First Cycle


New member
I'm 34 260 6'2. I started working out 6 months ago heavy (6 days a week sometimes 2x a day + cardio). I started at 294 lbs and now 260lbs. I have been taking sarms but I'm gaining more muscle rather than losing fat. I take osta,card and sten. I'm a week away from ending the cycle.
I purchased anavar in hopes of , one day, getting to around 230lbs. Along with the purchase I am receiving 10ml x100mg of test prop.

While that one vial is not enough for a complete 8 week cycle, I would have to buy 2 more. I've read that anavar could be taken by itself so I also purchased nolva as a pct. Some say to run test as a base and some don't. What do you guys think ? How more beneficial would running test be rather than just anavar ?

My goal is to look toned ,lose fat and not look juiced out. If anyone can help out I would appreciate it. Thanks !
Did you just start lifting 6 months ago? And what's your diet
I've been lifting for a few years on and off. 8 years ago I was down to 235 and was able to get 315 up on the bench once.
6 months ago I switched from cocaine to the gym . I've been going very frequently.

I IF 16/8 some days. I hit the gym in the morning on a fast. Sometimes I wait til noon to eat. Some days I have peanut butter and toast with black coffee and a protein shake.

Snack wise throughout the day I eat cheese sticks, meat, pickles and I do cheat sometimes with some cookies lol. I always make the excuse that if I'm going to the gym everyday I'm able to have a little cheat snack 2x a week. Dinner is always chicken ,tuna, meat and some carbs with a protein shake.
Sounds like more concentration on diet and cardio..
Most believe a Test Base is always needed..A great deal can be achieved with Test Only..
No mention of bloodwork..that essential..
Sounds like some more research is needed..
I'd work on 300-500 calorie deficit and cardio for another 6-12 months and do another cycle when you're lean enough to bulk with it. Don't put your body through something it doesn't need to go through yet.
Also make sure you're getting enough rest and recovery. 6x per week and sometimes 2-3 workouts per day is too much for most guys who don't have excellent cardio already. Would probably kill me lol

Overall it sounds like you've made some really healthy choices in the last year, good for you and keep them going. I know it can feel urgent to get back to your past level of fitness, just trust that you know what you're doing and will get there without doing another cycle yet.
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