eBooks by Pavel Tsatsouline


Hey bros,

Wondering if anyone knows where to snag copies of Pavel Tsatsouline's eBooks off the net. Been checking my usual IRC spots etc and coming up with nothing.

Also, if anyone happens to have an opinion on his books (Power to the People) in particular, I'd love to hear some feedback from the bro's here. I know Sheesh has recommended his work in the past, anyone else a fan?


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Dragondoor.com has alot of Pavel stuff, I like his ideas, he's not the expert on everything but he has some interesing ideas and kettlebells offer a kick ass workout for anyone looking to improve their work capability.


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I know Sheesh has recommended his work in the past, anyone else a fan?
Moi? I'm sure I have recommended his stuff, however the only works by him that I've read are the columns he used to do in Muscle Media (i dont know if he still does them, i dont read the magazine any more). He definitely had some solid advice and a few great strength and conditioning programs. I'm defintely going to go check out that link you posted Blutarski; thanks for it.

If anyone else has any other Pavel resources, it would be amazing for you to post it.

- sheesh


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I've read both 'Power to the People' and 'Beyond Bodybuilding' and am part way through 'Bullet Proof Abs'. I've learned a hell of a lot, not just about bodybuilding but about learning how to approach the field with the best attitude. A big fan of strength-training rather than just 'body part' building, he's taught me a lot about form, breathing and training cycles. He cross references a lot of martial arts techniques and builds them into no-nonsense heavy weights training which I find really useful outside the gym too.

Things like irradiation, high tension techniques and 'power breathing' brought my weights practice to a whole different level too.

One thing which I love is I never feel I have to use another machine again (except the leg-press for heavy one calf negs). My whole routine might look limited to some folks but I've felt my ceiling lift off by just focusing on bench-press, deads, squats, chins, janda sit-us and 2-3 auxilliaries (barbel curls, skulls and calf raises).

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