Funniest thing you've seen at the gym.....



New member
im sitting here at work reading this and everyone else is all quiet and im randomly cracking up out loud and getting looks...thanks guys :veryhappy:

anyway here's my story and its as much gross as funny.

so any guy here knows that the bathroom part of the lockeroom usually has more piss on toilet paper on the floor then floor tile that being said i do my best to avoid pissing at the gym but sometimes it cant be avoided.

so at our gym the bathroom area is really small and consists of one urinal and one stall. i walked (carefully) up to the urinal and started and just then another guy walked in and went into the stall to piss (of course standing up).

well, i noticed that he was in there for a second and i didnt hear any water hitting water then i looked over and saw a growing puddle next to the toilet for a second then it stopped and the normal sound i expected was heard. (aparently he was pissing on the floor for a sec and then realized it)

ok...thats not the funny part...

i got done and went back to put my stuff in the locker an noticed this old guy (late 50s - 60s), fat, and butt naked jog past me to the bathroom area with a newspaper... i didnt think much of it until i walked past the bathroom area and saw him sitting in the stall...

bare feet taping to an imaginary beat in the freshly layed down piss puddle while he was reading the paper! :veryhappy:


Primordial Performance Rep
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lol i goto BALLYS!
Haha. I am at a loss. I've seen pretty bad at mine, especially since it is in a less then spectacular part of the city, but your story tops all mine.

Weirdest part of bathroom behavior I have seen was a guy who literally trailed clothes to the shower, until a trainer called him out on it.

But, in genral, Ballys ftw. It doesnt get cheaper. I figured I will give myself about another 1.5 years of lifting before shifting to a more meathead gym. (By then I should be able to afford the extra membership dues and fit in a little better).


New member
Haha. I am at a loss. I've seen pretty bad at mine, especially since it is in a less then spectacular part of the city, but your story tops all mine.

Weirdest part of bathroom behavior I have seen was a guy who literally trailed clothes to the shower, until a trainer called him out on it.

But, in genral, Ballys ftw. It doesnt get cheaper. I figured I will give myself about another 1.5 years of lifting before shifting to a more meathead gym. (By then I should be able to afford the extra membership dues and fit in a little better).
we go there because my office covers 100% of my and my wifes membership costs (-:

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