EvoMuse presents: Exemplar™


NutraPlanet Fanatic
This one was started a year and a half ago, but stayed in development until it was perfected. This is incredibly complex, both from a mechanism and a production standpoint. Hoping to have this ready for New Year, but Defuse and Gut Health restock sales will determine for sure.


Exemplar(tm) is a cutting edge nutritional supplement designed to primarily enhance the GLP-1 pathway, to sensitize thebody to insulin and suppress appetite to assist in lifestyle changes that will help the body burn fat and return to a reasonable baseline. Exemplar(tm) contains a potent GLP-1 agonist (which acts like GLP-1), an enzyme inhibitor to prolong the action, fat burning compounds, GLP-1 receptor sensitizers, and GLP-1 secretagogues (compounds which trigger the body to release GLP-1). It also seems to blunt the brain’s reward centers that are normally activated by yummy snacky carb heavy foods and reduce the cravings for junk, allowing you to choose your diet wisely rather than being driven by urges (sort of like going grocery shopping when you are starving...bad idea.)


GLP-1 is being covered extensively, lately, with the popularity of products such as Ozempic and Mounjaro. It is being touted as a miracle. They are mostly known for abolishing appetite for extended periods of time, resulting in rapid weight (not necessarily fat) loss, as well as extremely unpleasant side effects.

Far from being a miracle, the synthetic GLP-1 products are a temporary fix at best, with the bounce back being severe.

GLP-1 agonists imitate a hormone called GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide 1). Activating the GLP-1 receptor (usually by means of eating) triggers an insulin release from the pancreas as well as an immediate blunting of appetite (you know, since you just ate and all). The insulin “unlocks” the cells of the body allowing for those recently ingested nutrients to enter the cells to be burned (in the case of sugar), stored (as either glycogen or fat), or used for repair or building new tissue (in the case of protein.)

Normally this is essential for life to continue, as a bunch of sugars, etc rolling around in the circulation is not only useless for body functions but damaging to tissues.

Now, while blood sugar levels are high, and while insulin (released by the pancreas in response to those sugar levels) is circulating, the body will not burn fat. Why is that? Well, because the body burns fat in response to low fuel levels – notably not enough glucose (sugar) to meet the required demands such as exercise, hunting, fleeing from predators, etc.

Glucagon (related to GLP-1) is a dominant hormone that suppresses appetite. So you have something the clears blood sugar, which enables fat burning, and inhibits appetite. Short term it is quite effective, but it is simply not sustainable long term. Or is it?

EDIT: Quick aside. Every hormone in our body, once secreted, must also be broken down and eliminated by enzymes. In the case of GLP-1, the enzyme is called DPP4 (Dipeptidyl peptidase 4)

Insulin/Insulin Resistance and Obesity

As mentioned above, Insulin is released by the pancreas when elevations in blood sugar, and some amino acids (protein) are detected. This immediately shuts down fat burning, and reverses the process to begin storing nutrients in any available tissue, including fat cells.

The curse of modern excess, with high calorie foods readily available, is that people tend to “snack” constantly. We wind up pushing a steady stream of mostly carbohydrates into our bodies, which triggers a near constant insulin elevation. Now, much like lightly brushing your skin in the same spot for a long time, what initially feels good eventually deadens to that stimulation until you don’t feel much of anything. Insulin and cells are the same way. With insulin constantly “knocking” on those cells to open up and take in more nutrients, eventually the cells start ignoring that knocking, instead just turning up the TV volume and hoping that pesky insulin just goes away. Now without anywhere to store those nutrients (usually carbs/sugars) they just circulate around causing damage to nerves, blood vessels, and pretty much anything else they touch. The consequences can be miserable, crippling, and even deadly, and most certainly unattractive.



Adiponectin was named, a bit incorrectly, because it was thought to be secreted only by White Adipose (that ugly stubborn fat) as a balance for obesity. We now know that Adiponectin is also secreted by metabolically active tissues such as Skeletal muscle and the liver. It acts as an insulin sensitizer (which combats insulin resistance covered above) and acts to ramp up metabolism when adiposity (body fat %) becomes excessive. By increasing fatty acid oxidation, it works to keep our bodies within a reasonable body fat range. Usually.
The complexity of Leptin could take up dozens of pages and still not do it justice. Also secreted primarily by fat cells, Leptin acts both of peripheral tissues, but more importantly acts on the brain to control metabolism and appetite. Say you are hungry, so you grab a pizza. You eat a slice, maybe 2, and the Leptin signal to your brains says “Ok, that’s all the fuel you need” and shuts off your hunger signal. But let’s just say that this pizza is really, REALLY good...so you ignore it and keep eating. Eventually (not that first time, but if you overeat chronically) your brain will also start to ignore the Leptin “I’m not hungry” signal (like Insulin resistance, this is called Leptin Resistance) and instead your brain will start to signal that you are hungry. All…..The….Time.


Adropin is a new player entering the game, or at least our knowledge of it. Discovered only in 2008, Adropin is turning out to be one of the key players (with the previous 2) in balancing energy storage and usage. Adropin is secreted primarily by the liver and the brain, with lower levels secreted by the heart and the GI tract. Now, excess adiposity (obesity) massively lowers the body’s secretion of Adropin. Now, Adropin is being studied more and more, with these studies indicating that it is another key controller of metabolism and energy balance. As another piece in the metabolic puzzle, you can start to see how Insulin resistance, Adiponectin, Leptin/Leptin resistance, and obesity controlled suppression of Adropin lead to the mess that the Modern Western World (and increasingly other cultures) are experiencing with regards to health problems, lowered life span, a ridiculous number of prescriptions that don’t solve any problems, obesity, and overall lower quality of life. Of Note: Adropin seems to be a highly dynamic hormone. Though initially, rises in Adropin cause a reduction of body fat, if accompanied by overfeeding high fat or high sugar foods, the rise can exacerbate fat gain. Lesson – be mindful of your diet.


Before we get too far into this, let’s give you a quick lesson on Lipolysis. Despite some misinformation out there, lipolysis is not actually a process of burning fat. Lipolysis is taking the fat that is stored in your fat cells and “squeezing” it out, like juice from an orange. These freed fatty acids then take a few laps around the circulation, checking out the scenery and looking for somewhere to actually be burned, then if there is not enough demand they just boogie right back into that fat cell and you’ve accomplished nothing. And again, if the hormones are knocking but the cells won’t let them in, then that fat you want so badly to burn simply...won’t be.

Lipolysis is triggered by a reasonably simple process. Catecholamines (dopamine, adrenaline, etc) combine with something called Hormone Senative Lipase and cAMP (and a few others...so simple is relative) to signal to those fat cells that we need fuel STAT (usually in response to fight or flight).
Once released from the fat cells, as mention, it needs a destination. Moving on…


This is a bit tricky. CAMP, or cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, communicates to the rest of your body your “energy state”. When your fuel stores are full of a form called Adenosine TriPhosphate, then your body prefers to run on that. Ripping a phosphate group off (sort of like a road flare being scraped on the pavement) releases a tremendous amount of energy, to allow your muscles to move, etc. When the first phosphate is taken, you are left with Adenosine DiPhosphate (di meaning two). There is still energy potential there, though less. When that second phosphate is removed, you are left with Adenosine MonoPhosphate (mono meaning one) and a cascade occurs to signal your body that it needs to replenish. Body Fat is one of the first places it goes to replenish, which is what we are shooting for.

As mentioned in the Lipolysis section, cAMP is required for lipolysis.

Side Note: Adenosine, without any phosphates, causes your body to get very tired (which makes sense since energy levels would be low). Caffeine blocks Adenosine from docking with its receptor, which is how it keeps you awake.
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Im guessing its a AI? Exemplar, Exem-estane, but i got no guess on the plar
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Can't tell if he's just editing this write-up more or what but this teaser is a brilliant strategy to drum up hype lol
Some cutting edge ingredients. Waiting on verification that everything will be available in a reasonable amount of time.

Writeup is done.
Im guessing its a AI? Exemplar, Exem-estane, but i got no guess on the plar
I hope its something more novel than an AI. It's an exemplar so that means its a model; a standard of excellence; a representative of a concept.
I hope its something more novel than an AI. It's an exemplar so that means its a model; a standard of excellence; a representative of a concept.
Which is why I think it's the test booster with the ball inflater, plus he did mention something on facebook around this I believe.
Which is why I think it's the test booster with the ball inflater, plus he did mention something on facebook around this I believe.
That's not it
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Phosphodiesterases (or PDEs from here on out) are a family of enzymes that catalyze the inactivity (and therefore homeostasis) of the cAMP and/or cGMP systems. An example we should all be familiar with is PDE5, which reduces cGMP in the erectile tissues, suppressing erectile response. Viagra, Cialis, etc., all inhibit the PDE5 enzyme, which leads to accumulation of cGMP, relaxation of penile tissues, dilation of blood vessels and eventually an erection.

The cAMP and cGMP systems are tightly controlled by physiological signals in order to maximally preserve resources. The cAMP system, for example, is related to energy states using Adenosine as a backbone (think highly depleted ATP – Adenosine Triphosphate). Elevation of cAMP leads to lipolysis, the freeing of fatty acids for transport to metabolically active tissue for either conversion to ATP or, in our case, ketones

The main form of PDE of concern here (mostly) is PDE3b, the enzyme form activated by insulin to suppress lipolysis, allowing for the opposite to occur (storage of fat/carbs). By suppressing PDE3b, we preserve a state of lipolysis and fat continues to be transported to the liver and muscles for “burning”.

Appetite Suppression

As we have explained above, Appetite, even to the point of cravings, are powerful signals the body uses to basically force us to eat. However, when we abuse those signals and overeat (because food is yummy) the body’s tightly controlled systems go haywire. The brain is telling us we are starving while the body’s feedback mechanisms are saying “Whoa, horsey...that’s enough”. As the signals counteract each other, we eventually wind up in a chaotic state of near constant hunger and lose control of our urges. While not entirely our fault, initially it kind of is. As I’m fond of saying, as much fun as it was to overindulge, that is generally the amount it is going to suck to undo it. Luckily, thanks to some brilliant researchers and some strategically employed chemistry, we can make it suck less.

As a quick summary, let’s review:

GLP-1 – a hormone triggered by eating that causes an increase in insulin (to clear circulation of nutrients) and suppress appetite. We want to increase GLP-1 (or a substitute)

GLP-1 Receptor – the “receiver” of the GLP-1 signals. This receptor can become resistant just like insulin receptors and Leptin receptors, thus throwing off the signals.

Adiponectin – one of the “big 3” (in our product design here) that controls energy balance, appetite, fat burning, and metabolism. We want to

Leptin – another of the Big 3. Leptin is one of the primary hormones that signal to the brain’s Leptin Receptors that we are “fat enough” and we do NOT need to eat. Desensitization of these receptors results in near constant, and insatiable, cravings to eat. While we aren’t trying to increase Leptin levels, we are resensitizing the receptors which will, along with GLP-1, eliminate snacky cravings.

Adropin – the final in the big 3, and the newest discovery, Secreted by metabolically active tissues to kick them into overdrive to burn fat, we want high levels of Adropin in our bodies.

CAMP (forgive the capital C. Autocorrect). CAMP is one of the primary hormones that “opens up” fat cells allowing the fatty acids inside to exit and be burned in a process called Lipolysis. We want cAMP levels to be increased.

PDE3b – the Hormone that breaks down cAMP, triggered by elevated insulin levels. We want to block PDE3b to allow for maximum lipolysis.

Whew. Ok. Now that we have, hopefully, created a picture of our ideal hormonal state to lean out and get that body back to health, let’s review our formula.

Myricetin-Proline Crystalline complex – Myricetin is the absolute powerhouse ingredient that drives our formula. It is a flavonoid that is ubiquitous (extremely common) in plants. But we will get to that in a second. Let’s discuss functionality

GLP-1 – Myricetin is an extremely potent GLP-1 agonist (which means it activates the GLP-1 receptor and tricks the body into thinking that it IS GLP-1).


GSK-3b – we didn’t cover this at all, mostly because, like Leptin, to do it justice would require dozens of pages. Just need to know that GSK-3b (Glygogen Synthase Kinase 3-b) is a cruel taskmaster, tightly controlling anything that might try to kick into high gear. It prevents protein synthesis and muscle gain beyond simple repairs, it controls glycogen synthesis (as the name indicates) and it controls the fat burning processes that are “allowed” to take place such as thermogensis (burning fat to generate heat). While keeping the body within general parameters is important, so we don’t want round the clock inhibition, we want to inhibit this enzyme in bursts. Myricetin is an extremely potent GSK-3b inhibitor. In addition, activation of the GLP-1 receptor by default inhibits the GSK-3b enzyme.

Adropin – Myricetin has been shown to dramatically increase levels of Adropin in the body.


DPP4 – in addition to activating the GLP-1 receptor, Myricetin inhibits the dpp4 enzyme, prolonging the effects of GLP-1

Adiponectin – Myricetin increases Adiponectin levels in the body.

PTP-1b – another enzyme we didn’t really cover, PTP-1b is one of main culprits behind both insulin and leptin resistance, as well as playing a key role in vascular malfunction and cancer. Myricetin (and berberine) inhibits PTP-1b, thus helping to keep the body responsive to both signals.

Myricetin will also wash your car and mow your lawn. Not really, but Myricetin sounds wonderful. Why isn’t it in everything? Well, because when you ingest Myricetin, due to it’s very low oral bioavailability and crappy water solubility, your body can use less than 10%, and it is too pricey to mega dose. However, myricetin is very prone to forming crystalline complexes with other compounds, this increasing absorption. By combining Myricetin with Proline (a simple amino acid) we are able to increase absorption and availability dramatically.
Puerarin-Ascorbic Acid Crystalline Complex

Puerarin is the main compounds extract from something called Kudzu, an invasive vine. It is also, lucky for us, a valuable compound. As an isoflavone, it has very slight estrogenic activation – but not in the scary way. Puerarin protects the insulin manufacturing cells (b-cells) of the pancreas, stimulates insulin release, but most importantly Puerarin increases the number of GLP-1 receptors (upregulates) available for a more potent effect. Even better, Puerarin amplifies the strength of the GLP-1/GLP-1 Receptor interaction, which is also called signal transduction. So we get more receptors (docking sites) as well as a stronger signal .

Puerarin also amplifies the GLP-1 signal in the brain (notably the Hippocampus) which improves mood and increases satiety. There are also signs that Puerarin , if slightly unrelated, helps with suppressing age-related problems and neurodegeneration.. Again, Puerarin needs a little help getting absorbed and used by the body, which is why it is complexed with Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C). Puerarin also show pretty potent synergy with Matrine, which we will cover below.


Puerarin has also been shown to help build and/or preserve muscle tissue. This is essential when using GLP-1 products, as the reduction in appetite normally brings with it the urge to simply not eat – including not eatng enough protein. This leads to a state of catabolism and atrophy, which in addition to being unattractive (muscle gives the body its attractive shape) can exacerbate health problems and age-related degeneration.

Curcumin-Ascorbic Crystalline Complex

I’m sure by this point you have heard all about the incredible biological effects of Turmeric, and it’s key constituent, Curcumin. We won’t cover all the wonderful effects here, but will focus on how it relates to our product. Curcumin dramatically stimulates natural secretion of GLP-1 from the intestines and the pancreas. By adding natural GLP-1 to our alternate “agonist” we will be maximizing levels for additive effect. Curcumin also potently reduces stress in the Endoplasmic Reticulum, leading to a reduction in whole body inflammation, and activates the TGR5 receptor, usually triggered by bile acid release after ingesting fats. This process both amplifies GLP-1 release, assists with clearing triglycerides from the bloodstream, and helps trigger muscle growth and repair.


You have probably heard something lately about NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) caused by genetic factors as well as excessive triglycerides in the blood looking desperately for a place to be stored. Unfortunately, the liver is all too accomodating, leading to excessive fatty liver. Curcumin helps to clear those deposits.

Now, curcumin has dreadful solubility in water which severely limits its absorption and usage. We are using a two-pronged approach here to make it useful. The first is a crystalline complex with Ascorbic Acid (again, vitamin C) and the second is inclusion of a potent black pepper extract (see below) which increases absorption several fold. The result is we have a poorly absorbed ingredient that now becomes a star.

Forskolin-Caffeine Crystalline Complex

Forskolin is extracted from a herb primarily found in the East. It is incredbily unique in that is impressively elevated both Hormone Sensitive Lipase and cAMP, which trigger lipolysis. Remember, to be “burned” fat must first be released from the fat cells. As with other ingredients, absorption is an issue. Using a speclaized complex with caffeine (low dose, so should not affect sleep for your evening dose) we keep lipolysis blazing away, especially when combined with our next ingredients
Stem Bromelain

SB is a compound extracted from Pineapple Stems. It has an extremely potent action inhibiting the PDE3b enzyme we discussed above. Which means, even in the presence of slightly elevated insulin levels, fat burning will continue unabated.

Berberine-Nicotinamide crystalline complex

Berberine is a scary potent herbal extract that has major effects on the body with regards to blood glucose levels. It not only mimics the effects of insulin at the cellular levels, but dramatically increases natural GLP-1 secretion by changing the probiotic landscape of the intestines. Berberine also prevents hyperlipidemia, may help control elevated triglycerides, and helps shift intestinal bacteria towards a healthier biome makeup. Berberine also not only has very limited oral absorption, but that malabsorption can cause GI distress. Luckily, Berberine crystallizes beautifully with Nicotinamide, a form of Niacin, for excellent absorption and lowered dosage.



Berberine is also very potent at increasing a cellular transport called GLUT4. Primarily a Glucose transporter triggered by elevated insulin, it helps to bring glucose/sugar/carbs into cells to be stored. Berberine seems to prefentially activate GLUT4 in muscle cells first. Berberine also seems to have pronounced positive effects on cholsterol.

Matrine-Cyclodextrin Complx

Matrine is a special alkaloid extracted from the Sophora Flavascens plant. The extremely bitter properties stimulate a massive GLP-1 secretion from the intestines. Matrine also helps reverse insulin resistance, helps prevent fat gain, may help lower triglycerides, and increase something called Heat Shock Proteins, which help correct protein “errors” . Matrine also has a low oral absorption, but doesn’t seem to crystallize with anything we found, but we are combining it with small donut-shaped molecules called Cyclodextrins to increase absorption.


Black Pepper Extract (20% Piperine)

Piperine acts primarily as a p-GP (p-Glycoprotein) efflux pump inhibitor. When we swallow a (usually expensive) capsule of product, we want to absorb every little bit. At least as much as possible. Along with the crystalline complexes described above, we want to disable something called a p-GP efflux pump. The body is very selective about what it allows to enter your bloodstream. With some compounds, as the enteric cells of the intestines start to absorb something, the p-GP pump physically reverses it and dumps it back into the intestine, causing waste. The Piperine in Black Pepper inhibits this pump, allowing for vastly improved absorption. It is especially potent when used with Curcumin.

Gentiana Scabra

GS is a chinese herb used for centuries to help with Diabetes. Recently it was discovered that its extreme bitter properties affect certain bitter sensing cells in your intestine, causing a massive release of GLP-1. It also, somewhat, disrupts carbohydrate absorption in the intestines (not that you will be craving too many carbs). It has fantastic absorption on its own.



L-Borneol is a compound similar to camphor and menthol, with a huge cooling sensation produced when ingested. Along with being a second p-GP inhibitor, borneol dramatically increases absorption of flavonoids like Myricetin, as well as delaying their elimination in the plasma.


As you can see, Exemplar(tm) is a fully conceived and executed potent formula to assist with insulin sensitivity, carbohydrate cravings, appetite, and blood sugar clearance which also begins the process of fat burning. The numerous health promoting effects offer additional benefits. Using as directed will assist you in your health and fat loss goals. Onset is rapid and very noticeable, with pronounced appetite suppression within 2-3 days. Dosage is recommended first thing in the morning, and right before bed. It is recommended to drink at least 16 ounces of water with each dosage. While cravings will be reduced, it is crucial to be mindful of habitual snacking, so try to reduce access to junk foods like chips.

Exemplar(tm) literally translates to excellent example. Exemplar(tm) the product is an exceptionally designed lifestyle supplement designed to return your body to a state before temptations led you astray, and help you modify your behaviour to make the positive effects last, hopefully, the rest of your life if you are mindful.

Exemplar(tm): Giving you the best the help you to be your best.

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This one was started a year and a half ago, but stayed in development until it was perfected. This is incredibly complex, both from a mechanism and a production standpoint. Hoping to have this ready for New Year, but Defuse and Gut Health restock sales will determine for sure.


Exemplar is a cutting edge nutritional supplement designed to primarily enhance the GLP-1 pathway, to sensitize thebody to insulin and suppress appetite to assist in lifestyle changes that will help the body burn fat and return to a reasonable baseline. Exemplar contains a potent GLP-1 agonist (which acts like GLP-1), an enzyme inhibitor to prolong the action, fat burning compounds, GLP-1 receptor sensitizers, and GLP-1 secretagogues (compounds which trigger the body to release GLP-1). It also seems to blunt the brain’s reward centers that are normally activated by yummy snacky carb heavy foods and reduce the cravings for junk, allowing you to choose your diet wisely rather than being driven by urges (sort of like going grocery shopping when you are starving...bad idea.)


GLP-1 is being covered extensively, lately, with the popularity of products such as Ozempic and Mounjaro. It is being touted as a miracle. They are mostly known for abolishing appetite for extended periods of time, resulting in rapid weight (not necessarily fat) loss, as well as extremely unpleasant side effects.

Far from being a miracle, the synthetic GLP-1 products are a temporary fix at best, with the bounce back being severe.

GLP-1 agonists imitate a hormone called GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide 1). Activating the GLP-1 receptor (usually by means of eating) triggers an insulin release from the pancreas as well as an immediate blunting of appetite (you know, since you just ate and all). The insulin “unlocks” the cells of the body allowing for those recently ingested nutrients to enter the cells to be burned (in the case of sugar), stored (as either glycogen or fat), or used for repair or building new tissue (in the case of protein.)

Normally this is essential for life to continue, as a bunch of sugars, etc rolling around in the circulation is not only useless for body functions but damaging to tissues.

Now, while blood sugar levels are high, and while insulin (released by the pancreas in response to those sugar levels) is circulating, the body will not burn fat. Why is that? Well, because the body burns fat in response to low fuel levels – notably not enough glucose (sugar) to meet the required demands such as exercise, hunting, fleeing from predators, etc.

Glucagon (related to GLP-1) is a dominant hormone that suppresses appetite. So you have something the clears blood sugar, which enables fat burning, and inhibits appetite. Short term it is quite effective, but it is simply not sustainable long term. Or is it?

EDIT: Quick aside. Every hormone in our body, once secreted, must also be broken down and eliminated by enzymes. In the case of GLP-1, the enzyme is called DDP4 (Dipeptidyl peptidase 4)

Insulin/Insulin Resistance and Obesity

As mentioned above, Insulin is released by the pancreas when elevations in blood sugar, and some amino acids (protein) are detected. This immediately shuts down fat burning, and reverses the process to begin storing nutrients in any available tissue, including fat cells.

The curse of modern excess, which high calorie foods readily available, is that people tend to “snack” constantly. We wind up pushing a steady stream of mostly carbohydrates into our bodies, which triggers a near constant insulin elevation. Now, much like lightly brushing your skin in the same spot for a long time, what initially feels good eventually deadens to that stimulation until you don’t feel much of anything. Insulin and cells are the same way. With insulin constantly “knocking” on those cells to open up and take in more nutrients, eventually the cells start ignoring that knocking, instead just turning up the TV volume and hoping that pesky insulin just goes away. Now without anywhere to store those nutrients (usually carbs/sugars) they just circulate around causing damage to nerves, blood vessels, and pretty much anything else they touch. The consequences can be miserable, crippling, and even deadly, and most certainly unattractive.



Adiponectin was named, a bit incorrectly, because it was thought to be secreted only by White Adipose (that ugly stubborn fat) as a balance for obesity. We now know that Adiponectin is also secreted by metabolically active tissues such as Skeletal muscle and the liver. It acts as an insulin sensitizer (which combats insulin resistance covered above) and acts to ramp up metabolism when adiposity (body fat %) becomes excessive. By increasing fatty acid oxidation, it works to keep our bodies within a reasonable body fat range. Usually.
The complexity of Leptin could take up dozens of pages and still not do it justice. Also secreted primarily by fat cells, Leptin acts both of peripheral tissues, but more importantly acts on the brain to control metabolism and appetite. Say you are hungry, so you grab a pizza. You eat a slice, maybe 2, and the Leptin signal to your brains says “Ok, that’s all the fuel you need” and shuts off your hunger signal. But let’s just say that this pizza is really, REALLY good...so you ignore it and keep eating. Eventually (not that first time, but if you overeat chronically) your brain will also start to ignore the Leptin “I’m not hungry” signal (like Insulin resistance, this is called Leptin Resistance) and instead your brain will start to signal that you are hungry. All…..The….Time.


Adropin is a new player entering the game, or at least our knowledge of it. Discovered only in 2008, Adropin is turning out to be one of the key players (with the previous 2) in balancing energy storage and usage. Adropin is secreted primarily by the liver and the brain, with lower levels secreted by the heart and the GI tract. Now, excess adiposity (obesity) massively lowers the body’s secretion of Adropin. Now, Adropin is being studied more and more, with these studies indicating that it is another key controller of metabolism and energy balance. As another piece in the metabolic puzzle, you can start to see how Insulin resistance, Adiponectin, Leptin/Leptin resistance, and obesity controlled suppression of Adropin lead to the mess that the Modern Western World (and increasingly other cultures) are experiencing with regards to health problems, lowered life span, a ridiculous number of prescriptions that don’t solve any problems, obesity, and overall lower quality of life. Of Note: Adropin seems to be a highly dynamic hormone. Though initially, rises in Adropin cause a reduction of body fat, if accompanied by overfeeding high fat or high sugar foods, the rise can exacerbate fat gain. Lesson – be mindful of your diet.


Before we get too far into this, let’s give you a quick lesson on Lipolysis. Despite some misinformation out there, lipolysis is not actually a process of burning fat. Lipolysis is taking the fat that is stored in your fat cells and “squeezing” it out, like juice from an orange. These freed fatty acids then take a few laps around the circulation, checking out the scenery and looking for somewhere to actually be burned, then if there is not enough demand they just boogie right back into that fat cell and you’ve accomplished nothing. And again, if the hormones are knocking but the cells won’t let them in, then that fat you want so badly to burn simply...won’t be.

Lipolysis is triggered by a reasonably simple process. Catecholamines (dopamine, adrenaline, etc) combine with something called Hormone Senative Lipase and cAMP (and a few others...so simple is relative) to signal to those fat cells that we need fuel STAT (usually in response to fight or flight).
Once released from the fat cells, as mention, it needs a destination. Moving on…


This is a bit tricky. CAMP, or cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, communicates to the rest of your body your “energy state”. When your fuel stores are full of a form called Adenosine TriPhosphate, then your body prefers to run on that. Ripping a phosphate group off (sort of like a road flare being scraped on the pavement) releases a tremendous amount of energy, to allow your muscles to move, etc. When the first phosphate is taken, you are left with Adenosine DiPhosphate (di meaning two). There is still energy potential there, though less. When that second phosphate is removed, you are left with Adenosine MonoPhosphate (mono meaning one) and a cascade occurs to signal your body that it needs to replenish. Body Fat is one of the first places it goes to replenish, which is what we are shooting for.

As mentioned in the Lipolysis section, cAMP is required for lipolysis.

Side Note: Adenosine, without any phosphates, causes your body to get very tired (which makes sense since energy levels would be low). Caffeine blocks Adenosine from docking with its receptor, which is how it keeps you awake.
Damn just when I have 6 weeks left of my cut Before a bulk you tell me :( killing me @dsade
This one was started a year and a half ago, but stayed in development until it was perfected. This is incredibly complex, both from a mechanism and a production standpoint. Hoping to have this ready for New Year, but Defuse and Gut Health restock sales will determine for sure.


Exemplar is a cutting edge nutritional supplement designed to primarily enhance the GLP-1 pathway, to sensitize thebody to insulin and suppress appetite to assist in lifestyle changes that will help the body burn fat and return to a reasonable baseline. Exemplar contains a potent GLP-1 agonist (which acts like GLP-1), an enzyme inhibitor to prolong the action, fat burning compounds, GLP-1 receptor sensitizers, and GLP-1 secretagogues (compounds which trigger the body to release GLP-1). It also seems to blunt the brain’s reward centers that are normally activated by yummy snacky carb heavy foods and reduce the cravings for junk, allowing you to choose your diet wisely rather than being driven by urges (sort of like going grocery shopping when you are starving...bad idea.)


GLP-1 is being covered extensively, lately, with the popularity of products such as Ozempic and Mounjaro. It is being touted as a miracle. They are mostly known for abolishing appetite for extended periods of time, resulting in rapid weight (not necessarily fat) loss, as well as extremely unpleasant side effects.

Far from being a miracle, the synthetic GLP-1 products are a temporary fix at best, with the bounce back being severe.

GLP-1 agonists imitate a hormone called GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide 1). Activating the GLP-1 receptor (usually by means of eating) triggers an insulin release from the pancreas as well as an immediate blunting of appetite (you know, since you just ate and all). The insulin “unlocks” the cells of the body allowing for those recently ingested nutrients to enter the cells to be burned (in the case of sugar), stored (as either glycogen or fat), or used for repair or building new tissue (in the case of protein.)

Normally this is essential for life to continue, as a bunch of sugars, etc rolling around in the circulation is not only useless for body functions but damaging to tissues.

Now, while blood sugar levels are high, and while insulin (released by the pancreas in response to those sugar levels) is circulating, the body will not burn fat. Why is that? Well, because the body burns fat in response to low fuel levels – notably not enough glucose (sugar) to meet the required demands such as exercise, hunting, fleeing from predators, etc.

Glucagon (related to GLP-1) is a dominant hormone that suppresses appetite. So you have something the clears blood sugar, which enables fat burning, and inhibits appetite. Short term it is quite effective, but it is simply not sustainable long term. Or is it?

EDIT: Quick aside. Every hormone in our body, once secreted, must also be broken down and eliminated by enzymes. In the case of GLP-1, the enzyme is called DPP4 (Dipeptidyl peptidase 4)

Insulin/Insulin Resistance and Obesity

As mentioned above, Insulin is released by the pancreas when elevations in blood sugar, and some amino acids (protein) are detected. This immediately shuts down fat burning, and reverses the process to begin storing nutrients in any available tissue, including fat cells.

The curse of modern excess, which high calorie foods readily available, is that people tend to “snack” constantly. We wind up pushing a steady stream of mostly carbohydrates into our bodies, which triggers a near constant insulin elevation. Now, much like lightly brushing your skin in the same spot for a long time, what initially feels good eventually deadens to that stimulation until you don’t feel much of anything. Insulin and cells are the same way. With insulin constantly “knocking” on those cells to open up and take in more nutrients, eventually the cells start ignoring that knocking, instead just turning up the TV volume and hoping that pesky insulin just goes away. Now without anywhere to store those nutrients (usually carbs/sugars) they just circulate around causing damage to nerves, blood vessels, and pretty much anything else they touch. The consequences can be miserable, crippling, and even deadly, and most certainly unattractive.



Adiponectin was named, a bit incorrectly, because it was thought to be secreted only by White Adipose (that ugly stubborn fat) as a balance for obesity. We now know that Adiponectin is also secreted by metabolically active tissues such as Skeletal muscle and the liver. It acts as an insulin sensitizer (which combats insulin resistance covered above) and acts to ramp up metabolism when adiposity (body fat %) becomes excessive. By increasing fatty acid oxidation, it works to keep our bodies within a reasonable body fat range. Usually.
The complexity of Leptin could take up dozens of pages and still not do it justice. Also secreted primarily by fat cells, Leptin acts both of peripheral tissues, but more importantly acts on the brain to control metabolism and appetite. Say you are hungry, so you grab a pizza. You eat a slice, maybe 2, and the Leptin signal to your brains says “Ok, that’s all the fuel you need” and shuts off your hunger signal. But let’s just say that this pizza is really, REALLY good...so you ignore it and keep eating. Eventually (not that first time, but if you overeat chronically) your brain will also start to ignore the Leptin “I’m not hungry” signal (like Insulin resistance, this is called Leptin Resistance) and instead your brain will start to signal that you are hungry. All…..The….Time.


Adropin is a new player entering the game, or at least our knowledge of it. Discovered only in 2008, Adropin is turning out to be one of the key players (with the previous 2) in balancing energy storage and usage. Adropin is secreted primarily by the liver and the brain, with lower levels secreted by the heart and the GI tract. Now, excess adiposity (obesity) massively lowers the body’s secretion of Adropin. Now, Adropin is being studied more and more, with these studies indicating that it is another key controller of metabolism and energy balance. As another piece in the metabolic puzzle, you can start to see how Insulin resistance, Adiponectin, Leptin/Leptin resistance, and obesity controlled suppression of Adropin lead to the mess that the Modern Western World (and increasingly other cultures) are experiencing with regards to health problems, lowered life span, a ridiculous number of prescriptions that don’t solve any problems, obesity, and overall lower quality of life. Of Note: Adropin seems to be a highly dynamic hormone. Though initially, rises in Adropin cause a reduction of body fat, if accompanied by overfeeding high fat or high sugar foods, the rise can exacerbate fat gain. Lesson – be mindful of your diet.


Before we get too far into this, let’s give you a quick lesson on Lipolysis. Despite some misinformation out there, lipolysis is not actually a process of burning fat. Lipolysis is taking the fat that is stored in your fat cells and “squeezing” it out, like juice from an orange. These freed fatty acids then take a few laps around the circulation, checking out the scenery and looking for somewhere to actually be burned, then if there is not enough demand they just boogie right back into that fat cell and you’ve accomplished nothing. And again, if the hormones are knocking but the cells won’t let them in, then that fat you want so badly to burn simply...won’t be.

Lipolysis is triggered by a reasonably simple process. Catecholamines (dopamine, adrenaline, etc) combine with something called Hormone Senative Lipase and cAMP (and a few others...so simple is relative) to signal to those fat cells that we need fuel STAT (usually in response to fight or flight).
Once released from the fat cells, as mention, it needs a destination. Moving on…


This is a bit tricky. CAMP, or cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, communicates to the rest of your body your “energy state”. When your fuel stores are full of a form called Adenosine TriPhosphate, then your body prefers to run on that. Ripping a phosphate group off (sort of like a road flare being scraped on the pavement) releases a tremendous amount of energy, to allow your muscles to move, etc. When the first phosphate is taken, you are left with Adenosine DiPhosphate (di meaning two). There is still energy potential there, though less. When that second phosphate is removed, you are left with Adenosine MonoPhosphate (mono meaning one) and a cascade occurs to signal your body that it needs to replenish. Body Fat is one of the first places it goes to replenish, which is what we are shooting for.

As mentioned in the Lipolysis section, cAMP is required for lipolysis.

Side Note: Adenosine, without any phosphates, causes your body to get very tired (which makes sense since energy levels would be low). Caffeine blocks Adenosine from docking with its receptor, which is how it keeps you awake.
Sounds intriguing Matt . Always love reading your teaser previews and write-ups. I'm guessing myricetin-cocrystals (to inhibit DPP-4) will be making an appearance in this formula? 😎
Sounds intriguing Matt . Always love reading your teaser previews and write-ups. I'm guessing myricetin-cocrystals (to inhibit DPP-4) will be making an appearance in this formula? 😎
I had to break the writeup into sections and forgot to reserve space. Hoping @Admin can help fix it.

And also, can you pin it? Danke.
Super excited to try this, Brite already gives great appetite suppression, I recently also tried the Hi-Tech Slimaglutide GLP-1 supplement which while it worked gave me massive frontal lobe headaches that lasted 2-3 weeks each thrice. So hopefully this does not do the same 🤞🏻
Happy Holidays @dsade. What's the latest progress report on this upcoming dynamic formula?