Hormone Blood Work - Can anyone help?


New member
I am currently coming off cycle and have just started HCG. It was a light cycle of 250mg sustanon per week and 400mg masterone per week over a 16 week duration. I've had the hormone tests a little early as it's only 2 weeks since my last shot. My libido has been down for quite some time and my erection capacity has been not quite what it once was, even with a little help from viagra / levitra. I was wondering if this could be explained by the following results. My interpretation is that everything is as you might expect when coming off a cycle. The testes are still clearly shut down with the practically zero FSH and LH, but I don't think this would explain my libido / sexual function problem?

FSH 0.1 (low) normal 1.5-11.4
LH <0.1 (very low) normal 1.7-8.6
Oestradiol (E2) 103 normal 28-156
Prolactin 237 normal 86-324
Testosterone 20.4 normal 7.6-31.4
SHBG 11 (low) normal 14-78
Free androgen index 185.4 (very high) normal 22-104
DHEA sulphate 10.1 (high) normal 2.6-7.7
Free Testosterone PENDING

I'd appreciate any input.

The Matrix

The Matrix

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  • Established
I am currently coming off cycle and have just started HCG. It was a light cycle of 250mg sustanon per week and 400mg masterone per week over a 16 week duration. I've had the hormone tests a little early as it's only 2 weeks since my last shot. My libido has been down for quite some time and my erection capacity has been not quite what it once was, even with a little help from viagra / levitra. I was wondering if this could be explained by the following results. My interpretation is that everything is as you might expect when coming off a cycle. The testes are still clearly shut down with the practically zero FSH and LH, but I don't think this would explain my libido / sexual function problem?

FSH 0.1 (low) normal 1.5-11.4
LH <0.1 (very low) normal 1.7-8.6
Oestradiol (E2) 103 normal 28-156
Prolactin 237 normal 86-324
Testosterone 20.4 normal 7.6-31.4
SHBG 11 (low) normal 14-78
Free androgen index 185.4 (very high) normal 22-104
DHEA sulphate 10.1 (high) normal 2.6-7.7
Free Testosterone PENDING

I'd appreciate any input.

I will keep this short and brief
1. If you are going to cycle, its your choice but you are going to end up in a vicious cycle which can compromise your health as well as put excessive stress on your other endocrine system

2. YOu need to decide are you going to continue this pattern?
3. Are you willing to put your self at risk feeling this way
4. As noted before, cycles will put excessive stress on HPTA affecting cortisol and thyroid hormones
5. High DHEA may be a response from anxiety, insulin resistance (beginning stages), High cortisol levels.

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