EC stack not available, what to choose?


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It's that time of the year for me to shed some fat and get into the single digit %BF. Besides the EC stack, I have not really used anything to enhance my fat loss on top of my diet in the past 5 years, mainly because nothing seemed worthy, especially compared to the very cheap EC. I remember using Animal Cuts, but it did not seem to do anything more than what my caloric deficit was already doing. Unfortunately, the ephedrine is not available anymore where I live.
Would you recommend anything that could replace EC stack and it's worth the money? My research here shows Alphamine and Dexaprine XR (the only version we have here) to be quite popular, and I am thinking of trying one. Is there anything else out there? Should I stack them with something else?
I am really looking to find supps that are worth my money, because I have had my fair share with useless supps and high prices in the past. Right now I am using just the basic stuff - good whey protein, creatine, multi, omega 3.


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Huh? Where do you live? Walgreens, CVS, etc carry bronkaid and/or Primatene.


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I live outside of US, and none of these are available. Ephedrine is being used for producing illegal drugs around here, so it is illegal right now, and also very hard to find because of the demand.


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Dexaprine gave me great results leading up to each contest I did last year. Switched to TT-33 when I needed to take a break so I was ready for photo shoots. Those two are my recommendation. Were also working on Thermoxyn which I am excited for.
Alphamine I also hear great things of, but havent tried it yet. Plan to give it a shot this summer.


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I live outside of US, and none of these are available. Ephedrine is being used for producing illegal drugs around here, so it is illegal right now, and also very hard to find because of the demand.
Oh okay. Now I gotcha.


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PES Norcodrene, bulk forskolin, SNS yohimbe/green coffee bean, X Gels, anything with alpha-y in it like Genomyx AlphaBurn, and Dexaprine. All good choices that can fit a variety of uses. I'm also keen on transdermal products, don't know what the regulations are on those in your country though. Really though, if your diet it on point and you're in a calorie deficit, any of the products i mentioned will help in increasing positive body composition progress.


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Norcodrene, alphamine, forskolin

I don't think you can go wrong with either Norcodrene or Alphamine plus some Forskolin-95. Is Norcodrene available where you are at OP?


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Combustion by itself is incredible. The stim is great, not to mention the mood enhancement & appetite seppression. Combine this with DCP 2.0 for the stim free angle & you're golden.


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I don't think you can go wrong with either Norcodrene or Alphamine plus some Forskolin-50. Is Norcodrene available where you are at OP?
Unfortunately Norcodrene is not available here, and I can't seem to find in UK online stores too. I would probably order it from US, but it is going to take some time, so I am guessing I would have keep it for a later part of my cut.

For right now, it seems I have to choose between Alphamine and Dexaprine XR. Forskolin 50 is available here, 95 might have to wait for the later part.
I could also add Alpha-T2 or TT-33, which are available, what is your thought?

X-gels are not available, but we have X Factor. There is also Anabeta and Erase (not the PRO version though), I have seen people here use it on their cut.

I am not really looking to make a big stack from those, because it will be costly for me, but if they really produce actual results on top of what a diet can do, I am willing to spare the cash.


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I'd chose the AT2 over TT33. Dexaprine vs Alphamine is a tough one, but you can't go wrong with either, both solid companies. If you want I'd add in Erase too, would be a fun stack. I'd save the AB for recomp/bulk IMO

If all else fails you can't go wrong with Combustion :D


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Unfortunately Norcodrene is not available here, and I can't seem to find in UK online stores too. I would probably order it from US, but it is going to take some time, so I am guessing I would have keep it for a later part of my cut.

For right now, it seems I have to choose between Alphamine and Dexaprine XR. Forskolin 50 is available here, 95 might have to wait for the later part.
I could also add Alpha-T2 or TT-33, which are available, what is your thought?

X-gels are not available, but we have X Factor. There is also Anabeta and Erase (not the PRO version though), I have seen people here use it on their cut.

I am not really looking to make a big stack from those, because it will be costly for me, but if they really produce actual results on top of what a diet can do, I am willing to spare the cash.
I meant Forskolin-95 no idea why I said 50. :eek:

I wasn't ever really a fan of the ingredients in TT-33 (not a 3,3 fan and it was actually in the previous Alpha T2, so I am definitely in favor of the newer version with Bacopa and Oleuprin).

Honestly I am not a fan of putting a big stack together if you haven't used most of the products, so in your case I'd really just go with Alphamine or Dexaprine and if you feel lively throw Forskolin in with either of those. :)


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With your limited options, Norcodrene and Forskolin would be your best bet.


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Alphamine has treated me well. I also enjoyed my samples of Dexaprine but cant comment on its effectiveness as a fat loss supplement. The stim effect is incredible though!

I would run the Alphamine. That stuff never ceases to shred fat like crazy on me.


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Being that I have been away from burners for a couple of years, trying them one by one does not sound bad.

Norcodrene is one that I am definitely going to try when available. Dexaprine might be one of the first to try.

Between Alphamine and Alpha-T2, which one is better in terms of fat loss on top of an already good diet (precise calorie and macro counting)? I do not mind stims, but I do not really care for energy and focus. I am not using pre-workout for example. What I look for in a burner is allowing me to burn more than 0,5-1 pound of fat per week, which is already achieved by the diet, or at least keep losing that much when I reach 10% BF.


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Being that I have been away from burners for a couple of years, trying them one by one does not sound bad.

Norcodrene is one that I am definitely going to try when available. Dexaprine might be one of the first to try.

Between Alphamine and Alpha-T2, which one is better in terms of fat loss on top of an already good diet (precise calorie and macro counting)? I do not mind stims, but I do not really care for energy and focus. I am not using pre-workout for example. What I look for in a burner is allowing me to burn more than 0,5-1 pound of fat per week, which is already achieved by the diet, or at least keep losing that much when I reach 10% BF.
Alphamine gets my vote over AT2 if choosing one.

I like Norco and Dex but if you've been a few years without stims I would try Notco first. Dex is a really heavy hitting stim


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Being that I have been away from burners for a couple of years, trying them one by one does not sound bad.

Norcodrene is one that I am definitely going to try when available. Dexaprine might be one of the first to try.

Between Alphamine and Alpha-T2, which one is better in terms of fat loss on top of an already good diet (precise calorie and macro counting)? I do not mind stims, but I do not really care for energy and focus. I am not using pre-workout for example. What I look for in a burner is allowing me to burn more than 0,5-1 pound of fat per week, which is already achieved by the diet, or at least keep losing that much when I reach 10% BF.
Between the two I would go for Alphamine over AT2 if I had to choose and didn't care about the caffeine. Alphamine is pretty well rounded and covers quite a few fat loss pathways. :)


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iForce has a new one coming that will ***** Dexaprine for effects called thermoxyn. you might want to check out the promo thread for a chance to win a bottle for free!>

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