first cycle ever, testE400mg a week tren 200mg a week,


New member
May 22, 2023
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so thank you in advance for you help, so first of all i know all the consequences it's been almost a year of research and analyzing
i'm going to start my first cycle ever,
it's 12 weeks cycle
test E 500mg a week
tren 200mg a week
anadrol 50mg a day in the last 6 weeks
i'm 25yo 1year of lifting
177cm and 79kg
17% bodyfat
any one tried this cycle before ?
and yes i'm using tren on my first cycle please only positive feedback,
thank you again
If you only want positive feedback then you don't really want feedback at all. Nobody who's 25 and has only been lifting for 1 year should do a cycle, and definitely not 12 weeks of tren. If you're dead set on this then just do test.
thank you for the feedback, already took my decision
Absolutely no research went into this.
There is nothing at all positive about what you have planned.
It's a complete train wreck from end to end. Especially your attitude.

Wait until you have been lifting at least 5 years and then do a test only cycle with 200mg with proper PCT.
Or go to another forum that tells you - your the man for doing this "cycle".
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Everything is wrong here. The cycle, the decision and your attitude.
What’s the point of writing on a forum and asking for opinions if In the text you ask for only positive opinions aka you know what people are gonna say.
This younger generation is something else…

"Hey guys what you think about that? You’re not allowed to say what you think if it’s mean or if it’s not what I wanna hear"

On that note, welcome to the dark side! You’ll look back in 2-3 years and realise how silly you were, it’s fine most people go through that.
so thank you in advance for you help, so first of all i know all the consequences it's been almost a year of research and analyzing
i'm going to start my first cycle ever,
it's 12 weeks cycle
test E 500mg a week
tren 200mg a week
anadrol 50mg a day in the last 6 weeks
i'm 25yo 1year of lifting
177cm and 79kg
17% bodyfat
any one tried this cycle before ?
and yes i'm using tren on my first cycle please only positive feedback,
thank you again
That is a hell of a lot for a first cycle...did you research or read up on anything.
No way OP has the fortitude to actually PCT from a BLAST this strong…..This is a ticket to TRT…and not a valid one.

One year of training, you should be looking at creatine, Food!, maybe some pre workout/pump supps…whey protein.

I think we are being trolled?!
so thank you in advance for you help, so first of all i know all the consequences it's been almost a year of research and analyzing
i'm going to start my first cycle ever,
it's 12 weeks cycle
test E 500mg a week
tren 200mg a week
anadrol 50mg a day in the last 6 weeks
i'm 25yo 1year of lifting
177cm and 79kg
17% bodyfat
any one tried this cycle before ?
and yes i'm using tren on my first cycle please only positive feedback,
thank you again
I positively believe that you need to do more research because this is a terrible first cycle.
Since you probably wont listen, here are all the potentialside effects of this poorly designedfirst cycle.

Gyno, lactation, high blood pressure, no sleep, excessive sweating, lethargy, mood swings, erectile dysfunction. These Are what you need to look out for.

But since you don't know how to use test, tren or anadrol your not going to know what drug is causing what side effect. And since you don't know how to dose your ai, or caber you won't know how to treat any of these mysterious side effects. So your basically completely fuvked when these sides pop up.

So let's guess here. 400 test will probably require a half tab of exem or adex 2-3 times a week. Tren will increase your need for estrogen control most likely and anadrol may also cause more estrogen problems but not for everyone tho. So we got 3 guesses on what's causing the problem and no clue what to take to handle it. But if we're getting gyno we won't know if it's estrogen or prolactin gyno so we gotta guess and take prami or caber and guess on the dose and frequency of taking those things. Your definitely gonna need to be on 50-100mg of raloxifene as a prevention method for the mysterious gyno and telemasartan or something for blood pressure.

So if anyone is dumb enough to run this as a first cycle you better have all of the following on hand.

A pharma grade ai
Prami or caber
Raloxifene or Nolvadex
Telemasartan or a blood pressure med.

Your also gonna want a blood pressure cuff and a glucose monitor so you don't go hypo but seeing how your estimated bf is 17%, let's add the usual 5% misjudged estimate so your probably 20+% which means yiur probably eating a shitload of processed carbs so you probably won't go hypo.

If you want to run a cycle then take 300-400mg of nothing but testosterone and have a ai on standby and diet and cardio your ass off for 12-16 weeks and once you have a full outline of a 6 pack pull the plug and pct. Your next cycle run 300-400 test and 300-400 mast or eq, and after that cycle repeat and add 50mg of anadrol on training days the last 4-6 weeks.

Now after you learned how to use test and a few other compounds and got 4 or 5 cycles under your belt start with 10mg of tren ace daily. After 3 weeks or so go to 20mg tren ace daily and after 6-8 weeks pull the plug again.

Oh, definitely wanna have some tadalifil on hand in case you get a limp noodle
Since you probably wont listen, here are all the potentialside effects of this poorly designedfirst cycle.

Gyno, lactation, high blood pressure, no sleep, lethargy, mood swings, erectile dysfunction. These Are what you need to look out for.

But since you don't know how to use test, tren or anadrol your not going to know what drug is causing what side effect. And since you don't know how to dose your ai, or caber you won't know how to treat any of these mysterious side effects. So your basically completely fuvked when these sides pop up.

So let's guess here. 400 test will probably require a half tab of exem or adex 2-3 times a week. Tren will increase your need for estrogen control most likely and anadrol may also cause more estrogen problems but not for everyone tho. So we got 3 guesses on what's causing the problem and no clue what to take to handle it. But if we're getting gyno we won't know if it's estrogen or prolactin gyno so we gotta guess and take prami or caber and guess on the dose and frequency of taking those things. Your definitely gonna need to be on 50-100mg of raloxifene as a prevention method for the mysterious gyno and telemasartan or something for blood pressure.

So if anyone is dumb enough to run this as a first cycle you better have all of the following on hand.

A pharma grade ai
Prami or caber
Raloxifene or Nolvadex
Telemasartan or a blood pressure med.

Your also gonna want a blood pressure cuff and a glucose monitor so you don't go hypo but seeing how your estimated bf is 17%, let's add the usual 5% misjudged estimate so your probably 20+% which means yiur probably eating a shitload of processed carbs so you probably won't go hypo.

If you want to run a cycle then take 300-400mg of nothing but testosterone and have a ai on standby and diet and cardio your ass off for 12-16 weeks and once you have a full outline of a 6 pack pull the plug and pct. Your next cycle run 300-400 test and 300-400 mast or eq, and after that cycle repeat and add 50mg of anadrol on training days the last 4-6 weeks.

Now after you learned how to use test and a few other compounds and got 4 or 5 cycles under your belt start with 10mg of tren ace daily. After 3 weeks or so go to 20mg tren ace daily and after 6-8 weeks pull the plug again.
I feel bad that you typed or voiced that and he wil probably not listen. Smh
Since you probably wont listen, here are all the potentialside effects of this poorly designedfirst cycle.

Gyno, lactation, high blood pressure, no sleep, excessive sweating, lethargy, mood swings, erectile dysfunction. These Are what you need to look out for.

But since you don't know how to use test, tren or anadrol your not going to know what drug is causing what side effect. And since you don't know how to dose your ai, or caber you won't know how to treat any of these mysterious side effects. So your basically completely fuvked when these sides pop up.

So let's guess here. 400 test will probably require a half tab of exem or adex 2-3 times a week. Tren will increase your need for estrogen control most likely and anadrol may also cause more estrogen problems but not for everyone tho. So we got 3 guesses on what's causing the problem and no clue what to take to handle it. But if we're getting gyno we won't know if it's estrogen or prolactin gyno so we gotta guess and take prami or caber and guess on the dose and frequency of taking those things. Your definitely gonna need to be on 50-100mg of raloxifene as a prevention method for the mysterious gyno and telemasartan or something for blood pressure.

So if anyone is dumb enough to run this as a first cycle you better have all of the following on hand.

A pharma grade ai
Prami or caber
Raloxifene or Nolvadex
Telemasartan or a blood pressure med.

Your also gonna want a blood pressure cuff and a glucose monitor so you don't go hypo but seeing how your estimated bf is 17%, let's add the usual 5% misjudged estimate so your probably 20+% which means yiur probably eating a shitload of processed carbs so you probably won't go hypo.

If you want to run a cycle then take 300-400mg of nothing but testosterone and have a ai on standby and diet and cardio your ass off for 12-16 weeks and once you have a full outline of a 6 pack pull the plug and pct. Your next cycle run 300-400 test and 300-400 mast or eq, and after that cycle repeat and add 50mg of anadrol on training days the last 4-6 weeks.

Now after you learned how to use test and a few other compounds and got 4 or 5 cycles under your belt start with 10mg of tren ace daily. After 3 weeks or so go to 20mg tren ace daily and after 6-8 weeks pull the plug again.

Oh, definitely wanna have some tadalifil on hand in case you get a limp noodle
thank you so much, and this is how you convinced me to use only test, again thank you for your time and help
I feel bad that you typed or voiced that and he wil probably not listen. Smh

He’s a troll.

It’s either a big joke to him, or worse he’s serious & it’s a big joke to us because he’s an unsaveable stereotype: the Tik-Tok-Tren Gen.
I feel bad that you typed or voiced that and he wil probably not listen. Smh
He's definitely not going to listen. But, if he's gonna go balls to the wall then he should go all out and get some carderine to combat the tren sides

And tadalifil for his weiner

Some prami and raloxifene for his tots

Mine as well pick up some igf and mk while we're at it

Don't forget code smont for 15% off
Ha maybe!

But more like Reddit simp….A cycle like this with no base built, no diet/training experience etc. Must be a last ditch effort to appeal to women…
unfortunately it's not for women, already married with the cutest women on earth lol
Still doing yourself a great disservice running anything hormonal at your experience and knowledge level.

This a lifestyle…not a sprint to the finish line like social media has turned it into.

Congrats on finding ‘the one’! Honestly health and keeping your relationship solid should be your priority.

Still doing yourself a great disservice running anything hormonal at your experience and knowledge level.

This a lifestyle…not a sprint to the finish line like social media has turned it into.

Congrats on finding ‘the one’! Honestly health and keeping your relationship solid should be your priority.

thank you for your time and help,
Save the tren and anadrol for later cycles. 500. Mg of test by itself is plenty. You can only grow so fast. If you are in a hurry run it longer. 500mgs of test for a first cycle will build a lot of muscle. Pretty much my first injectable. Was still gaining quick and I think I planned on eight but a guy me another partial vial so it might of went ten weeks. Ha hard to remember it was long ago. So a smarter plan instead of anadrol and tren is just keep riunning the test longer. It will work you will be bigger at 16 weeks then you were at 12. At 20 weeks you will be even bigger. I used to run eight week cycles and the on thing is change I went back would to be always run 12-16 week cycles. Muscle takes time to build even with gear. 12 weeks is a good first cycle though. Then on a future cycle add anadrol or tren not both so you know how you respond. Some would argue anadrol is an advanced drug but at 50mgs it gives good gains and very tolerable. I'd add the anadrol into the second cycle. Tren you might want to save for awhile it is very hard on some people.