how strong are your opinions on body shaving

I'll open the kimono and be honest. I have 3 different electric trimmers. one for my beard and neck, one for the nose, and one of those gimmicky manscapers. I use the manscaper a lot though. I trim armpits because I sweat less and stink less with it trimmed down. I trim the chest hair cause it tickles my wife's nose when I don't. I have a bakblade off amazon for self back shaving. I actually dont' think body hair "looks" bad, but I shave it for hygiene purposes and comfort.

nothing feels better than a smooth back on a fresh tshirt.
I shave my beard and trim my body always I have time but not have problems with body hair. I just do it for the fancy look.
All natural :cool: except the top of my head. Theres not much there anyways.

My people are made for cold weather and grow full vests. It's necessary for a man of my lineage to strip some of this God given warmth in modern climates.

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My people are made for cold weather and grow full vests. It's necessary for a man of my lineage to strip some of this God given warmth in modern climates.

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Oh man, the rest of me is a regular samsquinch. Just not the top of my head 😅
coincidentally, just got the back waxed for the first time in years. was more painful than I remember but also much faster. In and out in 14 minutes total.
If I’m fatter the hair is a better look - shaving a fat guy just looks like an oversized baby.

But if I am little, I strongly prefer to be trimmed/shaved.

I'll open the kimono and be honest. I have 3 different electric trimmers. one for my beard and neck, one for the nose, and one of those gimmicky manscapers. I use the manscaper a lot though. I trim armpits because I sweat less and stink less with it trimmed down. I trim the chest hair cause it tickles my wife's nose when I don't. I have a bakblade off amazon for self back shaving. I actually dont' think body hair "looks" bad, but I shave it for hygiene purposes and comfort.

nothing feels better than a smooth back on a fresh tshirt.

I have to try that bakblade - I get my wife to come outside a couple times a year and sheer my back and traps off to reset the field, then do the front of my torso, arms, delts on my own. But it’s a PITA schedule-wise, and I still spend a lot of the year rocking the grizzly bear look.

Which I don’t hate when everything gets long enough, but the transition time when hair is coming back isn’t a good look IMO so I’d like to do it more often myself.

I have to sheer my armpits probably every 2 months to manage sweating. I don’t bother with a razor or want it smooth like a woman; it just gets long fast so I knock it all off periodically.
Got me there, I'm one of those weirdos that pits out a shirt in the cold just breathing. I do trim something.

Yeah it’s a must if you run warm/are a sweater. It actually always blows my mind when I see a guy at a pool or something with insanely long armpit hair just curled up way outside his pit. This will inevitably be some pencil-neck twink, so I appreciate he has no temperature concerns, but you do have to wonder about the utter lack of maintenance.

You trim/maintain your hair, face/neck…but never going to manage the pits or crotch at all? Just waiting until you can braid the pits into your pubes before you die, or…?