in a few more weeks, but I suspect that it'll probably be pretty close to normal. Has anyone done blood work right after their cycle to see how much suppression there really is?


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I wouldn't expect one to be that shutdown so shortly after a cycle with small dosages. You say you have run similar cycles before right. If you ran test/deca for 3 months(is that pct included) I would expect more shutdown right.
I disagree with the over the counter PCT stuff though. Its really like anything else you do. Different things work for different people and different cycles. Certainly there are better otc stuff out there than others. A serm is always a safe bet(I agree).

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