Growing on Test/Tren/Para/A50



Yeah but switching from that right into deca caused some serious bloat


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I've seen vendors selling the methyl-test in 10 and 25 mg. tabs. I'm getting the 25 mg. tabs.

I was thinking of dosing maybe 50 mg. about 90 minutes PWO.
That's a strong dose by the way.
How much of the 50mg is actually test? Meaning is it like the esters where there isn't as much test in there? Or is it possibly more potent?

I know you and I both have pinned over 100mg test suspension :)

That was fun....


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How much of the 50mg is actually test? Meaning is it like the esters where there isn't as much test in there? Or is it possibly more potent?

I know you and I both have pinned over 100mg test suspension :)

That was fun....
I'm sorry. I think you may have misunderstood what compound I'm talking about. Methlytestosterone is an oral, bro.

Here's a little info:


We can see that it is 17-alpha-methyl altered so that the hormone can survive its first pass through the liver, and be effective as an oral agent, rather than just being destroyed by the liver.
Luckily, it doesnt have adverse effects on cholesterol and, and can even lower plasma viscosity (Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2002 Aug;57(2):209-14. ). And, since this is just testosterone, altered to be orally available (some users actually let the tablet dissolve under their tongue for increased absorbtion),Its also worth noting that this compound converts to DiHydroTestosterone, which can cause prostate enlargement and hair loss.
I think that the effect youll typically get from Methyltest is most comparable to that of the short (or no) ester testosterones (i.e. suspension or propionate). Ergo, I believe you will get a bit stronger.
The members of who liked Methyltest generally cited effects such as increased strength and aggression while using it, especially when it was taken before workouts. Herein lies the most effective and common use for Methyltest in a cycle: rapid increases in strength and aggression when a dose is taken prior to a workout or athletic event, 25mgs taken an hour before working out or competing should be sufficient for this purpose, Powerlifters also love this drug and it is often used prior to competitions as well as prior out workouts.

Using Methyltest 3-4x a week before workouts will help you derive more benefits from those workouts (and this will be especially important on a cycle), while minimizing possible issues with liver toxicity.


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I'm sorry. I think you may have misunderstood what compound I'm talking about. Methlytestosterone is an oral, bro.

Here's a little info:


We can see that it is 17-alpha-methyl altered so that the hormone can survive its first pass through the liver, and be effective as an oral agent, rather than just being destroyed by the liver.
Luckily, it doesnt have adverse effects on cholesterol and, and can even lower plasma viscosity (Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2002 Aug;57(2):209-14. ). And, since this is just testosterone, altered to be orally available (some users actually let the tablet dissolve under their tongue for increased absorbtion),Its also worth noting that this compound converts to DiHydroTestosterone, which can cause prostate enlargement and hair loss.
I think that the effect youll typically get from Methyltest is most comparable to that of the short (or no) ester testosterones (i.e. suspension or propionate). Ergo, I believe you will get a bit stronger.
The members of who liked Methyltest generally cited effects such as increased strength and aggression while using it, especially when it was taken before workouts. Herein lies the most effective and common use for Methyltest in a cycle: rapid increases in strength and aggression when a dose is taken prior to a workout or athletic event, 25mgs taken an hour before working out or competing should be sufficient for this purpose, Powerlifters also love this drug and it is often used prior to competitions as well as prior out workouts.

Using Methyltest 3-4x a week before workouts will help you derive more benefits from those workouts (and this will be especially important on a cycle), while minimizing possible issues with liver toxicity.
Nah brah. I knew it was oral, but it even says it is close to suspension, so why not take 100mg pre workout is my real question? It looks like almost all of the pill is test but I was curious if the weight was taken before or after methylization?


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Nah brah. I knew it was oral, but it even says it is close to suspension, so why not take 100mg pre workout is my real question? It looks like almost all of the pill is test but I was curious if the weight was taken before or after methylization?
Yeah, I meant to come back and edit the first part of my post. I realized after re-reading your post that you understood it was an oral.
You know me, I'm very willing to increase dosages above the commonly recommended dosages on these type compounds. NO FEAR!!

25 mgs. is what tha article suggested. I've seen most guys using it @50 mg. PWO.
I'd venture up to 100 mg. if I didn't feel like the 50 mg. was doing me justice. It is very toxic, but with pulsing it only PWO 3 X per week, the toxicity issues wouldn't be as bad. Not that I put a lot of stock in these toxicity issues anyway. I believe they have been way overblown.

It looks like almost all of the pill is test but I was curious if the weight was taken before or after methylization?

This part I'm unsure of. I'll have to either do more researching or ask someone in the know about that. :deal:


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i would think that methyltestosterone is not just orally bioavailable testosterone.
just like methyldrostanolone being superdrol as opposed to masteron, i think methylation changes the characteristics of the compound alltogether. i could be wrong though, just a guess.


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i would think that methyltestosterone is not just orally bioavailable testosterone.
just like methyldrostanolone being superdrol as opposed to masteron, i think methylation changes the characteristics of the compound alltogether. i could be wrong though, just a guess.
You're not wrong. I in no way expect methyltestosterone to work like injectable testosterone. I rather expect it to function more like MDHT. My very reason in wanting to run it. Instant androgen rush.

Quick BOOM!!!



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I can't wait to get some feedback on this although I don't think it is an option for me.

If it is anything like MDHT, Jesus my man. Your going to break some barbells!

I agree the toxicity levels of things have been blown up entirely too much, but my to be quite honest with you, I could be an alcoholic if I wanted to be. I spent too much time drinking too much in my early 20s before I wised up. No more now, but I do what I can to steer clear of demolishing my liver, or what's left of it. :)


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I can't wait to get some feedback on this although I don't think it is an option for me.

If it is anything like MDHT, Jesus my man. Your going to break some barbells!
I fully expect it to blow MDHT outta the friggin' water. I only compared the two because both are dihydrotestosterone (DHT) based. The true alpha-male androgen.

You and I both know that MDHT is much milder and unfortunately weaker than we expected it to be.
I've seen quite a few user reviews on MethylTest and the users LOVED it!!

I can't wait to rock dat shizz. :firedevil:


lol I'll be on steakadrol for awhile.... (and gh ;D)


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