How do you deal with the mental side of bulking?



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Mine is horrible lol. Which is the reason why on every cut except 1, ive stopped 1/2 or 3/4 the way through the cut b/c I was not pleased with the results. I deposit fat in the lower chest, love handles and lower abs. They are the very last place I loose fat, to the point where I know I am 7% bf or lower when my nipples start to point downward :laugh2: Oddly enough my upper and mid abs dont hold nearly as much fat, so when I cut up, it looks,... well, rather weird. Its not til I get to the finished product 7-8% that i look good. Between that and the muscle lose is why I am waiting to do a full cut once more. So my goal is to stay at what BF I am now,... continue to pack on the muscle, skip a cutting session next summer as well, and once I hit 260ish, then cut that sh!t up. :147:
My god, I thought I was the only one dealing with that kinda horrid fat distribution. I'm the same way, same places, same feeling about my "cut's".


I have been on a "Bulk" diet for about 4 weeks now and so many days I just think "man I should start cutting cals and going the other way. This being my first bulk after losing about 80 lbs from High school about 8 years ago, the bad memories of being "last picked" for basketball still ring violently in my ears. But I figure, I did it once, I know how to diet. Im going to make this summer nice.


All the big guys want to be lean and all the lean guys want to be big. Ain't nobody ever happy with the hand they have been dealt. And the beat goes on...

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