DaPack..Fighting Age One Day at a Time

September 6th, 2024 (Friday)

Squats;**SSB Sleeves/ Flats
4 sets 3 reps 225lbs, 255lbs, 290lbs, 330lbs

5 sets 7 reps 205lbs

Bench;**Pause/ Feet Up
4 sets 3 reps 155lbs, 185lbs, 205lbs, 230lbs

Well got stuck last night but only for an additional 6.5 hours of OT. Still only got a little over 5 hours of sleep but considering everything these were pretty good numbers. Did back off since deads were 9x7 @ 225lbs and bench was feet down. Days off are switching this week to Sun/ Mon so lifting days will switch too. Depending on what the wife and I have going on Sat/ Sun going to have to adjust on the fly. With all that, hoping to at least get some decent session in this week. Tomorrow have something planned when I get off so going to try and get up at 3am and hit the gym before work. On my early days, which start at 5am I am usually up around 330ish anyways. Also, besides days off switching every day will be 5am start. This is from now to 2nd week in March and after that will have to see what I can get.
September 7th, 2024 (Saturday)

Average Weekly Weight: 187lbs
Started out heavy for the week since the diet change but last 4 days 186lbs was my average and seen a low of 184lbs.

3 sets 4 reps 185lbs, 200lbs, 210lbs

3 sets 4 reps 225lbs, 245lbs, 255lbs

3 sets 1 rep 115lbs
3 sets 1 rep 125lbs
2 sets 1 reps 135lbs
2 sets 1 rep 145lbs, 155lbs

Flat Dbl Press;
3 sets 13 reps

Seated Dbl Press;
3 sets 13 reps

Seated Triceps Extensions;
3 sets 13 reps

Push Downs;
3 sets 15 reps

That OT took a lot out of me so slept in a little before work. Worst case have 2 days of good rest before I start my heavy lifting for the week but obviously only 1 this week. Tomorrow is light deads, 4x6, so thinking will pass on heavy rack pulls to hopefully recover a little before the next day and heavy squats.
September 9th, 2024 (Sunday)

Lat Pull Downs;
5 sets 13 reps

Chested Support Rows;
4 sets 13 reps

Seated Rows;
4 sets 13 reps

Reverse Peck Deck;
4 sets 15 reps

Took the lose and didn't even attempt light deads. Just worn down and beat up.
September 9th, 2024 (Monday)

Session #1
4 sets 1 rep 185lbs, 205lbs, 225lbs, 240lbs

Reg Bench;
5 sets 1 rep 250lbs, 260lbs, 270lbs, 280lbs, 290lbs

CGBP;**Shoulder Saver
5 sets 5 reps 155lbs, 185lbs, 200lbs, 215lbs, 230lbs

Squats;**Cerberus Sleeves
6 sets 4 reps 225lbs, 245lbs, 265lbs, 285lbs, 305lbs, 330lbs**Forgot to log these

Session #2
Leg Press;
5 sets 9 reps

Hack Squats;
4 sets 11 reps

Single Leg Press;
3 sets 13 reps

Leg Extensions;
2 sets 15 reps

Just realized today was my 8th day out of 9 working out. Compound that with not so good sleep it is no wonder I am worn down. I was extremely happy with squats since when I made the spreadsheet had 335-340 in mind for this week. I probably could have managed it, though would have been a hard grinder. Bench was also really good under the situation and almost was going to do another set at 300 or maybe even 305. Hopefully no OT this week and can get a few nights of solid sleep for next week. Squats are tracking pretty good for the meet and still thinking around 425 raw is manageable.
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Things are looking really good in here and it sounds like you're in a great mental place to lead this charge, pretty inspiring to watch you get ready for another comp!
The man has resilience for sure. Several preps and then unfortunate situations taking the opportunity away. The continuous grit and grind of just getting back in the saddle and preparing to do the next feasible competition proves his discipline and passion for the sport. @dapack Impressive work ethic but don't forget to rest and recover when needed.
The man has resilience for sure. Several preps and then unfortunate situations taking the opportunity away. The continuous grit and grind of just getting back in the saddle and preparing to do the next feasible competition proves his discipline and passion for the sport. @dapack Impressive work ethic but don't forget to rest and recover when needed.
thanks, really appreciate. us old timers need to work a little harder lol
September 12th, 2024 (Thursday)

Session #1
4 sets 2 reps 225lbs (DE)
1 set 1 rep 275lbs
6 sets 4 reps 300lbs, 325lbs, 350lbs, 375lbs, 400lbs, 425lbs
Felt like had a couple more in me but not looking to kill myself this close out.

Rack Pulls,**Peg 3
4 sets 4 reps 275lbs, 315lbs, 365lbs, 405lbs

7 sets 1 rep 185lbs, 205lbs, 225lbs, 245lbs, 260lbs 275lbs, 285lbs
Really felt 295 was def do able and probably 300. This is the start of my 4th week peak bench for the meet and things are coming along better than planned.

100 reps

Session #2
Lat Pull Downs;
6 sets 13 reps

Seated Rows;
6 sets 13 reps

Preacher Curls;
4 sets 13 reps

Lucky so far this week with no OT and starting October things should get better were it is just maybe once a month. Couple post up said with my new days off and whatever the wife and I have planned, plus the ever looming OT, need to be flexible in my workouts. Spent like almost an hour the other day rearranging everything and updated my spread sheet just in case I made it today without OT. Monday was suppose to be deads but figured if I got stuck with OT than the whole workout week would be horrible. Plus, seems like on workdays getting better sleep so might as well take advantage of it.
everything is looking really strong like you have a great foundation to prep with here, and if you end up with some favorable sleep schedules who knows what's in store, that's great!
everything is looking really strong like you have a great foundation to prep with here, and if you end up with some favorable sleep schedules who knows what's in store, that's great!
That is the plan for sleep. I know in the coming week or 2 going to have to work a double but trying to hold off as long as possible. Hate going in on my day off but that is an option too. At least would not wear on me like a double shift.
September 13th, 2024 (Friday)

Squats, High Bar;**Cerberus Sleeves/ Squat Shoes
4 sets 7 reps 155lbs, 195lbs, 235lbs, 275lbs

RDL's, Sumo;
4 sets 9 reps

Bench;*Feet Up
4 sets 7 reps 135lbs, 155lbs, 185lbs, 235lbs

Decided at work to switch everything up today at the last moment. Squats was suppose to be 4x3 but decided to do my light day today so on Sunday can start putting the A7s sleeves and start getting used to them. RDL's was suppose to be 7x7 deads but after yesterday seen no point of that and went with a lighter movement to recover. Bench was 4x3 but and like deads went with a lighter movement because of yesterday.
Looks like a great session still. How’s the weight coming you still dropping pounds? Or in striking distance and holding.
Looks like a great session still. How’s the weight coming you still dropping pounds? Or in striking distance and holding.
Been flat at 187lbs the last week weeks since tracking my calories and finally starting to come down. This is the 4 weeks track and before had a feeling protein was to low, 100 to 120 grams, and carbs to high, 250 to 300. Last week 230 protein and 130 carbs. Thinking putting some muscle on I lost when my protein was so low. 4 weeks ago barely had cuts in my quads and took pics today and def a huge difference. Also, fat around lats is coming off and can start to actually see my lats. So even though weight is the same I know been losing bodyfat. 181 in 4 weeks is no prob at this point. 165 in 12 weeks would say at this point very unlikely.
September 15th, 2024 (Sunday)

Session #1
Squats;**A7 Sleeves/ Squats Shoes
5 sets 3 reps 275lbs, 300lbs, 325lbs, 350lbs, 375lbs**Pretty sure a non wrap/ sleeve PR. Redoing my spread sheet to get everything better organized before I really know.

Session #2
Leg Press;
5 sets 9 reps

Hack Squats;
4 sets 11 reps

Single Leg Press;
3 sets 13 reps

Leg Extensions;
2 sets 15 reps

5 sets 15 reps

Usually go heavy/ low reps in flats but today wanted to make sure one last time what type of shoe I will wear at the meet. After today think flats is the way to go at the meet. Just feel in flats can use my hips more and overall just a better position for me. Think I should be in a good position for 425 at the meet.
I have really really grown to love squatting more in my flats since making that transition. I do think it challenges my ankle mobility a little more and that might be the source of my heel pain that has been coming and going lately, but the grip and "stickiness" I feel to the ground through the lift has been dynamite.
I have really really grown to love squatting more in my flats since making that transition. I do think it challenges my ankle mobility a little more and that might be the source of my heel pain that has been coming and going lately, but the grip and "stickiness" I feel to the ground through the lift has been dynamite.
There with you. Main point getting the squat shoes was for more focus on growth/ strength in my quads. Which seems to be working.
September 16th, 2024 (Monday)

Session #1
6 sets 3 reps 135lbs, 155lbs, 175lbs, 185lbs, 200lbs, 215lbs
5 sets 3 reps 230lbs, 245lbs, 260lbs, 275lbs, 285lbs
Really think if I just chased it had 295 in me today for the top set.

CGBP;**Shoulder Saver
5 sets 5 reps 155lbs, 175lbs, 195lbs, 215lbs, 235lbs

10 sets 2,1,2,1..reps 135lbs, 150lbs, 135lbs, 150lbs..

Session #2
Flat Dbl Press;
4 sets 13 reps

Seated Dbl Press;
4 sets 13 reps

Dbl Spoons;
4 sets 13 reps

Push Downs;
4 sets 15 reps

Face Pulls;
4 sets 15 reps

So already moving things around for next week in my scheduled works just in case OT hits me. Hate only 5 days in-between but thinking will take tomorrow off and get deads in for the week. If I make Thursday with no OT will hit comp bench and some additional work. Rest of week will be how the past 2 days went.
Considering you and I float around a similar 1rm max on bench (I think you have me by 15 or so lbs) that 285 x 3 seems pretty damn solid to me

I can't remember why I went to heels back in the day. I got my ristos back when you and I were over at the body building dungeon back in the day, I think for stability.

Now days I feel like quads are my major week point in the legs to work (and adductor)
Team recently switched back to flats checking in (I guess not completely flat since they aren’t 0mm drops).

I also spent a year or so doing accessory squat movements in raised heel shoes. I think all my PRs are in heels as well, but I really don’t like my current ones. Sometimes I wish I had something not so narrow or maybe like a much smaller heel. I’d love a flat that was literally a weightlifting shoe but just without the raised heel. I remember Mike T once explaining how he went to a shoe cobbler to take a pair of Do-wins to have the heel removed to it was essentially a flat like that.

Good luck on your continued progress, hope some PRs are in the future.
Sounds like you are getting a nice recomp effect which is awesome. Trust me I understand having to deal with work and trying to move things around to keep making progress while work and life are chipping away at my available time.
September 17th, 2024 (Tuesday)

Session #1
4 sets 2 reps 225lbs
6 sets 3 reps 275lbs, 300lbs, 325lbs, 350lbs, 375lbs, 400lbs
1 set 1 rep 440lbs
Seen this coming with only 5 days rest and not the best sleep last night. Weird part is 400lbs was hard but never in doubt. Think what energy I had for deads was spent on that.

4 sets 9 reps

Rack Pulls;**Peg 3
4 sets 3 reps 315lbs 365lbs, 405lbs, 455lbs

7 sets 1 rep 185lbs, 205lbs, 225lbs, 245lbs, 260lbs, 275lbs, 290lbs

100 reps

Session #2
Lat Pull Downs;
6 sets 13 reps

Seated Rows;
4 sets 13 reps

Lat Pull Downs, Dual Arm;**Don't know how to list but a pull for each arm
4 sets 13 reps

5 sets 13 reps

25 days out and really need to starting hammer things out a little. With my workouts coming at different times, this in the past would have been on Sunday coming up. Plan from day one for the 1st meet is just keep training deads/ squats as normal but at some point need to decide when the last heavy lift will be so the 1st meet is not a total bust. Think deads will be 10 days out if things workout and and squats about 8 days out.
Sounds like you are getting a nice recomp effect which is awesome. Trust me I understand having to deal with work and trying to move things around to keep making progress while work and life are chipping away at my available time.
Part of life I guess. Think that is what sets most of us apart on here though. We push through even in the roughest times. Covid was so horrible not being able to lift and blow of steam when the gyms were closed. My wife comes 1st in life but lifting is 2nd. :)
Covid was so horrible not being able to lift and blow of steam when the gyms were closed. My wife comes 1st in life but lifting is 2nd

I was really happy during COVID to not gain any weight. I borrowed a bunch of gear from my buddy's gym and lifted on my front porch and golfed a lot.

Then when I could get back into the gym I realized my weight belt didn't fit right and I gained weight super fast. It wasn't that I didn't gain weight during COVID< i definitely atrophied some muscle and replaced it with a matching amount of fat!! 😅 😅 I "lifted" during covid, but 4-6 days a week for 60-90 minutes turned into more like 3-4 days a week for like 30 minutes I think if i'm honest lol.

Doing some great work.

At less than 25 days out, considering your food is restricted and you are peaking, start pulling out your accessory volume and intensity - lower each week. Especially with your hit or miss sleep/recovery from work.

What needs to happen now is the comp practice. Nothing else is going to help you, provided you maintain enough GPP to manage the meet.
Doing some great work.

At less than 25 days out, considering your food is restricted and you are peaking, start pulling out your accessory volume and intensity - lower each week. Especially with your hit or miss sleep/recovery from work.

What needs to happen now is the comp practice. Nothing else is going to help you, provided you maintain enough GPP to manage the meet.
Going to slowly start doing that this coming week. Deads/ Squats not truly peaking but will start to reduce some of the other stuff. Still trying to build both for the next meet and bring up my weaker areas.
September 22nd, 2024 (Sunday)

Average Weekly Weight: 186.5lbs

Squats;**Messing with some different variables today
Cerberus Sleeves/ Squat Shoes
4 sets 3 reps 205lbs, 245lbs, 275lbs, 300lbs
1 set 1 rep 315lbs
Cerberus Sleeves/ Flats
1 set 1 rep 315lbs
Cerberus Sleeves/ Flats
1 set 1 rep 325lbs
Cerberus Sleeves/ Squat Shoes
1 set 1 rep 325lbs
A7s Sleeves/ Squat Shoes
1 set 1 rep 325lbs
A7s Sleeves/ Flats
4 sets 1 rep 325lbs, 350lbs, 375lbs, 400lbs

Woke up Wednesday sick and finally getting over it. Today, besides last couple sets, was all pretty light work. Wanted to see if I was truly stronger in flats than squats shoes or just in my mind. The difference is very minimal but I am stronger and feeling better in flats. Next was how the difference was in the Cerberus compared to the A7s and feel that the A7s add around 30ish more pounds. The other thing I was worried about if warming up 1st the the Cerberus and being able to put on the A7s and was not to hard. Dried what sweat I could and waited and little bit before I slipped them on. Biggest worry too was could I leave the A7s on after warming up before my flight started and was long as my legs were stretched out no issue. Took a video of the last set and a still in the hole to check my depth and seemed good. At meets always go lower and since I was a getting over being sick was just a little of in everything today.

you stand up as fast there as I do during my 135lb warm ups lol
I been trying to slow things down descending last couple of years but for me getting the pop/ rebound out of the hole helps me drive the weight up quick. Plus, the A7s have a nice rebound on them.
September 23rd, 2024 (Monday)

3 sets 3 reps 165lbs, 185lbs, 205lbs

6 sets 1 rep 225lbs, 240lbs, 255lbs, 270lbs, 285lbs, 300lbs

Reg Bench;
3 sets 1 rep 275lbs, 295lbs, 315lbs

CGBP's;**Shoulder Saver
5 sets 5 reps 155lbs, 175lbs, 195lbs, 215lbs, 235lbs

4 sets 7 reps 95lbs

Flat Dbl Press;
3 sets 13 reps

Seated Triceps Extensions;
3 sets 13 reps

Push Downs;
3 sets 15 reps

Not trying to be over confident and unless something major happens, 304lbs at the meet is a done deal. Almost thought of doing 310lbs but decided to dropped back down and try and hit 3 plate regular. Honestly felt had more in both lifts, around 10lbs, but decided not to turn a training day into a ME this close out. State record is 303.1 and plan was to chip it, +500 grams, on the last attempt. Thinking unless things go south will chip it on my 2nd attempt just to be safe and go for broke the last attempt. 314 seem do able right now.
Nothing wrong with a 140/308 either for a third. When you take a weight that is a done deal PR, it feels great going into it knowing victory & progress is certain.
Nothing wrong with a 140/308 either for a third. When you take a weight that is a done deal PR, it feels great going into it knowing victory & progress is certain.
336lbs is my pr for bench. Was back in 2014. Don't think Will ever pr bench again. Was 212lbs and was shortly after switching from bodybuilding so had a lot more muscle.
336lbs is my pr for bench. Was back in 2014. Don't think Will ever pr bench again. Was 212lbs and was shortly after switching from bodybuilding so had a lot more muscle.
That’s why they have weightclasses! My 220 comp PR is 347, my 242 is 363, and 275 is 396.
That’s why they have weightclasses! My 220 comp PR is 347, my 242 is 363, and 275 is 396.
Never thought about it that way. Guess be would be unfair to compare 165 to 220 class. So looks like 181 my lifts are: 402 wraps, 292, 451 and total of 1124. All should go down in a couple weeks
So looks like 181 my lifts are: 402 wraps, 292, 451 and total of 1124. All should go down in a couple weeks

those all seem like really strong numbers to me.
I'd actually be pretty happy if I could find those, I haven't hit a 400lb squat yet. 450 is my normal plateau on pulls (my 485 was at 207lb bodyweight), and a 292 in comp is a lot different than me hitting a 295 touch and go at the gym. 👍
Some great work in here, I like all of these posts! :)
September 25th, 2024 (Wednesday)**The Stars Aligned

4 sets 2 reps 225lbs (DE)
4 sets 2 reps 275lbs, 315lbs, 365lbs, 405lbs
1 set 1 rep 425lbs
1 set 4 reps 450lbs**Weight for Rep PR/ PR for Reps at Weight**Only 13th time pull 450

7 sets 2 reps 185lbs, 205lbs, 225lbs, 245lbs, 260lbs, 275lbs, 290lbs

Rack Pulls;**Peg #
4 sets 2 reps 315lbs, 365lbs, 405lbs, 455lbs

The crazy thing about the last set was how clean/ smooth all the reps were to the point on the 4th just called it good. Easily had 5 if not 6 reps in me and like the other day with bench wasn't about to turn this into a ME day at 17 days out. Hoping next week to hit about 470lbs for a smooth single for the last heavy pull before the meet.
those all seem like really strong numbers to me.
I'd actually be pretty happy if I could find those, I haven't hit a 400lb squat yet. 450 is my normal plateau on pulls (my 485 was at 207lb bodyweight), and a 292 in comp is a lot different than me hitting a 295 touch and go at the gym. 👍
Thanks. 485 deads is more than me and close to the 500lbs we been aiming for regardless of body weight.
I know you are going to do your thing, but at 17 days out now and pulling a PR set of 4, I would hang the heavy pulling up. Just do like 5 singles at 405 next week and 5-6 days before the meet pull 225 for 5 singles to grease the groove. Then pull a PR at the meet.
Good luck at the comp, it really looks like your hard work has been giving you some killer results this fall!!

1 set 4 reps 450lbs**Weight for Rep PR/ PR for Reps at Weight**Only 13th time pull 450

looks to me like you probably do have 485+ at this point, that's an awesome PR !

Thanks. 485 deads is more than me and close to the 500lbs we been aiming for regardless of body weight.
I had to put on 25lbs to get there lol. I felt great but needed new clothes and started feeling fat in the face. But the weight gain definitely had me crushing PRs on deads and bench!
I know you are going to do your thing, but at 17 days out now and pulling a PR set of 4, I would hang the heavy pulling up. Just do like 5 singles at 405 next week and 5-6 days before the meet pull 225 for 5 singles to grease the groove. Then pull a PR at the meet.
You are right. With my days off switching and trying to get deads in early this workout wasn't planned until next Wednesday, 10 days out. Deads are running a week ahead of schedule. Will Def do light work next week
Good luck at the comp, it really looks like your hard work has been giving you some killer results this fall!!

looks to me like you probably do have 485+ at this point, that's an awesome PR !

I had to put on 25lbs to get there lol. I felt great but needed new clothes and started feeling fat in the face. But the weight gain definitely had me crushing PRs on deads and bench!
Thanks. Hoping the Dec meet plays out like planned.
It is so nice to be able to like posts again!