H-drol | Havoc


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I have made some changes and this is what I now now going to run:

Everyday during Cycle:
- Fish oil (3 softgel capsules)
- multivitamin (Opti-Men - 3 tablets)
- Milk thistle (4 capsules)
- Cycle Assist (C.E.L.)
- test base??

Cycle Supplements:
Week 1: 2 h-drol
Week 2: 2 h-drol
Week 3: 2 h-drol
Week 4: 2 h-drol
Week 5: 3 h-drol
Week 6: 3 h-drol

PCT (got my hands on some Nolvadex):
- Week 1 & 2: 20mg/day
- Week 3 & 4: 10mg/day

- Will also add some natural test booster and maybe DAA

What do you guys think? better?


I have not done a PH in about 2 years now. I figured this would be a good one to start again. I was going to just do h-drol, but I found a bottle of Havoc in my room that expired about 45 days ago, so I figured I would make use of it instead of throwing it away.

Everyday during Cycle:
- Fish oil (3 softgel capsules)
- multivitamin (Opti-Men - 3 tablets)
- Milk thistle (4 capsules)
- Cycle Assist (C.E.L.)

Cycle Supplements:
Week 1: 2 h-drol
Week 2: 2 h-drol, 1 Havoc
Week 3: 2 h-drol, 2 Havoc
Week 4: 2 h-drol, 2 Havoc
Week 5: 3 h-drol, 2 Havoc
Week 6: 3 h-drol, 2 Havoc

My questions are:
- Since the Havoc is already expired... should I just do 3 caps of h-drol week 3 to 6?
- I am worried that my PCT is not sufficient enough. What do I need to take along side the PCT Revolution Black?
- make up something to tell my Doc that they might give me some sort of script pct?
- I am prone to gyno, experienced it a little my first time. what should i do to prevent this / get rid if it happens?

I am starting today


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torem for pct but in my honest opinion, proper training, a good diet, and rest > any ph cycle in the long run. ph's are like fast gains, tough on your body and lead to long term injuries, mess with you t and then after gains fade. If you just trained hard natty, you have no worries with health and will be in the same strength/size. h-drol was my fav ph btw. just my .02


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Okay I am the kind of man who stares a horse in the face and says "Hey that's a horse."

First off you are 156lbs unless you are negative 10% bodyfat you are tiny. Second off you are stacking epi with h-drol (terrible idea).
Third off you have to realize that muscles are grown in the kitchen, the gym, and the bedroom. AKA you need to eat sleep and lift and looking at your stats you are Jack Skeleton or you used to be 6'7" and someone cut off your legs. Fourth off you have no idea what you are doing suggesting black revo as your pct and being prone to gyno.

So in summary eat more lift more, research more, then run gear.


New member
Dont run them together without a serm. 5weeks of epi 20,20,20,30,30 or 5weeks h-drol 50,50,75,75,75 is the max doseing id run on either solo with otc pct only. Both are mild solo at moderate doses and cycles under 5weeks and will still produce good gains if you havent used in 2years(your receptors should be sparkling clean).


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does anyone have any good reccomendations for a test base? everything I have found is a lotion (topical) or it reduces fat, im bulking, dont wanta reduce fat.


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Nothing wrong with lean buld bud, u want 10lbs of muscle, or 15lbs of undefined bulk that you will have to cut anyways. One step is better than two


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Okay I am the kind of man who stares a horse in the face and says "Hey that's a horse."

First off you are 156lbs unless you are negative 10% bodyfat you are tiny. Second off you are stacking epi with h-drol (terrible idea).
Third off you have to realize that muscles are grown in the kitchen, the gym, and the bedroom. AKA you need to eat sleep and lift and looking at your stats you are Jack Skeleton or you used to be 6'7" and someone cut off your legs. Fourth off you have no idea what you are doing suggesting black revo as your pct and being prone to gyno.

So in summary eat more lift more, research more, then run gear.

I am 4% bodyfat.

I got my Nolvadex from my doc. But there are soo many of these Canadian pharmacies online, haha. Honestly seem like they are just sugar pills to me. I would be worried about doing a PCT with a pill that could just be nothing.


5'10 156lbs. How old are you again? Too small to have tapped out natty, maybe u should learn better nutrition, the ph won't d anything but hurt you if u don't know how to eat


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just weighed myself this morning at also now. at 161 lbs. I will post my weight each week


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I am at 170 lbs right now!

I am also at 3 h-drol pills a day and not sure the best way to take them.... split up and take a 3 dif times during the day, 2 in the morning and 1 at night or the other way around? any ideas?


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Split em up evenly AM, Mid day, Night

I am at 170 lbs right now!

I am also at 3 h-drol pills a day and not sure the best way to take them.... split up and take a 3 dif times during the day, 2 in the morning and 1 at night or the other way around? any ideas?


New member
Important Issue.

I finished my 6 week cycle 6 days ago. My doc was outta town and I did not get my script for Nolvadex till today! I started taking PCT Revolution Black the day my cycle ended b/c I did not have my Nolva. (my balls are back, so it works. haha). I was planning on doing 20mg, 20mg, 10mg, 10mg after my cycle, but now im all screwed up. since its only been 6 days should I take the Novla like I was going to or since I took the PCT Revolution Black the last 6 days, just keep taking it and do 20, 10, 10? please help!


Take PCT as planned and you should still recover well.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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whats the best time to take the Novla? I have 20mg pills.. take 20mg before bed? for split it up? 10 and 10
Take the full 20mg in the morning. Its a single tab no need to split and dose twice a day


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Take the full 20mg in the morning. Its a single tab no need to split and dose twice a day
Would you also reccomend doing the 4 weeks starting now too? instead of the 3? didnt know if i really needed all 4 weeks or 3 would be ok
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Would you also reccomend doing the 4 weeks starting now too? instead of the 3? didnt know if i really needed all 4 weeks or 3 would be ok
Do the full four weeks 20/20/10/10


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What is the best time to take this Nolva. Am or Pm. And same time all 4 weeks?

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tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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What is the best time to take this Nolva. Am or Pm. And same time all 4 weeks?

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First thing in the am, that way you dont forget your dose but, it doesnt really matter..

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