First Cycle Test C/Dbol need opinions


New member
Hey guys gonna be running a 11 week cycle, reason being that I can use 2 viles of test cyp 250.
This is my first cycle ever
I'm planning on starting in mid-august

test cyp (500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500)E4D
Arimidex(0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5) ED for first 6 weeks and 1 week before cycle, EOD from week 7 till end of cycle
HCG(500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500)E4D starting from 2nd week ending on 10th day after last injection of test c

PCT(2 weeks after last injection of test cyp)
Clomiphene Citrate(150/0/0/0/0/0)150 first day, then 100
Tamaxofen Citrate(0/20/20/20/20/20)
DHEA(50/50/50/50/) - cortisol control

Diet 3000~3500kcal
support supplements are in check

Is it okay if I inject HCG on the same day/time as the test cyp?

Please critique my cycle, planning to buy my gear by next week so that when I return to campus after the summer vacation everything is waiting for me:sgrin:
just want some opinions and advice before I make any payments.
Adex dosage seems extremely high...I feel like .5g ED would absolutely crater your estrogen, could result in a lot of problems...lack of boners being one of them ;)

Also, as far as HCG injection, typically it's reasoned that you want to inject it the night before a test injection, since that will typically be the time that your test is at it's lowest count.
Adex dosage seems extremely high...I feel like .5g ED would absolutely crater your estrogen, could result in a lot of problems...lack of boners being one of them ;)

Also, as far as HCG injection, typically it's reasoned that you want to inject it the night before a test injection, since that will typically be the time that your test is at it's lowest count.

I'm on 0.25mg ED with no sides yet; still feel like that's too much?

Also 600mg test-e and 20mg dbol
I'm on 0.25mg ED with no sides yet; still feel like that's too much?

Also 600mg test-e and 20mg dbol
Did you start taking it after having gyno symptoms? If not, it's impossible to tell. Reduce it to .25mg EOD, and if you don't develop sensitive nipples or lumps, then you know that was good enough. If you do experience those, then put it back to .25mg ED and they'll cease to be. I'd usually recommend that people keep an AI on-hand and only start dosing it after you feel excessive bloat or gyno symptoms, otherwise you could be potentially limiting your gains. Let's not forget that the original BBers who took anabolics didn't have any sort of AIs available to them.
Low doses of dbol is fine for 6 weeks. Personally I would bump to 30mg ED or more. Most guys run it at 50mg because it has a halflife of about 3-5 hours depending on who made it and how good they are. Remember you can always pulse it for your workout days and that allows you to extend the time on dbol past 6 weeks because it is much less stressful on your liver. JMO

As for the Adex I would drop down to e3d and see how your body reacts. If you dont get gyno symptoms 2-3 days after then I would leave it at that dose. Just try EOD and then wait. More is not always better when it comes to AIs. Estrogen is very important to building muscle and for your body to funtion. I have never been so miserable as when I ran gyno reversal protocol with LETRO and had my estrogen around 2-10%.... I say miserable and Im not kidding lol.

HCG should be taken the night before your Test Injection. The reason is because that is theoretically the point in time that your hormones are the lowest and your LH can be stimulated the best resulting in the greatest affect from the HCG. just my $.02
Yeah like Dave said I would do 30-40 mgs on dbol. I did 40mgs and felt amazing. Gained great size and my strength was insane