Alpha Lean 7 and AlphaDefy 25 day cut


New member
Hello all,
I am on a cut trying to slim down for a cruise get away. My cruise is 4/8 and I just finished up a month with True Shred, Youth GH, DAA Max. I was able to drop about 8 pounds on that with a slight calorie deficit.

Now I have dialed in my diet thanks to Macrofactor and am staying in a consistent deficit. I am also taking these 2 supplements to assist with body recomp and cutting fat. I will be adding some topicals starting 3/19 to try to help out as much as possible in my goal.

I am currently 235 aiming for 225 by 4/8. I think it is doable but I am trying to avoid losing muscle of course.

Here is day one progress
Starting weight 236.4 BMI 34.2 Lean Muscle 178 Body Fat 20.7

Morning Supplements
Fish oil
Multi Vitamin
Alpha Lean 7

I started the day with a 15 Minute High Intensity Kickboxing bag workout.

Afternoon Pre-work
Alpha Defy
Alpha Lion Pump
Limited workout with a friend that is recovering from an injury. Today I will do my usual workout program.
Leg Extensions

Bicep curls cable

Reverse cable curl

Preacher Curl

Leg Press

Reverse Curl Single Arm


Single arm bicep cable curl

Diet Goals
2150 Cals 190 Protein 50 Fat 235 Carbs
Actual for 3/15 Calories 2021 Protein 190 Fat 65 Carbs 172
PAI (Fitness Tracker score) earned 33
Day 2 down
weight 235

Morning Supplements
Fish oil
Multi Vitamin
Alpha Lean 7

I started the day with a 15 Minute High Intensity Kickboxing bag workout.

Afternoon Pre-work
Alpha Defy
Alpha Lion Pump
Bench press

close grip lat pulldown
90x 12

overhead dumbbell press
35lb dumbbells x 12
60lb dumbbells x 8
60lb dumbbells x6

lat raises
15 x 12
15x 12
15 x 12

face pulls
70 x 15
70x 15
70 x 15

Put in 5 more minutes of cardio kickboxing

Diet Goals
2150 Cals 190 Protein 50 Fat 235 Carbs
Actual for 3/15 Calories 2285 Protein 182 Fat 89 Carbs 189

PAI (Fitness Tracker score) earned 24

Still feeling pretty good on the cut.
In on this for sure! Excited to see the results that Alpha Lean 7 and AlphaDefy will bring!
I like the kickboxing for cardio. I do about 90% of my cardio punching the heavy bag or grappling and occasionally some kickboxing stuff. although I'm not very good at kickboxing.

But cardio is king if you have a short deadline.

I would put my weight lifting into maintenance mode and double down on my cardio for the next few weeks. You can lose a significant amount of body fat in 3 to 4 weeks.

Good luck bud, subbed
I was actually thinking of increasing my cardio routines. I do 2 1 hour kickboxing cardio classes a week and really enjoy it so I got a bag for at home and try to do 10-15 minutes prior to working out or when I need to get some stress relief. I just added morning routines to get in some fasted cardio before work.

I also just signed up for a 5K in a couple weeks so I may start incorporating some running even though I hate it. I just signed up to say I did it since it was a goal of mine last year I never got to. I got 20 minutes on the bag this morning but my fitness tracker turned off mid way through so not sure how hard I went.

I may pick up a sauna suit to start doing my cardio in just to add some additional stimulus.

I thought about stopping weights for a few weeks and just focusing on cardio but I don't want to lose muscle mass. I also lift more than I do cardio but I am ready to lose this fat so my muscles start to pop.
Day 3
Weight 236.2
Morning Supplements
Fish oil
Multi Vitamin
Alpha Lean 7

Afternoon Pre-work
Alpha Defy
Celsius Energy Drink

I skipped weights today and did extra cardio.
20 minutes on the bag this morning and then a 40 minute bag workout this evening. I wanted to go longer but had to attend to fatherly duties.

I have also been doing 100+ pushups everyday with a goal of 3000 for the month of March. This was something I saw on Facebook so decided to join the party.

I was wondering about the alpha Lean 7. Do people take multiples of this or take it throughout the day? Does it increase fat loss or is it mostly just energy and appetite suppressant? I have only been taking one a day as I have had good energy and will sometimes drink a energy drink before my afternoon workout. I am wondering if it would be more beneficial for me to take 1 in the morning and one mid day and just skip the other caffeine sources?

Workouts were really good and I ended with 45 PAI for the day which is the highest I have got in a whole. This week altogether I am at 207 which is the most I have gotten up to and will go even higher if I get an exercise in tomorrow too.
I was wondering about the alpha Lean 7. Do people take multiples of this or take it throughout the day?

When I was using it I was just doing 1 cap in the morning but you can take an additional cap ~8 hours later if you wanted/needed.
Day 4
Weight 236.2 No change today A bit surprising as it was dropping pretty quickly.
Forgot yesterday's Calories 2014 P186 F78 C140
Today's Calories 1920 P132 F55 C219
Morning Supplements
Fish oil
Multi Vitamin
Alpha Lean 7

Afternoon Pre-work
Alpha Defy
Second Alpha Lean 7
Alpha Lion Pump mix

Went on a jog with the family. Did 3.5 miles but it was a slow pace and walking /jogging. I could have got more in but am trying to spend time with family and create some new healthy activities to do together. Definitely felt the effects of the second Alpha Lean 7. Felt pretty good on the jog and Im usually not a fan. Had tons of energy for the rest of the evening. This weekend I doubled my normal daily steps. I usually get in 8k+ a day. Both days were 16k+.

Came back home had dinner and got a quick kickboxing cardio workout in. Then just did some DB hammer curls and overhead press. Didn't document it, just went until I got sore with the 35s.
Guess I didn't get my heart rate up that high today as I only got 19 PAI for the jog and kickboxing.

Tomorrow will be 3 weeks until the cruise. I am thinking of making some cardio challenges to complete each week to push me a bit further and to gamify it a bit. That or do some type of fasting, intermittent, protein shake only. water fast, idk.
Maybe this intermittent fasting week 1. 18-6
Week 2. Jog 1 mile every day
Week 3 500 crunches every day

Also what is everyone doing for cardio. no way I am going to do a 5k everyday. I always enjoy kickboxing but feel like I need some alternatives to keep it fresh.
Curious what you think about that Alpha Lean 7. I have some but only tried it a couple times as it seems to have given me the shakes a bit.
Curious what you think about that Alpha Lean 7. I have some but only tried it a couple times as it seems to have given me the shakes a bit.
I can definitely feel the stim but I have gotten used to it now. First day I did kickboxing cardio in the AM after taking it and felt incredible. I was able to go a lot harder than I normally would. I also felt the additional energy yesterday after taking the second pill ~7 hours later. That energy lasted throughout the night and I found it a bit difficult to fall asleep. It may have been better if I got a more intense workout in though. I may hold off on doing two pills in one day unless I have an intense workout session planned and wake up early to take the first one.

I also feel the effects of the appetite suppressant for most of the day with just 1. I basically eat just to get my protein goal met but could easily skip meals. While taking this I have been doing a double scoop protein shake and a yogurt for breakfast and that holds me over until ~1pm with no signs of hunger.

I have taken other fat burners like condemned labz arsynist and the alpha lion products and Alpha Lean 7 is definitely stronger than those. I was still hungy on the alpha lion supplements. I believe it was called cravings killer. I forget the other one I tried but this one is the most potent and takes a bit of getting used to. I have taken several high stim preworkouts in the past so it wasn't that bad compared to those. I feel the energy balances out after 2 hours but for the first 2 it is a little intense.
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I can definitely feel the stim but I have gotten used to it now. First day I did kickboxing cardio in the AM after taking it and felt incredible. I was able to go a lot harder than I normally would. I also felt the additional energy yesterday after taking the second pill ~7 hours later. That energy lasted throughout the night and I found it a bit difficult to fall asleep. It may have been better if I got a more intense workout in though. I may hold off on doing two pills in one day unless I have an intense workout session planned and wake up early to take the first one.

yeah I was thinking it put me in a situation where I needed to choose this, or coffee, and it was hard to give up the coffee. (largely because it's a morning ritual I share with my wife tbh)
yeah I was thinking it put me in a situation where I needed to choose this, or coffee, and it was hard to give up the coffee. (largely because it's a morning ritual I share with my wife tbh)
You could always do decaf if you want to continue drinking coffee and don't want to much caffeine. I did that for a while but I do drink a cup now in the morning, I just wait a bit after I take it
You could always do decaf if you want to continue drinking coffee

I know a lot of people who do this if they workout in the mornings and still want to take a pre workout or product with caffeine.
Day 6
Pretty good 1 hour kickboxing class yesterday
down to 233 this morning, Glad to see some more progress on the scale. I am starting to see some slight changes in my physique. I think this is mostly down to fat loss. I feel the Alpha Defy is likely helping me maintain my muscle or most of it during the cut. I have been doing weightlifting here and there while cutting but not as consistently as I was doing it. I bought Jeff Nippard Bodybuilding Phase 2 but havent started it yet and may wait until after vacation. I have also been seeing people talk about RP Strength app and am going to have to look up some talk about it on here to see if it would help. Macrofactor was a tremendous help so I am all about finding apps that can replace something I was doing inefficiently.

feeling a little worn out today. I have been hungrier lately too. 10 days into this program with Macrofactor and I have been under 2100 calories each day except 1. My expenditure is almost 4000 so I think the deficit is starting to wear on me.

I am thinking of cutting out all caffeine and just doing 2 AL7s a day to help with Cravings. I have already spaced my meals out a bit more to try to control cravings. My family also has a bunch of junk food in the house right now so that has not been helping. I am pretty confident I can reach my goal in the next couple of weeks. I cant wait to see the results either!
2100 calories each day except 1

Ouch 2100 calories is pretty low for me. I typically stay around 2600-2800 as my maintenance. I would be hungry for sure if at 2100.
Fell off a bit with my wife's birthday and our anniversary trip this past weekend. Weighed in at 237 this morning. I finished up the alpha defy. I think it helped hold onto a bit of muscle during the cut, but I don't see any tremendous difference compared to other natural anabolics I have tried. The other ones were Turk and Ecdysterone which I had a noticeable increase in strength and muscle hardness on but no so much with the alpha Defy.

Alpha Lean 7 seems to be very effective when taken for appetite control and energy. I noticed it missing this past weekend while I was out with my wife.

I am going to fast today until Wed or Thursday to lose some of the weight I gained on the anniversary trip quickly. Definitely not going to hit my goal of 225 before the cruise next week but am going to go even harder once I get back. I'm placing an order today for Stanoplex, cycle assist and optimize t. I am going to try running Icon 11 and Stanoplex together for 6 weeks to see if I can speed up my body recomp after the cruise.

Im not fretting the lack of progress too much. November 2022, I was 300lbs so I have still come a long way since then. Just looking to lean out a bit more and actually see some of these muscles I have been working hard for.

I thought about doing the 75 hard challenge when I got back. I need to check the forum and see if anyone else has done this and check into what all they are doing.
Alpha Lean 7 seems to be very effective when taken for appetite control and energy. I noticed it missing this past weekend while I was out with my wife.

Always good when you notice a difference when you're not taking the product. Means it working for sure!