
julius kelp

julius kelp

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1st ph/ps transderm cycle i did a month ago. i did 2 parts 1-t to 3 parts 4ad. seemed fine at the time. by week 4 i had blown up like a baloon! people were starting to talk. i saw a product the other night that was including like 100mg/day formestat in it. will this work?


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What you are referring to is an anti-estrogen compound that is best used to prevent testicular shut down during a cycle. Since it appears that yours is over, and you gained some water, as some do on 4AD, simply wait a week or teo for your body to reacheive its water balance.
julius kelp

julius kelp

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next time...

thanx custom, cool logo. i was talking about the next cycle really. i saw a formulation of like 4g 1t +8g 4ad & 1.5g formestat. i thought maybe that it would combat the water retention.


good idea

Yes it would work and is a good idea. 6-OXO powder thrown in would work as well. This will begin to catch on widely.


Hang'n & Bang'n
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What you are referring to is an anti-estrogen compound that is best used to prevent testicular shut down during a cycle. Since it appears that yours is over, and you gained some water, as some do on 4AD, simply wait a week or teo for your body to reacheive its water balance.
An anti-E is used during a cycle to minimize bloat and gyno. It's not really used to prevent testicular shutdown (suppression). Testicular shutdown is a result of a feedback loop mechanism that your body uses to control natural test production. The more you artificailly increase test levels thru AAS/PH, the more your body will suppress natural test production.
julius kelp

julius kelp

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yea, i think i'll throw 100-150mg/day in the mix.
julius kelp

julius kelp

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should i get off the creatine while "on" cycle. does this effect the excess water retention?


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Well creatine water retention is via a different pathway but it is still subcutaneous water. The reccomendation has always been drop the creatine while on and then reload on the last three days of your cycle, This will give your system something else to grow on once your off ph. I dont know that you have to come off but I cant see it hurting your gains either.


New member

An anti-E is used during a cycle to minimize bloat and gyno. It's not really used to prevent testicular shutdown (suppression). Testicular shutdown is a result of a feedback loop mechanism that your body uses to control natural test production. The more you artificailly increase test levels thru AAS/PH, the more your body will suppress natural test production.

Although you are correct, it is interesting to note that testicular "atrophy" seems to have more to do with estrogen feedback rather than the amount of androgen or duration of your cycle. Meaning, using a anti-estrogen or anti-aromatase during a cycle of aromatizable androgens may actually help prevent testicular "atrophy" but of course will not do much to prevent suppression of the hpta.


I've been using 300mg of formasin while on my 4ad cycle and it does noting for my nuggets (what nuggets?). Did seem make a sore titty go away though.
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