Help with muscle shakes...



  • Legend!
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For about 6-8 months now I get serious types of spasms while lifting or doing anything that requires any type of strength, For example when I do sit ups or crunches my whole body is shaking like i'm about to hit muscle failure but it's not a loss of strength. When I lift any types of weight that particular body part goes into shaking and it's pretty violent. My kids noticed it first when I was lifting at home when I was showing em how to lift with just 10 pound weights but I can still curl over 50 pounds.

A lot of the time it seems the heavier the weight the less i'll shake. A perfect example is warming up with flat bench with just the bar or a simple 135 pounds but I can throw 300 up with no shaking at all.

I'm 30 years so and I don't smoke or drink alcohol and the only thing i'm currently on is about 3 cups of coffee a day and clenbuterol(but this I just started about 1.5 weeks ago and haven't used it for several months) and 1 protein shake a day. I can provide any other information that might help that I haven't supplied.

I went to my doctor and had a check up and spoke to her about it and even showed her what I meant when I did a crunch and she said she didn't have a clue but did blood work and it came back fine. I just want to make sure I am not missing anything as well as her. i am due to go back in for more blood work in 3 months but the wait is killing me.

Thanks for anything you can help me with.


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I do that same exact thing during crunches, and only when I don't have the resistance loaded high. I started noticing this when my strength went up. My abs I would consider my strongest muscles, and I don't get these on any other type of lift. Interestingly, it is only when I'm warming up with no weight, not in working sets, similar to you.

I can tell you that I've had this for probably a year and a half that I can remember, and I have no idea why and never really thought about why it would be. Just know that you aren't unique in this regard. I can't help you beyond that, but if you find anything further let me know.

Edit: I also get this when I do calf exercises on the leg press with a load of weight. I just figure this might be because I'm holding up more weight than I'd normally leg press and it's pretty taxing on the quads just to hold it. I wish I was proportional :(


  • Legend!
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Thanks, it's good to know i'm not the only one out there having this issue. Wonder why it does it though and yeah, same with me. It started when my strength went up by a good amount.


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i get the shakes with simple ****. like drinking coffee......gets launched across the room on occasion. makes for a messy morning.


Well-known member
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i get the shakes with simple ****. like drinking coffee......gets launched across the room on occasion. makes for a messy morning.
I think what you have is called turrets. Luckily there is medication for that.


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I think what you have is called turrets. Luckily there is medication for that.
i thought that was the one where you spit out obscenities for no damn reason. glad i don't have shitlickercuntfuck


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I used to shake all the time when i lifted. I still do some. As i got stronger and started using heavier weight, the shaking stopped. I don't know why...

Have you always been a "fast twitch" kind of guy?

I have been, and that' the only thing I can think of. My muscle like to explode, so when i try to control them, they shake.

Just a theory.


  • Legend!
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I know I have a hard time with doing extended workouts due to getting really pumped in that muscle group before it fatigues.


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I get it too. It happens when I take a break from lifting heavy and switch to 20-30 rep sets. I think the reason for it is since my body is so used to heavy workload and fast twitch muscle activating, when I shock it with high reps and slow twitch activation, it does just that, shocks the body...of course I have no science to back this up though.


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I know I have a hard time with doing extended workouts due to getting really pumped in that muscle group before it fatigues.
Wow we should work together on this. I also have that problem. I know I'm not fatigued, but my muscle just can't fully contract. hmmmm...


I get the shakes in my legs after I work my calfs. Kinda gets annoying while you're trying to take a piss, or just sitting down. But you get used to it.


New member
I get various muscles in my body tremble from time to time even if I'm not cold - no particular reason - especially my hands -i don't smoke or drink cofee or take any stimulants- the doc says that its the unconscious release of stress/tension - even though I dont consciously feel stressed.
I do get the violent shaking thing when doing unweighted situps - but this only started when I started doing weighted situps. Another side effect of that strong abdominals is that the last time I puked (morning after the night before) I burst blood vessels in my face - for about 3 days I walked around looking like I had taken a beating
