****GHENERATE MY COMBACK!!!-Sponsored by LG Sciences****


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At the end of October I suffered a debilitating back injury that sidelined a log I was running. I was attempting to get my deadlift to 600lbs. I have a PR of 505 and thought chronicling the journey would be a great way to keep my goal on track as well as test out the full line of LG Sciences over the course of the journey. Thread can be found here:
***Road to 600: Paved by LG Sciences!*** - Page 3 - Bodybuilding.com Forums

After the back injury my return to training was slow. Soon there after both of my shoulders flared up and once again training was halted. As the weeks passed my lack of training and even greater lack of dietary fortitude combined with a wonderful girlfriend that just loves to bring her man pints of custard I have ballooned up and lost much of the little definition I had to begin with.

Here are some pics taken about a month before the injury:

Here is the mess that I currently call my own:

As you can see I have some work to do. It is hard for me to look at that pic and it really motivates me to get my butt in gear. So the plan is as follows:


6 sprays postworkout or precardio on non lifting days
6 sprays before bed

2 caps AM precardio
Weekends Off

Lipotropic protein
2-6 scoops a day

2-6 servings/day
I use two servings(six scoops) 1-3x/day​

In addition to these supps are my basic health products:
Joint product
Adrenal support
Anti Ox
Prostate formula
St. Johns
Fish Oil

My overall goal is a Recomp. I am looking to get the fat to a respectable level and regain the muscle lost during my hiatus. Other supps that I will be looking into will be T-911 and MMXL. Others might be incorporated as I see fit.

My basic foods have not changed and can be seen here:
Bodybuilding.com Forums - View Single Post - ***Road to 600: Paved by LG Sciences!***

Well fasted AM cardio starts tomorrow and I just took my first dose of Ghenerate. I will update as often as possible and new progress pics will be taken every couple of weeks.

Take care,


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Rock a bye baby.....

Day 2

Well I am two days into Ghenerate and already notice the effect on sleep. Not only do I sleep like a baby but also a rock. I generally get up about 2-3 hours after I fall asleep to pee(I take a bunch of supps before bed and always drink a lot of water, not a prostate issue.) The last two nights I have been going 4-5 hours before I awake. Also getting back to sleep is much easier.

I have a harder time getting up but once up all it takes is the light on and I am GOOD TO GO! So so far the sleep is getting to be a better quality. This would be expected with the subsequent increase in my GH pulse.

You might not think about this as an issue as much as you would for say a protein, but you should. I have taken some sublingual supps in my day that were a struggle to keep under the tongue for extended amounts of time. From the horrid tasting to one that felt like battery acid eating away my mucosa. NO worries with Ghenerate. The taste is great!

Off to do more fasted cardio! Have a great day everyone!


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sub'd. Can't wait to see end result!

Usinf Ghenerate too. I'm about two weeks deep and the first thing i noticed was the pumps i get on this stuff. It's hard to move my arms after a heavy set. you notice this?


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Day 3

Had my first weight training workout on Ghenerate last night. Too early to notice anything. I train my entire upperbody twice a week. Workout 2 which I did yesterday is the lighter of the two with the reps in the 12-20 range and each rep has a true 3 second negative. Negatives are far more important than the concentric part IMO.

Did one hour fasted AM cardio this morning. Treadmill at 3mph and 1.0 incline. This will be slightly altered as I go to continue to see progress.

I dose the Ghenerate a little differently than label recommendations as I feel my dosing is more conducive to my current goal, recomposition. I take one dose pre cardio in the AM to take advantage of the lipolytic effects of GH. I then take one dose post workout to take advantage of GH's anabolic/anti-catabolic properties. I then take a pre bed dose.​


  • Established
sub'd. Can't wait to see end result!

Using Ghenerate too. I'm about two weeks deep and the first thing i noticed was the pumps i get on this stuff. It's hard to move my arms after a heavy set. you notice this?
I have not noticed this yet but to be fair I am only 3 days in and only one weight training session has taken place. Now that I think about it I did notice a little more tightness, aka pump, when doing hypers. Many things could have influenced this and I will not attribute this to G yet.

Really I never expect results with anything not stim based in the first week. That is why this log will be a minimum of 12 weeks and might go 16 even.

We will see...


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I have not noticed this yet but to be fair I am only 3 days in and only one weight training session has taken place. Now that I think about it I did notice a little more tightness, aka pump, when doing hypers. Many things could have influenced this and I will not attribute this to G yet.

Really I never expect results with anything not stim based in the first week. That is why this log will be a minimum of 12 weeks and might go 16 even.

We will see...
I like your dosing protocol! Might have to give that a try. How do you plan your meals around that?

I ask 'cause you said to stay away from carbs and fat before and after dosing. I saw your thread where it posts your food but I'd like to see how your meals are planned out.

Yeah, the fullness and "pump" feelin started around week 2 for me.


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Starting to, well work!

Day 5

Well all the AM fasted cardio is starting to pay off. I am already noticeably leaner, mainly water dropping due to carb restriction but there is some fat loss for sure. If I can keep this pace I will put some pics up soon showing the improvement!

Trained upper body heavy today and had some good numbers. Nothing earth shattering but reps went up on everything. I have decided to add in MMXL at some point. I think it will make a perfect combo with Ghenerate.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


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I like your dosing protocol! Might have to give that a try. How do you plan your meals around that?

I ask 'cause you said to stay away from carbs and fat before and after dosing. I saw your thread where it posts your food but I'd like to see how your meals are planned out.

Yeah, the fullness and "pump" feelin started around week 2 for me.
I take a dose immediately after waking. I then do 45-60 mins of cardio. I take a dose postworkout and wait about 30-40mins and then slam some Lipotropic protein. I then eat about 3/4lb of venison or steak. The pre bed dose is taken when I get off of work and then I eat about 30-40 mins later and hit the hay.


Pro Virili Parte
  • RockStar
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subbed!! im a big fan of LG's products myself.. nice to see a full out LG log... best of luck to you bud!!
j rad

j rad

New member
Subbed. Interested to see results, I have never run a GH supp aside from melatonin and l arginine. Id like to see numbers and pics! Im interested in running a GH supp program in the future, but have not had good experiences with LG. Change my mindset?
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