Having a breakdown - Can I gain back any muscle on CKD



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Guys my life is in the shitter since I cought swine flu.

In 1.5 weeks I have lost 6 pounds - that might not sound like much to some of you but I was 5 pounds higher before I started dieting so I have gone from 217 to 206. I have to fight for every friggin pound and my cycle results are all but 100% lost. To make it even better I thought I was getting better so I am 2 days into a keto diet and still sick.

My question is:

Is there ANY chance muscle memory will save me and I will get any of my muscle back despite the diet?

I am so depressed about this that I don't know how to deal with it.


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While I havent gotten "larger" while on my CKD diet, I am getting stronger week by week. That is for sure. So yes, I believe if done correctly, strength can increase on a CKD.


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I am just having a total breakdown - all my muscle from my cycle is gone from getting sick.

I really dont know what to do with myself - im just going to bget ****ed up beyond recognition till i figure this out


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No need to do that bro, it will just make things worse. It's just muscle..it will come back.


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No need to do that bro, it will just make things worse. It's just muscle..it will come back.
I really dont know if it will... I am not coming off this diet after suffereing through the first couple days which are the worst and on this diet I dont think I can gain in back.

Really having a breakdown, my entire year is ruined and i did a heavy cycle to get to where I was going to be and now it was a total waste


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Setbacks are always rough; hang in there man.

From my experience, you can definately put on muscle using CKD. You're weight might not change since, at least for me, it tends to be a recomp oriented diet. I like using overfeeding during the carb days with calorie deficits during the remaining days. I like to split them up carbing up on Tuesday's and Saturdays with the day after each being my lowest calorie day.

If you want to go for an all-out bulk, I've seen a couple logs where folks used CKD for bulking with great sucess and minimal fat gain. The only two that I can remember atm, are one by Pmiller and another by Rugger (who used it on a cycle).


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just eat some cookies and icecream and it will all be ok. i'm telling you, it works.


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Are you still able to eat your required calories? Just stay on your diet and get better. Don't go off the deep end. Does your livelyhood depend on you being a certain size and body compostion? If not, then it's not the end of the world. I know it sucks spending a bunch of money on supps, and planning out your year, but crap happens. I was going to really cut up this summer until August, then add back a few pounds, and be shredded for a cruise first part of December. On May 5, which was tuesday, I got into an argument with my boss while I was out of town for work, and he was going to dock me about $1000 of planned overtime for the rest of the week. I was livid since I was 4 hours from home for 2 weeks. I did like everyother male I have ever talked to and punched the nearest thing in a fit of rage. It was either masonry walls or metal door, so I picked the door. 1 Broken hand. I went home early, and it cost me about $700 in lost wages for the week. 6 weeks later, still in a cast, doing mediocre workouts to try to maintain as much as possible and slowly leaning out. Now my setback was self-induced and yours wasn't. I deserved mine and you didn't. But at the end of the day, if you have your health and you are alive, be thankfull. You are still young, you can bounce back. Be thankfull you aren't one of the statistics that didn't survive the swine flu.


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I can function... I cant go out in public, I am close to quiting my job basically I am having a breakdown...

I cant even get into ketosis - everything is a failure


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Why is this the end of the world? Why is this worth quitting your job over? Why do you think you can't even get into ketosis?

Obviuosly, you aren't a failure, look at your avatar pic. You aren't the only person to have a setback, and won't be the last. But it aint worth going off the deep end over. Get your head on straight, and do what you can to minimize the damage. Stressing so much is not good when your body is already stressed fighting the virus. Getting f***ed up beyond all recognition will wreck your progress even more. There is only 2 things you can control, your actions and your attitude. Period. Get your attitude right and take necessary actions to minimize the weight loss, and you will be better before you know it. You need to take the emotion out of the picture and use your head. Anytime a person acts on emotion to make a big decision, they usually screw it up, because they don't really evaluate it.

You are a grown man, pull up your panties and act like one.


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Should I just give up on ketosis?

Its been 3 days and I dont even have trace plus all the muscle I lost.

I really need to diet HARD but maybe I can do 3 higher carb days and 4 low carb days and more cardio... I dont know keto use to work so well but i look so horrible right now


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Just because you don't have trace on a ketostick doesn't mean you aren't in ketosis. There are plenty who don't show up on those things. Slow down and relax man, your responses don't indicate that you even recognize what people are telling you. You asked for some help, why not slow down and process what has been given. If you aren't lifting, your muscles won't grow anyway. So relax and get rid of the flu and then stay on your game plan.


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Ketostix are a waste of money. I say this in hindsight :(

Stick with it bro. It sounds like you're craving some carbs hardcore man. Maybe get some 5-htp or something else to help with mood.


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Ketostix are a waste of money. I say this in hindsight :(

Stick with it bro. It sounds like you're craving some carbs hardcore man. Maybe get some 5-htp or something else to help with mood.
NO its that ALL my muscle is gone - really all of it that i put on from my cycle is 100% gone. Ive never seen anything like it in my life


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Easy come easy go, right. You are still 206, you aren't withering away. Are you eating enough? If not, then quit whining and keep eating.


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You still haven't answered the question of are you eating enough.


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how about get you head out of your ass and use some brain cells. You obviously aren't eating enough calories, which is why you are losing. Keto diet is still calorie dependant, not just macro. Eat more protein. how many calories were you eating before? you still need that amount. adjust the macros to equal at least 1 gram of protein per pound. The ratio of fat CALORIES to Protein CALORIES should be 1.5/1. Not just grams of fat and protein being 1.5/1.

Sorry for sounding harsh, just stop and think.


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how about get you head out of your ass and use some brain cells. You obviously aren't eating enough calories, which is why you are losing. Keto diet is still calorie dependant, not just macro. Eat more protein. how many calories were you eating before? you still need that amount. adjust the macros to equal at least 1 gram of protein per pound. The ratio of fat CALORIES to Protein CALORIES should be 1.5/1. Not just grams of fat and protein being 1.5/1.

Sorry for sounding harsh, just stop and think.
Head out of my ass? how much do you know about getting into ketosis and glucogenesis?

If I can get in it at 150 its not gonna happen higher... I am getting convinced that keto is for fat people


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But if you aren't getting ENOUGH CALORIES, no matter what the macros are, you will lose weight. Right or wrong?


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I'm not trying to get into a pissing match here. You are just over emotional and overreacting. I am just trying to get you to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. If I am just getting you mad, then I am not helping your situation, just making it worse, and I apoplogize. Until you can calm down and relax, you can't make any rational decisions. I understand how bad it must suck. I and the others are just trying to let you know it's going to be ok.


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Get the f*ck off the keto diet and eat up.

I'm really confused as to why you'd run Keto immediately following a cycle.


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Am I the only one reading this that thinks the OP is being entirely irrational about all of this? I get it, he spent a bunch of time, money on "supps", sweat, and pain, and now it's gone. Just 1 cycle, not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things.

Regardless, enough calories in=maintained body weight. Maybe he shouldn't rely so much on supps, then what he gained would be more permanent.


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Just sounds like he's having a rough time man...


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I know he is, and that's why I just want to shake him like my parents did me to get me to snap out of it. It's not as bad as he thinks, if he would eat enough, he would minimize the damage.


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wow dude 2700-03000 als for an endo is enough ****


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wow dude 2700-03000 als for an endo is enough ****
Does that mean you are eating 2700-3000 cals? If you are limiting yourself to 150 grams of protein, then are you eating 250 grams of fat to get the rest of the cals? Don't forget, most people do drop some quick water weight the first few days of a keto diet, sick or not.

I'm really not trying to be a prick here, again I apologize if it sounds like it.


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I think the loss would have more to do with the cycle, and PCT... i.e. test levels did not rebound properly.

Though I have no idea what cycle you ran, or your PCT protocol...


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I think the loss would have more to do with the cycle, and PCT... i.e. test levels did not rebound properly.

Though I have no idea what cycle you ran, or your PCT protocol...
I am NOT in PCT!!

I am on 200mg tren EOD and a bunch of other stuff!


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Also day 4 and first thing in the AM not even TRACE ketosis


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Why not post up some more info? You said you started dieting and lost 5 pounds before you got sick. Then you lost 6 more after you started a keto diet mid sickness. What was your objective before you got sick? What was your diet strategy you were going to run on your cycle? Was your purpose for the cycle to lean out, or just bulk up? Why did you change your diet strategy after you got sick? This isn't to attack you, it's so we can get a better picture of your situation. You have given 1 minute worth of info and asked for suggestions, when we need more like 5 minutes of info.

"Should I just give up on ketosis?

Its been 3 days and I dont even have trace plus all the muscle I lost.

I really need to diet HARD but maybe I can do 3 higher carb days and 4 low carb days and more cardio... I dont know keto use to work so well but i look so horrible right now "

Why do you need to diet HARD? Your body is trying to fight off a viral infection, it's going to be outta wack, not to mention the extra chemicals you are putting in it. You can't and shouldn't expect to stay hard and ripped while your body is fighting something that has killed people. It's just not realistic.


New member
Yes, muscle memory will help you in the end. It's just water and Tren anxiety. Losing this much weight in muscle alone is impossible. IMO, scrap the diet, keep the muscle and restart the diet in 2 weeks.

Look: The number of calories in a pound of muscle is 2500 x 11lbs lost= 27,500 calories.
Lets say your daily cal intake is on the low end at 2700 x 11 days= 29700.

So, to lose 11 pounds of muscle, and lose no fat, you'd have to burn: 57,200 calories and not use any for any bodily function related to anabolism or fat storage...while using Tren. Again, not possible. The only thing that depletes this fast is water.

Best case scenario is IMO is to eat whatever you want, retain all your hard-earned muscle, and start the diet again in two weeks. So you've only lost 2 weeks time and no muscle from your cycle.

The Tren will sort out any extra fat issue for a week or two. Sickness is thermogenic, you're not gonna get fat.

Remember: You're a bit sick and on a powerful drug that's known to cause anxiety. Just know this and say to yourself, "F**K it, I rule!" You'll be back in the mix in no time!


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You're in the middle of a Tren run.... go eat. Forget ketosis.

Good post above.


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D@mn brenn took my thunder on this one. The caloric deficinecy he talked about is dead on. Also in order to waste that much muscle mass, in that time would frankly leave you a handsome young corpse.

Muscle stores a kissing cousin of hemoglobin called myoglobin. Myoglobin hold onto one oxygen and doesn't show cooperative binding curved and hemoglobin can hold onto four. Before I get way too in depth, the reason you would be dead is because of a phenomenon known as rhabdomyolysis. This is geneerally due to trauma or severe metabloic disturbances. What would have happened if you lost 11lbs of muscle in six days is that your kidneys would have shut down.

1. You're either on dialysis while typing this up.
2. You're Jesus, and people should be a lot nicer to you on this threat.
3. You may have lost sum muscle, but mostly glycogen and water when your body was in a hyperactive state with the Gordy virus.

All in all, you should be thanking you're stars that you didn't actually lose 11lbs of muscle in 6 days, because otherwise you wouldn't be able to read this awesome post through 6 feet of ground and a cedar window.

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