First sarm cycle/pct


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Feb 9, 2020
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Gonna be doing my first ever cycle of sarms. Did pro hormones in early 20s but nothing else. 30 now and having been lifting on and off for 15 years.

Should I start with Rad or LGD? Gonna order from proven pep. planning for 8 week on cycle. Should I take a test booster with it?

Where can I buy good pct over the counter. What all should I take for pct? Not interested in going to the doctor for prescriptions. Recently got blood tested and everything was normal range. Are there over the counter stuff that will work for pct?

Any suggestions would help. Basically looking for over the counter stuff, if anyone could recommend an entire stack that would be awesome.
I get good gains from LGD, havent tried RAD140 myself. For PCT I used Clomid + OTC Nolvadren XT, BLR Rebirth and Sustain Alpha. You will probably recover fine without a SERM, but I would still use Clomid to not lose gains and increase your testosterone asap. I did a cycle log for my 2nd LGD cycle along with bloodwork, LGD will suppress you pretty hard if you run above 10mg:
As far as RAD vs. LGD, it just depends. I got pretty good strength from LGD and pretty good size without much strength from RAD, but I’ve heard guys get the opposite.

No, don’t run a test booster with it, save that for after if you want.

With anything hormonal, I would recommend against OTC PCTs. A SERM is definitely the way to go.

Also, get on cycle support. I don’t care what anyone says, SARMs have at minimum the potential to be just as harsh and suppressive as any other oral anabolic, so be prepared for that.
As far as RAD vs. LGD, it just depends. I got pretty good strength from LGD and pretty good size without much strength from RAD, but I’ve heard guys get the opposite.

No, don’t run a test booster with it, save that for after if you want.

With anything hormonal, I would recommend against OTC PCTs. A SERM is definitely the way to go.

Also, get on cycle support. I don’t care what anyone says, SARMs have at minimum the potential to be just as harsh and suppressive as any other oral anabolic, so be prepared for that.

This has you covered except I prefer LGD to rad. Lethargy does get bad so have a base or some dermacrine like states above to try and help.
This has you covered except I prefer LGD to rad. Lethargy does get bad so have a base or some dermacrine like states above to try and help.

Dermacrine is great base for any cycle. Plus with code chef you can get 25% off on iconic’s site. May not hurt to get a sustain alpha as well.