Dave's Newest bulk into cut for show. AAS, SLIN and GH



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I wasn't aware of the rules but I am starting to think I should change my avatar. I got a bat and two balls so no that is not me. Lol.
It is a little deceiving.. Lol


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So woke up a solid 228lbs lol. 20ish lbs in 9 days after show.. Not bad hahaha. I think all I have eaten the last 4 days is eggs, red meat, bratwurst, bacon and any type of carb I can fit in my face. Diet went back to clean food today so the fun is over. I'm pounding eggs and grits right now after lifting


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Nom nom. 20lbs isn't too shabby at all big fella. Just gotta make sure your fluid intake is adequate with all those carbs.

Buddy of mine did a show last weekend and didn't eat TOO bad but his fluid intake wasn't nearly high enough. Had cankles for about three days. Nasty feeling.


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Nom nom. 20lbs isn't too shabby at all big fella. Just gotta make sure your fluid intake is adequate with all those carbs.

Buddy of mine did a show last weekend and didn't eat TOO bad but his fluid intake wasn't nearly high enough. Had cankles for about three days. Nasty feeling.
Ha yeah I am slamming water. A few days ago I realized my watch got really tight on my wrist and got all freaked out that I was gunna puff up. Been slamming water ever since haha


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So woke up a solid 228lbs lol. 20ish lbs in 9 days after show.. Not bad hahaha. I think all I have eaten the last 4 days is eggs, red meat, bratwurst, bacon and any type of carb I can fit in my face. Diet went back to clean food today so the fun is over. I'm pounding eggs and grits right now after lifting
Lol that sounds like my diet if I'm trying to gain weight. We're moving this week and yesterday was my bday, plus we had Independence Day, plus other bdays and last minute visits w friends and fam, so diet has been pretty.....well, lets just say I"m getting 3 meals/day w 2 shakes and plenty of cals.

It's kind of awesome, and terrible....we packed the scale up but I'm def 228 in the am now as well.....#nottenpercentbf


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That's the dream.. I can't wait until I am like 60 or 70 years old and am just ready to let myself go and eat whatever all the time. Lol


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Have any of you guys ever had the 2mg Pfizer Caber? I got some for a decent deal but there's no way I will need 2mg a week. I'm gonna have to cut them into 1/4 and even then 1mg a week may be more than I would need. I'm only planning on running Tren for a few weeks at 50mg eod.

I assume they are going to be pretty small so cutting them into 1/4 may be tough. I should have thought about this before I bought them, because I would like to be able to dose at .25mg twice a week to start, but that seems like it may be near impossible with 2mg pills.


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Have any of you guys ever had the 2mg Pfizer Caber? I got some for a decent deal but there's no way I will need 2mg a week. I'm gonna have to cut them into 1/4 and even then 1mg a week may be more than I would need. I'm only planning on running Tren for a few weeks at 50mg eod.

I assume they are going to be pretty small so cutting them into 1/4 may be tough. I should have thought about this before I bought them, because I would like to be able to dose at .25mg twice a week to start, but that seems like it may be near impossible with 2mg pills.
Cut em in half and take 1mg once a week. That will be fine. It won't build up blood levels too much and keep progesterone issues at bay. You won't have sides at 1mg (at least it's not normal at that dose). Yes breaking it up would be optimal but pharma caber is all small tabs no matter what.


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Cut em in half and take 1mg once a week. That will be fine. It won't build up blood levels too much and keep progesterone issues at bay. You won't have sides at 1mg (at least it's not normal at that dose). Yes breaking it up would be optimal but pharma caber is all small tabs no matter what.
Okay cool I guess I'll just do that, thanks man.


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Okay cool I guess I'll just do that, thanks man.
No problem. If you start to get any progesterone sides just notice how many days after dosing. So if you take 1mg Sunday and on Saturday morning you notice puffy sensitive nipples and can attribute it to prolactin issues just start dosing it every 5 days


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No problem. If you start to get any progesterone sides just notice how many days after dosing. So if you take 1mg Sunday and on Saturday morning you notice puffy sensitive nipples and can attribute it to prolactin issues just start dosing it every 5 days
Good advice.. I'll probably start up a log once everything gets going so I can keep track of everything and get input on it all.


DD sorry for the tragic loss of your brothers by a murdering terrorist.
All military recruiters should carry firearms, period.


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DD sorry for the tragic loss of your brothers by a murdering terrorist.
All military recruiters should carry firearms, period.
Did you happen to see Donald Trump's facebook or twitter(i forgot exactly which one it was) about the shooting?


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I didn't see it, what did he say?
He was just saying that we need to get rid of "gun free zones". He was saying that the four marines were highly trained, but they never stood a chance!


He was just saying that we need to get rid of "gun free zones". He was saying that the four marines were highly trained, but they never stood a chance!
Agreed, it doesn't matter how big or bad if a guy walks into a place with 2 long rifles and a pistol it's not going to be good. If they would've been packing, like the guard in Texas who shot and killed the 2 terrorists, it would have been a different story.


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Actually it's a actual DOD policy and law that we can't carry weapons in federal building unless we are law enforcement or military Police. Every marine is a basically trained rifleman and qualifies every year with our service rifle no matter the job. The other branches don't and I have met guys in the army that haven't shot a rifle in over 8 years. The navy and Air Force are worse. Nothing against them everyone has a different job. Ours is to stay highly trained and be a fast reaction force in readiness for America. So the "arm recruiters" is a good idea but in reality it becomes a very VERY big safety issue. Not so much for Marines but for the other branches. Also we don't want to be intimidating or give off that aura of "armed to the teeth" in hometown America. I agree there needs to be more safety and there is a solution but arming recruiters is risky.

The marine recruiter had a Glock 9mm found next to his body. The fbi is redoing ballistic s because they think it's his personal and that he actually shot the guy and prevented him from shooting the other branches offices by wounding him. My boy went down fighting like a real Marine guns blazing. He died a man in our eyes. Part of the risk of the job as we see it. It sucks but death does loom over our shoulder. We are the men willing to go do terrible things to other people at night so Americans can sleep under that warm blanket of freedom lol


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Actually it's a actual DOD policy and law that we can't carry weapons in federal building unless we are law enforcement or military Police. Every marine is a basically trained rifleman and qualifies every year with our service rifle no matter the job. The other branches don't and I have met guys in the army that haven't shot a rifle in over 8 years. The navy and Air Force are worse. Nothing against them everyone has a different job. Ours is to stay highly trained and be a fast reaction force in readiness for America. So the "arm recruiters" is a good idea but in reality it becomes a very VERY big safety issue. Not so much for Marines but for the other branches. Also we don't want to be intimidating or give off that aura of "armed to the teeth" in hometown America. I agree there needs to be more safety and there is a solution but arming recruiters is risky.

The marine recruiter had a Glock 9mm found next to his body. The fbi is redoing ballistic s because they think it's his personal and that he actually shot the guy and prevented him from shooting the other branches offices by wounding him. My boy went down fighting like a real Marine guns blazing. He died a man in our eyes. Part of the risk of the job as we see it. It sucks but death does loom over our shoulder. We are the men willing to go do terrible things to other people at night so Americans can sleep under that warm blanket of freedom lol
Oklahoma is working on arming all National Guard personnel now.. I'm all for everyone having the right of being armed whether it is opened or concealed, no matter where it is, as long as they go through testing and are stable minded. Of course, there's thousands of people that conceal that aren't licensed to and that no one knows about. You can never be perfect in who gets through the testing though.


I believe this is the second recruiting station shooting killings of recruiters, the first was in Little Rock, Arkansas. If the terrorists were coming in wanting to fight hand to hand it would be many terrorists a ss whippings but they're are not, they're locked and loaded and they're are wanting to go see Alah. It's time to arm the CO and first sgt at least if not all NCOs. It will stop once soldiers are armed.


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I love that warm blanket of freedom, DD....appreciate it man. Seriously.
Couldn't agree more. Can never say thanks enough times to all the brothers who serve.


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To solidify my case of people in the service arent all trained properly to carry.. An Illinois guardsman shot himself in the leg yesterday after the IL guard was told to arm. A navy recruiter shot himself in the foot today in another state. So it might not be safe to arm all the branches... Haha


To solidify my case of people in the service arent all trained properly to carry.. An Illinois guardsman shot himself in the leg yesterday after the IL guard was told to arm. A navy recruiter shot himself in the foot today in another state. So it might not be safe to arm all the branches... Haha
Sounds like planned line of duty LOD injury to maybe stay on the dole.


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Hell, I can even give thanks from north of the border.. We all know if someone f**ked with Canada, you guys would be there in a heart beat.
Yeah we would be there pretty damn fast lol. I actually was with some Canadian military guys in afghan. Pretty chill guys.


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Yeah we would be there pretty damn fast lol. I actually was with some Canadian military guys in afghan. Pretty chill guys.
We did an airborne joint training thing with them back in Bragg when I was in.

They drove around in Mercedes, like dafuq is that. How do they afford those for the whole military? They all said they hated them and preferred the humvees we had, but I don't buy it lol.

Also, recruiters accidentally shooting themselves is embarrassing as ****.


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They drove around in Mercedes, like dafuq is that. How do they afford those for the whole military? They all said they hated them and preferred the humvees we had, but I don't buy it lol.
Seriously? Well that explains why our navy consists of 3 row boats and the air force 5 gliders... and a kite! ;)


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It's going good. Just holding weight at 220ish. I'm dedicating a lot of time to work and letting my body recover. Still lifting and keeping muscle during my cruise. About to start the bulk Sept 1st. New log should be up soon


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New log is up

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