First log - havoc, keep it brutal please


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Day 5

Was going to hit the gym late but decided to take a rest day just for av6258, couldn't get to Taco Bell but had some tostadas at home.

No headaches today.

Legs are screaming from yesterday so that's good.

Added some taurine today, not sure if I had back pumps or if I was just sore from straight leg deads, either way I'm more or less good today.

Going into long class and work week tomorrow so workouts will be late, I'll update if I have time... Going for a light run in the snow in a minute.


New member
Epistane is not going to work unless you hit the gym. There is no such thing as a magic pill. I've been sick all day long with a stomach virus and a fever and I still found the strength to get up and perform leg day. As far as supps, I'm taking my multi plus a vitamin c tab. I'm going to look into more for the immune system


New member
Epistane is not going to work unless you hit the gym. There is no such thing as a magic pill. I've been sick all day long with a stomach virus and a fever and I still found the strength to get up and perform leg day. As far as supps, I'm taking my multi plus a vitamin c tab. I'm going to look into more for the immune system
Look up some info on probiotics.. Might help.


New member
Day 6

Nothing new to mention realy

Good chow day, good workout.. Core and legs, also kettle bells, little light running. Felt a little lethargic.


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Day 7

Going to weeklys from here out.

Great workout today- chest/back, felt great, strength is up, joint pain is down.

Gained 1.5 lb so far, may have lost some in fat.

Gains have been good some places, not so much others.


New member
Quick day 11 check in as I have a couple questions..

What is the most common week/day that people realy see epi kick in?.. I have had noticeable strength gains but not much in weight/size. No PR's yet, but noticeable strength and endurance.

When taking 40 a day would it be better to take 20 am - 20 pm?, I have been taking 10 spaced out throughout the day.

Over all doing well, great chest/back workout today, sleep has been good.


You should be starting to see a difference around this time and it will just get better and better day to day, if diet and training is on point. Yes, take 20 am and 20 pm.


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I took my doses about every 6 hours if possible. I'm not sure if thats correct but it worked best for me. IIRC epi has a 6-8 hour half life.


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Let me ask you guys a quick ball question, so I'm day 12 and I'm having a bit of testicular atrophy already... Down about 2-3 mm on each nad.

Should I be worried?


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End of week - 2

So I started to lose that "on" feeling about the middle of week two, strength, endurance, energy.. all down.

Gains are so so.. the tape is showing a little, mostly in shoulders/chest, but I was down a half pound at the end of week two.

workouts (still on Arnold blueprint) and diet have been more or less on point, but I could be getting more sleep. =/

Other than a bit of nad shrink, no sides to note.


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help! super bad joint pain, should i head straight into pct or what should i do? it's unbearable


New member
help! super bad joint pain, should i head straight into pct or what should i do? it's unbearable
I'm going to just repeat what I've read on the forums here,.. It's all about omegas and water.

I had a little knee joint pain here and there but not to bad.

What I'm doing.
-joint sup (joyful joints)
-lots more water than normal (gallon'ish)
Several fish oil (personally I use cod liver oil which is dosed on a spoon)


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Epi is hard on the joints since it dries you out so much.

Get some Super Cissus.


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You're drinking a gallon a day or a gallon more than you have been? I'd be having close to 2 gallons a day.

Are you having the recommended 4 capsules of JJ per day? I think some people run 6 just to get enough cissus and glucosamine


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End of week 3. (Which was Wednesday)

Strength has been back up, endurance too. My real hold up right now is this rotator cuff.

Biggest gains are chest and shoulders by far, even though I hit legs as hard or harder, still almost no size gains there. (Daddy long legs curse).

Sleep has been easy and deep, enjoying this.

No sides to speak of.

Back up a half pound.. Weight does not match tape measure, recomp??


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End of week 4- end of cycle

So I'm calling it a wrap a week early for a couple reasons;

1- I think I may have been taking fake **** from jongator (eBay)

2- my shoulder is in such a mess now that I can't reach in the back seat and the pain wakes me while sleeping. I want to finnish pst before I have surgery in a month or so.

I'll give my end of cycle report here, and we will never know if it was fake or not.

Results - Well I expected better since I have friends out of state reporting 10lbs added muscle with epi in 4 weeks with less gym time than me. End of the day I lost a half pound, + 2 inches shoulders, +1 1/4 inch chest, +1/4 inch bi's, + 1/8 inch forearms, 0 change waist (still have a nasty thin guy fat gut) +1/4 inch thighs, -1/8 inch calves.

I felt ok during, but I still look like a pile of ****. (Thin-fat, worst fu&king body type on earth).

Sides.. Nothing realy to speak of, except a few mm of testicular atrophy (maybe 5-10% size), which is the only reason I think this may have been real havoc.

So I started pct today, hope this doesn't mess me up if I never even got epi in me?..

So just to re'cap.. All I got out of the deal was shrunken balls... Awesome.


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Well even if it's fake epi, it sounds at least like you got some anabolic idk what. We'll see I got jong shiz too I'll be running eventually. Ah well its not too pricey. Could be worse yeah?

ActualLy AM now I'm curious just what is in jongator's stuff considering the effects.


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I'm still on pct. i'm feeling much better on pct than i did on cycle. I felt like **** on epistane. I planned a 6 week cycle but my joints were brittle after 5 weeks.

i also gained a good amount of fat too, probably due to poor diet though. I didn't have much testicular atrophy. nothing that was really noticeable, just a small decrease. I felt lethargic all cycle, joints killed me, acne was terrible, and strength went up a little but i started to have no motivation towards the end of my cycle.

I had roid rage as well and i was overall in a bad mood. now during pct, i love it! making gains and keeping it all as well. i'm on nolva, 20/20/10/10. i'm finishing week 2 at 20. I have to say that my sex drive is insane and i have never felt better while on pct.

Seems like i was feeling shutdown at end of cycle but now i'm feeling better than ever.


New member
so with all this being said stuff from jongator real or fake ? cuz i just bought some from him a week ago


so with all this being said stuff from jongator real or fake ? cuz i just bought some from him a week ago
Bruhhh just make a thread about this nigha Jongator instead of bumping all these old threads...

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