ECA's for lean individuals?


New member
i have been questioning the effectiveness about ECA's for a long time now. i understand the "thermogenic effect" the ridding of brown adipose tissue etc... I Have taken products like ripped fuel, hydroxy cut, Xenadrine for years now, and back in the day i use to take ultimate orange. but for me the main reason to take these products was as an energy booster. i noticed the decreased appetite thing when i do take them. but i have lately really been doubting its effectiveness as a "fat burner". i have read studies in which they say ephedra (muahung) has fat burning properties, and other studies (a new one by columbia and princeton, i wish i could find it) that says the fat burning properties are very low, not worth the risk. so i have been starting to think that many people who are losing weight from these products are actually losing weight since they are not eating as much due to the appetite surpressant effect, hence they are creating a calorie deficit. so is there really fat burning? and from my clients i have seen the heavier you are, the more weight you can lose from these products. but what im getting at is, for example if someone is lean like 10%bf or less, i dont think they will benefit much from these products, other than preworkout.
what are your guys thoughts? im curious. anybody who is lean and lost bf with ECA's?
ECA's are shown to be anti-catabolic as well. So a "skinny" person would benefit from that aspect as well. Many people go on an eca after a cycle to help keep gains... Talk to ya...
The aspirin in ECA's are positive for many people, but I take Yellow Jackets like skittles for the energy boost and the feeling of Godliness.......

Ok maybe just the energy boost.
curt2go said:
ECA's are shown to be anti-catabolic as well. So a "skinny" person would benefit from that aspect as well. Many people go on an eca after a cycle to help keep gains... Talk to ya...
i totally understand that, and i advocate its use post cycle. but my question is the actual fat burning effect. do u think it exists?
I do. I believe that it does raise your metabolism and calorie burning. But I don't know by how much. There is studies both ways.. But I do agree with you that it suppresses appetite FOR SURE.. Thats why I stopped taking eph before workouts cause I could not eat after.. Talk to ya..
YellowJacket said:
The aspirin in ECA's are positive for many people, but I take Yellow Jackets like skittles for the energy boost and the feeling of Godliness.......

Ok maybe just the energy boost.
i should have figured you took YJ's! but seriosly what do u think about its so called fat burning effect? people from all wakes of life are buying these things buy the cartons, do they really burn fat. i think they do, but its a very miniscule fat burning effect. these people are losing weight from the appetite surpressant more than any thing is my opinion.
I agree with Curt and Id like to add that its a huge libido boost. You're sitting around, not wanting to touch cardio. Take an ECA and you're up and hyper as hell so you're on the treadmill or whatever and since these are relatively inexpensive, there a good idea. I use ECA's when bulking (no where near the doseage I use when cutting.)
i take ripped fuel sometimes for energy, but i dont like the effect of it after it stops working. like i take two iun the morning, and mid afternoon i get real tired and kind of depressed.
About 80% of the weight loss from ECA products (i.e. xenadrine, dymetadrine Extreme, Yellow Jackets etc.) comes from the loss of appetite.... and the other 20% comes by way of the increased caloric expenditure from the increased metabolic rate and jitters and hyperactivity (read between the lines: 20% of weight loss is from being a hyper mutherfucker).

the only reason why I take ECA at all is just for the caloric expenditure since I am already lean and do not have all that much fat to lose and while cutting I tend to naturally eat less anyway so I dont even need to take it for the appetite-suppressant (sp?) properties.


LG. :cool:
Im personally not a fan of ECA (due to the ABA policy on 21 days of being clean of ephedra before contest) but all I get out of it is a bit of energy for cardio. Thats it.
i guess we all look at ECA's the same way. and im glad no one see them as fat loss miracle pills, like the manufacturers want u to believe.
Originally posted by YellowJacket
I agree with Curt and Id like to add that its a huge libido boost. You're sitting around, not wanting to touch cardio. Take an ECA and you're up and hyper as hell so you're on the treadmill or whatever and since these are relatively inexpensive, there a good idea. I use ECA's when bulking (no where near the doseage I use when cutting.)

why do cardio when there is dnp :p
hey institutional, I agree that they are best used for energy purposes. I don't use them for fat loss anymore, I've been trying all the alternatives for the past year (why not?) like 7-keto, SU, NYC, Beta3, Gugg, etc. ANd to tell you the truth I think most of them work well better than an ECA for fat loss (maybe not energy though).