I don't know why everyone acts like your liver will fall out, Ronnie Coleman use do drink 4-5 beers every Saturday night of his whole career. The internet has deluded people into thinking that oral steroids are way more liver toxic then they are and if your a steroid user, there's lots of things we as steroid users need to worry about and our livers are very low on that list.
Can anyone name me some bodybuilders that have died from liver failure? I'd bet there's not many.
And if there is, I'd also bet there's not a single person they can point there finger and single out oral steroids as the cause.
Tylenol will rot your liver out faster then dbol or anavar will.
If you took a entire bottle of 10mg dbol or anavar and ate it all in one serving, nothing serious would happen. You might get nausea and puke but your not gonna get liver failure or die.
If you ate a whole bottle of Tylenol, your dead!
By the way
This wasn't directed at you at all, I just happened to jam everything into this post.
If you wanna go out once in a while and have a few in moderation your gonna be fine. I know guys who been on gear for like 30 years who drink a beer or 2 after work every single day.
Is drinking good for you, no! Is a drink or 2 gonna crap your liver out on cycle, no!
Over the years I been here, this exact thread topic has came up probably 500-600 times.