Dancing with 'tropins: BodyWizard's GH experiment



dead sexy wino
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Don't worry BW....I, too, felt pretty empty when my Son went to college and the other one moved out. I single parented for 8 years and it was pretty depressing. My 5 hour drive home from dropping him off always gives me plenty of time to reflect. I can certainly see how the mid-life crisis can begin here. Don't worry, it will pass and you will move into this new phase of your life (as long as you approach it logically) in a positive way. You end up with more time to yourself (which may be scary...or embraced....your choice) to do things which you haven't otherwise pursued. It could be a rejuvenation of soemthing that you had to hang up when you started parenting...or a bold new venture <enter young GF, sportscar and ponytail here>. Take this time to think about what it is that you would like to do and where you want to be when you retire....that will help you deal with the depression. It's normal...some people can deal with it...others can't. Just be reasonable about what is bothering you and you'll be fine.

As for the "meat" in your "goo" (I'm glad that I kept reading or I would have thought you were talking about something else).....I had the same thing in several kits. I thought that maybe it had been subjected to heat or moisture...but it really didn't have an effect that I know of on the product. I still had the dreams, vascularity etc.. Plus it gave me something to chew in my sleep :D


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As for the "meat" in your "goo"....it really didn't have an effect that I know of on the product. I still had the dreams, vascularity etc.. Plus it gave me something to chew in my sleep :D
:rofl: :toofunny:

Glad to know I'm not the only prizewinner....
...would be nice to know what that chunky white stuff is, though.



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We tell our customers to swallow due to FDA regulations determining a product following supplement standards. Basically if meant to be swallow it is still defined as an oral based supplement. It all acts the same though....it will bind inside of the mouth and never making it to the stomach.
:thumbsup: Excellent: just making sure I'm doin' it right!


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I read the directions on the bag after getting tired of all the saliva:blink: and mot being able to swallow it.

After dosing the other day I sneezed and the taste of Hex came back into my mouth. It had to be 15min after dosing. So I assume it is sticking in the throat then.


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Don't worry BW....I, too, felt pretty empty when my Son went to college and the other one moved out. I can certainly see how the mid-life crisis can begin here. Don't worry, it will pass and you will move into this new phase of your life (as long as you approach it logically) in a positive way. You end up with more time to yourself (which may be scary...or embraced....your choice) to do things which you haven't otherwise pursued.
I suggest it is BOTH scary AND to be embraced - the unknown is always thus; you are so very right about choice: embrace the unknown in spite of the fear, and the world opens up; let fear rule, and the world closes in....

The irony for me is having more time: due to some of the choices I've made, I've been alone pretty much full-time for the last 18 years - despite being married twice during that time. I suspect that the one thing that has made things so difficult over the last 16 months has been the repeated contrast: *poof* I have a family and all my time is full for a month or 2; then *poof* I'm all by myself again for a few months. It leaves me feeling stuck, and I hate that!

I will be much happier when we're no longer pretending to be a couple & I'm able to date & I have her half of the house back. I worry abut how Daughter will handle it; she told me recently that the worst time in her life was when her mom & I separated. Still, she'll have a successful freshman year behind her, she'll have the summer to get over (or at least, come to terms with) it, and "Wife" & I don't hate each other at all (we just hate being together), so hopefully that will lessen the blow.

It could be a rejuvenation of soemthing that you had to hang up when you started parenting...or a bold new venture <enter young GF, sportscar and ponytail here>. Take this time to think about what it is that you would like to do and where you want to be when you retire....that will help you deal with the depression. It's normal...some people can deal with it...others can't. Just be reasonable about what is bothering you and you'll be fine.
Thanks, Steve - I know the truth of what you say. Very much, I find myself reaching back into the past for things / parts of me I left behind years ago, trying to pick up the threads of who I was going to be...and I have a bold new venture (or two) in the wings, too. Hell, maybe I'll run into that carload of Catholic schoolgirls again.... :twisted:

I actually feel like I'm dealing with it OK: I can talk about it here, that makes it easier to avoid internalising it - easier to let it go & rise above; and where october saw me in a serious mess, today just saw me talking about the feel of it, and I've largely moved on already (I *did* get an important and very welcome piece of news today, which helped!)....

Thanks for being there, and reminding me - pretty smart guy for a wino, sexy or not! :drunk:


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Week 8 / 30 - Hexatropin

Weight: 200# Waist: 38.5“ BF: 18.7%

Dose 16 01/22
Dose 17 01/23
Dose 18 01/26

I seem to have gotten messed up here a bit - when I went for last night’s dose, I had 3 left, not 2; I know I missed 01/24 - but I was sure I took one last night, so I’m confused....

Dose 19 01/27
Dose 20 01/28

Anyhow, I’m putting more emphasis on sleep these days, knowing that I’ve been sleep-challenged (if not deprived) to one degree or another all my life; hair & beard are continuing to fill in, and it’s unmistakably darker - my bread was almost totally white...now I have a streak of dark whiskers growing in under it. At this rate, in 6 months, I ought to have a full head of hair again, and as much pepper as salt. Actually, looking at my hair/beard today, it may well be MORE pepper than salt by the time I finish this round HT

I noticed yesterday: I don’t feel old anymore. I certainly don’t feel pumped, or amped, as I’ve said before, but I no longer struggle to do much of anything - I just do it; I no longer feel like a lumbering bear when crossing the street, I just trot on across; I no longer feel like normal stuff requires an abnormal amount of energy.

Gotta say, all this is just cool as hell!

End of the second month, and of the first kit of Hexatropin: will post a milestones check later today.

Have been getting some body acne: not a lot (whatever that means), but 2-3 larger-than-face-zit pimples are visible on any given day.

Gums still normal, still carrying a 1” layer of blubber across my back (which still pisses me off!)

Weight: 205# Waist: 38.5“ Bodyfat: 18.1%

My wife and I talked this morning, and agreed to part friends & stop pretending we could make it work; we’re on our way to celebrate with lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant.


Re: Week 8 / 30 - Hexatropin

...My wife and I talked this morning, and agreed to part friends & stop pretending we could make it work; we’re on our way to celebrate with lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant.
Congrats man -- that is resolution, and a good one. Time to go onward and upward.


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I appreciate the good word, malek - and thanks!

I know I said I'd post a milestone check yesterday, but it was a dear friend's birthday, and I got caught up in that & didn't post as promised.

Look for that post this evening, and thanks for your patience.


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Just wondering how things are moving along in comparison too the expectations you had before you started.

Sound like they are moving along pretty good to me.


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working on it as soon as I finish my lunch.

BTW - sure like the Blake avatar better than the guy-w/-fake-boobs avatar - thanks for switching back!


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working on it as soon as I finish my lunch.

BTW - sure like the Blake avatar better than the guy-w/-fake-boobs avatar - thanks for switching back!
Deep down you know you like the man boobs better.


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Milestones II - 8 weeks in

circumferential measurements
not going to do this one until my bf stops spontaneously redistributing itself -
‘til then I can generate numbers, but not information

hair color and thickness
I’ve been keeping up with this right straight along:
when I began, the top and crown of my head were not bare, but no hair was visible there, and my hair had become platinum-to-white (~40/60); now, the crown (circular patch over the rear fontanelle) is half-covered, and what’s left is filling in; ditto for the top of my head: the bare-looking patch is getting smaller AND it’s filling in.

hair-color is now grey-platinum-white (~30/30/40)
beard was 90+% white, now has ~20% black whiskers

oh yeah, thickness: my hair had become brittle and fine (like old-people's hair), which is why I could have bald spots with hair on them; I can't tell yet whether the texture is changing again or not, but it's growing in much more thickly - as in hiding my scalp better.

skin tone and texture
this is a tough one: I’ve always had good skin (both my parents were very youthful & aged well)
I’ll just say there’s been no notable changes so far.

floaters & general visual reactivity & acuity
can’t really say my vision’s changed much, given the cataract surgeries;
incidnce of floaters is definitely reduced: there’s fewer & they’re less-frequent.
eyes gummier on waking, take longer for my vision to clear in the morning.
probably just need to drink more water before bed!

changes in perceived tinnitus
the tinnitus *has* changed some:
mostly I notice that it comes & goes with exposure to droning noises
(specifically, this damn loud desktop computer!)

it’s not as loud as it was, and that’s a fact.

changes in quality & degree of joint pain
some of my finger joints are feeling thick & are getting hard to bend - that’s just something that comes with the arthritis; a few knuckles have become sporadically tender to touch/outside pressure; however, the tip joints on my little fingers are bearing up much better than before to the strain of typing (this has been a real annoyance in the past!)

knees still painful when standing, and when going up/down stairs...but not every time, and not as bad as it was.

still very protective of my right shoulder, though I rarely feel pain from it any more - even when I forget to be careful with it.

speed of growth (nails, hair)
hair *needs* trimming about once every 2 weeks (up from 1-2x monthly);
beard needs trimming weekly (up from every 2-3 weeks)
nails get filed 1-2 times per week (up from once every 7-10 days)

miles walked
between weather & schedule changes & general business, I have done too little walking to track.

let me add though the my strength and energy and endurance & overall resilience are way up since the start of this trial. Yes, that's subjective, but so what? I felt like I wasn't dying fast enough, and now I sail right into my day & feel good doing it.
need to post about supplements & workouts & diet....


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Have you thought about investing in a pedometer...I think they are pretty cheap nowadays.

It might be good to set a daily goal and add it too your journal...It would also give you a good idea of progression of just everyday activity as it picks up as well.

That way we can ride your ass and keep you walking.:nutkick:
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Week 9 / 30 - Hexatropin #2

Weight: 205# Waist: 38.5“ Bodyfat: 18.1%

Dose 20 01/29 PM
Dose 1 01/30 AM
Off (36 hours)
Dose 2 01/31 PM
Dose 3 02/01 PM
Woke up w/ wood the last 2 days - first time in what, 10 years?

Dose 4 02/02 PM
Off 02/03
Dose 5 02/04 PM

Have been working almost twice my usual hours, & the weather has made many of my usual activities impractical; I’ve also been involved with taking over the mortgage, getting her stuff out of the house, how to handle the divorce, and when to start telling people about the break-up (I’m going to lose some friends over this) - I suppose I’ve been bad, since I’ve already told some friends...but it’s not like they didn’t know what was going on (at least to some extent).

Have increased my yoga, concentrating on lower body, particularly the hips; doing about 1 hour of core work each day using a swiss ball (weighted crunches/twist-crunches, pullovers). one thing that’s really helping re-condition my trunk is sitting on the ball with my knees up, letting the core stabilizers keep me from rolling off the ball - great proprioceptive retraining, and my energy level has really elevated since I began it (about 30 min each day). Floor ex is limited by space, but that will change once the house is mine: really enjoying what I can do along those lines - personally, I think living on furniture robs us of a fair portion of strength & flexibility.

Still doing farmer carries w/ the kettlebells (weights 12kg, 16kg & 24kg), but have begun cleans & swings (w/ the 12). Picked up a twinge in my left shoulder from it the first day (dammit), but it’s worked itself out already.

The mountain bike isn’t working out: don’t know what the problem is - maybe the frame just doesn’t fit me or something, but I feel real unstable when riding it, and I’d never take it off-pavement while so unsteady - hell, I don’t feel safe riding it at all. Thinking about selling it & getting another road bike instead. I WANT to get riding again!

Diet’s been getting sloppy - too much fast food (schedule congestion), too few meals (stress steals my appetite), carbs up, protein down...cals still in the 2500-3000. Speaking of appetite, I was MUCH HUNGRIER on Ectotropin.

Overall, I feel *great*: my energy level is up, my mood is positive and stable (though the stuff w/ my marriage/divorce does make me tear up...and Kathy’s birthday had me broken up the whole rest of the day) - I feel healthy, I feel ready to go, I’m more energetic than I’ve felt in a decade. Sitting quietly has become a chore....

Weight: 199# Waist: 38.5” BF: 18.5%


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A note - a dear friend just passed away; she'd been sick for years, this wasn't much of a surprise, but it *was* sudden.
The reason I'm posting about it here is that I'll be very busy for the rest of this week at least, maybe next week, too.
I'll continue to take notes & keep up, but I won't be around to read or post.

Don't want you guys thinking I fled or freaked out or somethin'!
On my way over to sit with the family now....


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Hang in there BW. Sad events come and go and you may have to break from training because of it...but the sanctity of training will always be there for you when you come back. That's the beauty of it.


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Re: Week 9 / 30 - Hexatropin #2

Weight: 205# Waist: 38.5“ Bodyfat: 18.1%

Dose 20 01/29 PM
Dose 1 01/30 AM
Off (36 hours)
Dose 2 01/31 PM
Dose 3 02/01 PM
Woke up w/ wood the last 2 days - first time in what, 10 years?

Dose 4 02/02 PM
Off 02/03
Dose 5 02/04 PM

Have been working almost twice my usual hours, & the weather has made many of my usual activities impractical; I’ve also been involved with taking over the mortgage, getting her stuff out of the house, how to handle the divorce, and when to start telling people about the break-up (I’m going to lose some friends over this) - I suppose I’ve been bad, since I’ve already told some friends...but it’s not like they didn’t know what was going on (at least to some extent).

Have increased my yoga, concentrating on lower body, particularly the hips; doing about 1 hour of core work each day using a swiss ball (weighted crunches/twist-crunches, pullovers). one thing that’s really helping re-condition my trunk is sitting on the ball with my knees up, letting the core stabilizers keep me from rolling off the ball - great proprioceptive retraining, and my energy level has really elevated since I began it (about 30 min each day). Floor ex is limited by space, but that will change once the house is mine: really enjoying what I can do along those lines - personally, I think living on furniture robs us of a fair portion of strength & flexibility.

Still doing farmer carries w/ the kettlebells (weights 12kg, 16kg & 24kg), but have begun cleans & swings (w/ the 12). Picked up a twinge in my left shoulder from it the first day (dammit), but it’s worked itself out already.

The mountain bike isn’t working out: don’t know what the problem is - maybe the frame just doesn’t fit me or something, but I feel real unstable when riding it, and I’d never take it off-pavement while so unsteady - hell, I don’t feel safe riding it at all. Thinking about selling it & getting another road bike instead. I WANT to get riding again!

Diet’s been getting sloppy - too much fast food (schedule congestion), too few meals (stress steals my appetite), carbs up, protein down...cals still in the 2500-3000. Speaking of appetite, I was MUCH HUNGRIER on Ectotropin.

Overall, I feel *great*: my energy level is up, my mood is positive and stable (though the stuff w/ my marriage/divorce does make me tear up...and Kathy’s birthday had me broken up the whole rest of the day) - I feel healthy, I feel ready to go, I’m more energetic than I’ve felt in a decade. Sitting quietly has become a chore....

Weight: 199# Waist: 38.5” BF: 18.5%

Sorry for the loss of your friend.

There are kits you can buy to turn your outdoor bike into an indoor stationary bike. If you do a quick search im sure you can find something.


Re: Week 9 / 30 - Hexatropin #2

Sorry for the loss of your friend.

There are kits you can buy to turn your outdoor bike into an indoor stationary bike. If you do a quick search im sure you can find something.
Just had a thought - check around at garage sales / Salvation Army / Value Village. We picked up a kit to "indoors" the bike for about $15 used.

And at a ReStore (habitat for humanity) we picked up a Nordic track in like-new condition for $20.


New member
Just wanted to say that I very much enjoy following this threaad, and your progress. Thanks for this log.

Also, best wishes through all of the trying times. What Bio said was spot on.


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Thanks, guys - the support is very welcome.

I'm really doing very well, emotionally: she'd been on borrowed time for about 2 years, waiting for the transplant, and then after the transplant, it was just one long slow decline. I couldn't help but feel that it was her time to go, & that this could only turn out one way. Most of those who knew her well had made their peace with it long ago.

Still a sad and trying time for all, but the suffering is over, for now.

On the bicycle, the problem is that the frame simply doesn't fit me (it was a present from my wife, who knows less than dick about such things). I still intend to get a road bike to replace it - a stationary stand will fit those just fine (says the guy who used to live in Colo).

anyhow, let's get this thread back on the road, too!


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Week 10 / 30 - Hexatropin #2

Weight: 199# Waist: 38.5” BF: 18.5%

Dose 5 02/05 PM
Dose 6 02/06 AM
Off 02/07
Dose 7 02/08 AM
Off 02/09
Dose 8 02/10 PM
Off 02/11

very irregular, but the best I could do
no, I have *not* been mixing it up -
my bedtime’s been all over the map
(and sleep is mostly out the window)
and nutrition’s been a joke - I’m running on fumes.

All in all, though, I think I’m holding up exceptionally well: considering the last 5 months, and the last 3 weeks in particular, I think it’s impressive that I only feel tired, but not drained - emotional, but not hollow. Now that things are more settled, I’ll get my meals straightened out again & I’m going to shoot for a 10PM bedtime for the rest of the week (longer, if I can).

Upper back has been cramping spontaneously - back to core/ab work & stretching

Weight: 194# Waist: 40.5“ Bodyfat: 16.9%

(NOTE - this is the weekly recap for LAST week; THIS week closes tonight, and I'll post it w/ Sunday's updated stats tomorrow morning)


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Missed a week of dosing/WO myself and dropped 5lbs. Not fat however. Back to business though.


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Week 11 / 30 - Hexatropin #2

Weight: 194# Waist: 40.5“ Bodyfat: 16.9%

Dose 9 02/12 PM
Dose 10 02/13 PM
Dose 11 02/16 AM
Dose 12 02/18 AM
Dose 13 02/19 AM

the last 10-12 days have really kicked my feet out from under me.
between irregular meals, compromised sleep & heavy exposure to cigarette smoke, I am not as clear mentally or as energetic physically as I have been, and I’m fighting off a chest/sinus cold.

That’s all fairly superficial, however: I continue to feel progressively ”tighter“, more neuromuscularly integrated; so even though I’m prone to naps, early bedtimes and deep sleep (now - traditionally, I’ve been a night person), I have good energy & reasonable productivity when I’m awake.

Have been very dissatisfied w/ overall cardio/aerobic activity & have made a change: 2 sets of 2-handed kettlebell swings, sandwiched w/ 2 sets of cleans+presses (each arm). I’ve been hesitant about moving beyond carries, as last time I tore hell out of my bad shoulder (which began the last recovery layoff). So far, my shoulder is fine: no twinging at all!

The swings are an incredible warm-up for qi gong - very energising. One set of 12 swings puts my heart-rate at the top of my training zone, and it stays there for 45 minutes, typically. Some days I do 1 set of 12 every 1/2-hour for a couple hours, just to keep my rate in the zone for a while.

Now that I have the house to myself in perpetuity, I’ve got the chin bar set up & am pulling wide every day. can’t raise myself even an inch - yet - but I’m pulling wide (and narrow, actually) every day.

no observable effects from my erratic dosing - not that I expected any. The clearest & most pronounced visible changes are found in my hair and beard, which continue to darken and thicken. At this rate, I may have a fully-restored head of hair by summer.

Weight: 206# Waist: 39.5” Bodyfat: 17.8%

I gained 12# ??? Maybe I need a new / different scale....


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Week 12 + 13 / 30 - Hexatropin #2

Weight: 206# Waist: 39.5” Bodyfat: 17.8%

Dose 14 02/20
Dose 15 02/21
Dose 16 02/22
Dose 17 02/23
Off 02/24
Dose 18 02/25

Weight: 208# Waist: 40” Bodyfat: 17.8%

Dose 19 2/28
Dose 20 3/2

tomorrow my wife begins moving out the rest of her stuff;
I’ve been trying to distract myself, but there’s been so much to do that’s directly affected by the split.
I feel bitter, tired, weak & fat, my heart is heavy and sad, and I swing between feeling totally shut down, filled with grief and angry as hell.

Diet has been poor - little appetite, difficult holding food down.
I feel exhausted - I want to sleep all the time...but I never want to go to bed.
“training” consists mostly of minimal (but heartfelt!) yoga, and chi kung, kettlebells & floor-ex.
Getting stronger: have recovered much of gains before last injury (r.shoulder - 9/05?)
So far so good, but I’m being careful - w/ my current stress-load, it would be so easy to push too hard, too long (have I finally learned that lesson?)...

Sorry for the late / sloppy check-in.

Weight: 211# Waist: 39.75“ Bodyfat: 17.8%
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apropos of life changes, new attitudes & such, I think its time I had a new avatar (I'm fond of my-ex-cat (stupid FREAKin' thing...), but now that she's gone, having her stare back at me from my own posts is only semi-appealing).

I thought about returning to my old avatars, but I don't particularly want *them* staring back at me, either...so - how 'bout a motif or two for a new man in his prime? Y'all care to offer suggestions?

I think yesterday may have been the hump.
Today was not just much better but much different....


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Hey bro, I hope **** gets sunny for you soon.. :cheers:


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Hey BW, I saw a t-shirt that seemed appropriate for you and everyone, I guess. It said "Tough times don't last. Tough people do." I look for all of life's secrets in t-shirt wisdom. LMAO! Anyways, as far as the avvy goes, how bout this one?..:toofunny:




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Anyways, as far as the avvy goes, how bout this one?..:toofunny:
HEY - you weren't supposed to show that to anyone!:numbered:

I like t-shirt philosophy, too - much more satisfying & complete than the refrigerator-magnet veriety.
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Bodywizard this is an inspiring peice of work. Good luck my man


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Week 14 + 15 / 30 - Hexatropin #3

Weight: 211# Waist: 39.75“ Bodyfat: 17.8%

Dose 1 03/06 PM
Dose 2 03/08 PM
Dose 3 03/10 PM

Weight: 201# Waist: 40“ Bodyfat: 17.5%

Dose 4 03/12
Dose 5 03/13
Dose 6 03/15
Dose 7 03/16
Dose 8 03/17

Weight: 216# Waist: 39“ Bodyfat: 17.1%

Despite my distracting personal life, the experiment continues.
This past week, dosing & sleep & diet have been much more in line than in the previous month.

Big hurdle cleared: the memorial, last weekend
Big hurdle cleared: I am now sole owner of this house (the closing Friday was very rough)

Big hurdle ahead: Wife’s moving day has been pushed back from this weekend until the end of this month, so instead of truly having the place to myself *NOW*, I still have more wheel-spinning to come - and more drama.

Big hurdle ahead: Daughter comes home from college for the summer in mid-May & will need to learn about the separation.

SO...3 months in. I think the changes are dramatic, though not out of line with what I’ve described before as I look back over the months:

Energy level is way up, though I still have spells - vastly more bouncy and resilient than in recent years - even typing speed has improved (tho not accuracy!). The overall tightening & integration of my body continues; it’s been moving slower than my patience normally allows for, but not bad results. I feel more vigorous, more physical, more - dare I say it? - youthful. Not like I’m outside prowling the streets and baying at the moon, but I am amazed at how well I’m holding up under it all.

Skin texture seems normal, but that’s a hard one for me to quantify.

Darker hair & whiskers growing in, the previously empty stretches of skull are now covered (tho not obscured) by hair; hair & nail growth is vigorous;

Virtually no pain in injured shoulder, despite trying moves that had triggered previous injuries; am now putting in 30-45 minutes of kettlebells eod, including overhead presses & other weighted moves above the shoulder - 26#, too, so that’s a specific intention achieved. Feel invigorated afterward but am continuing to go slow and stay alert for any sign of injury or strain. Continuing to focus on core integration, foundational strength, and on strengthening / toughening the ligaments and tendons

Left knee, OTOH, is still more often painful than not, especially when standing or going up/down stairs. we’ll see if the addition of cissus makes much difference over the next month or 2; as my training becomes more active/energetic, that knee will have to come around, or I’ll be unable to avoid surgery. All other joints feel pretty good most of the time (though knuckles on both hands *do* get aching spells).

virtually no ‘floater’ activity in the vision field (yay!).

Frankly, I just have very little appetite lately, which mostly shows up in the urge to snack - I have nonenow; typically, the snacking urge is connected to binging for me. Very dangerous. Have felt bloated for much of the last month, backed up by the acid test: in response have changed ratios: cut back on carbs & fat(?), boosted protein & changed up supplements. Macros are running 60/25/15. Protein is mostly meat & whey shakes, carbs are either fructose or low-GI/complex, fats are mostly fish oil, olive oil, & enova.

Feeling much more comfortable this past week. I continue to be baffled by some of the things my body is doing, and the bloating/VAT/feeling-suffocated-from-the-inside is the biggest for me as it really interferes with my activities. GH’s rep for burning through fat stores just hasn’t been happening for me

Current supplements:
GTE/Forslean (20% blend) - 2 ‘0’ caps 3x ED
Lean Extreme - 2 AM / 1 PM ED
Glucophase - 1 2x ED
Meliting Point - 1 3x ED
cissus - 1 ‘0’ 3x ED
Twinlab 2-A-Day w/o Iron - 2 2x
FOS - 500mg (.25 tsp) 3x ED
Co-Q10 - 60mg 2x Ed
Vit.C/antioxidant blend 1 ‘00’ (~800mg) 3x ED


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Good Log BW! Hang in there Bro :thumbsup:

I can`t stop eating however...
Stuck at 248lbs... added Mohn 3 weeks ago(16-24-32-32-?-?) and have started to hear comments about thickness from the wife. No! not that thickness:blink:

Got to say for us older Gents this GHRP and Hex is the stuff... 5 weeks to go(4months total)


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Your description felt complete and not just a collection of words.

As far as connection...While I haven't had any major issues that would keep me bed ridden for any extended period of time but I spent alot of time at the studio/work, I worked very long hours sitting on my ass behind a bunch of computers, speakers and a recording console. Diet was poor, proper studio etiquette dictates that the client purchase meals for the engineer/producer. This usually consisted of take out that was eaten as fast as possible while working behind the console because of time/money issues. Sleep was poor. Typical session lasted 12 to 14 hrs. Lots of setting up or tearing down or documentation. Often I slept at work because I had another session in the morning. Getting to sleep was problem as well. Try and listen to one of your least favorite songs in the whole world for 10 to 12 hrs straight but wait...blast it really loud because your client is loaded and wants to blow out your ears. Then lay down and close your eyes. All these things compounded upon themselves until I was 70 to 80 pds overweight, with a poor self image, no girlfriend or social life. I then started having panic attacks... and heart palpitations. Freaked the hell out of me till I figured out was going on. I quite doing the studio work about a year and a half ago. Since then I have been working out somewhat consistently and eating healthy. Everything has improved ten fold.
I'm familiar with the music world , though I haven't spent much time in studios. Played in bands, did solo gigs, worked in radio & music stores, was on all the guest lists (around here, that is). Overworked, under-rested, un-nourished, unhealthy, no real confidence, no real strength, no real friends, no sex. By the time I was 28, the negative self-talk was going nearly every waking minute, and one night driving home from work I started yelling at the voices in my head, telling them to shut up! That was a real turning point for me - I started pulling it together pretty fast then.
I have more time to spend with family and friends, and Now I am looking to go back to school and study nursing. But other than that I am just dealing with the usual stuff that a guy in his thirties starts to experience. Old injuries from school wich use to be a minor annoyance become more of a nuisance. In my case it would be a minor back injury and a shoulder I disclocated when I was younger. Not sleeping as well as I used to. I plan on having a sleep study done soon. I believe I might be a candidate for sleep apnea. Seems to run in the family.
Bro, you really could not pick a better time to get smart/serious about your health & fitness; my friend/boss/work-partner has been an athlete all his life, and a martial artist his whole adult life, and he’s been a doctor for 20 years; he says that your fifties are crucial, that your general level of strength & fitness during your fifties carries over into your general health & quality of life over the next 20-30 years (basically, the rest of your life). Because of this, he says (& I agree) that the better shape you’re in going *into* your fifties, the better, period. This is due to the reduction in hormones, beginning in earnest around 35, and becoming jarringly noticeable by 45, so we men really need to struggle to keep our strength and fitness up against the lowering tides of our body chemistry. As you say, old injuries come back to haunt us, the harmlessly stupid things we did when we were young & didn’t know better. (I wish I hadn’t jumped down from so many tall things, for one...)

The earlier we can start DOING IT FOR REAL, the easier and more effective it will be over the long haul.
Then, instead of building against that shrinking tide, we can maintain - much easier to accomplish - and so the better condition we’re in when we reach the half-century.

By this standard, it should be hopeless for me, as I came into my 40s & then 50s in poor shape, inside & out.
However, it’s important to remember that we can turn things around for ourselves *RIGHT*NOW*.

The past and future are both permanently out-of-reach - we can only act NOW.
I’m thinking about your dad as I write this.
It just occured to me as to why I was attracted to this thread in the first place.

It wasnt to gain insight on the tropins. Although the idea of permanently altering GH or IGF levels intrigues me now. Or because I think you are a stand up guy. But the reasons why you were doing this. The standout for me was your daughter and grand children.

I have a father who is 54 and is going through alot of health problems. His liver is pretty much shot from a good part of his life abusing alcohol and ignoring ongoing health problems. As a result his health is declining. He does not drink as much anymore but his alcoholism is still an issue for him and he still refuses to seek help despite his acknowledgement of his condition and addiction. Like you he should have another 25 to 40 years of active health ahead of him. As a result he has lost alot of his independence and my Sister and I try to help out as much as we can. Wich we are both more than glad to do.
I really feel for your dad - the fact that we’re the same age is pretty poignant, and feel for you, too, because I could see how shaken my daughter was to see me so weak & unhealthy, and I remember seeing the change in my dad over the years - a king of men (in my eyes), yet to see him worn away by age and dust and disappointment was bitter and frightening to me, even at 40 (my age when he died).

I know I’m an opinionated fellow - I always think I have something useful to say, and I guess this is no different, but I really believe that your dad can turn around if only he can get his NOW in gear. He can stop drinking NOW. He can start eating better NOW. He can start exercising NOW. Do it with him - whatever it takes; keeping him company, like it’s a treat for you to spend the time walking or whatever with him. Tell him YOU need HIS help to stay motivated. These are just suggestions: you know your dad. My guess is, he may feel ashamed of needing so much assistance; getting him involved in your fitness may allow him a no-shame way of making his own changes. Let him know you love him, that it means something to you to see him active and involved.

Hope you’ll let me know how it goes with him.

I’m sorry it took so long to get to where I could put my thoughts down about this.
Thanks for showing up in the thread!


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Thanks BW...Thats good advice..It is really good to have your perspective. He has actually been trying to get into the fitness room where he lives but has been having trouble because of the combo codes on the door. His has short term memory problems because of a head injury he had a decade ago. Im going surprise him at his apartment tonight.

I also need to take a more active part in his doctor visits I would like to talk to the doc about what supps he can and cannot take considering his condition.

Once again thanks for the input and keep challenging yourself. You have a gift of vision and sounds like you are starting to reap some of the rewards of your hard work and patience. Things only get better from here.:D


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Week 16 / 30 - Hexatropin #3

Weight: 216# Waist: 39“ Bodyfat: 17.1%

9 03/19
10 03/20
off 03/21
11 03/22
12 03/23
off 03/24
off 03/25

Weight: 214# Waist: 39“ Bodyfat: 16.9%

I have little time these days: working, helping go through my dead friend’s papers, getting things out of storage, yard work, moving furniture in & out & room-to-room.

My energy level is solid, my mood is strong, and I’m really enjoying being so busy because I’m getting a lot done - no more spinning my wheels!!! No libido to speak of, mostly, but that’s not really a change. Still early days, and I’m having fun honing my flirting skills (a lot of fun, actually)....

Hunger’s still down, and I no longer snack - at all. Kinda nice.

Strength and endurance continue to improve; in addition to the above (and my regular workouts), I spent Sunday afternoon hauling watermelon-sized granite chunks, Tuesday afternoon moving furniture, Wednesday afternoon moving a tree’s-worth of fresh-cut logs and this afternoon (Thursday), furniture, appliances & books.

I feel good, Spring is here, and it’s going to be a warm sunny day!
As I get things accomplished over the next week, I'll have much more time, so I'm hoping to focus more on supplementation, workouts, diet, as I haven't given these as much attention here as I want. It's also time to do another deeper look at how things are progressing.


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Good Log BW! Hang in there Bro :thumbsup:

I can`t stop eating however...
Stuck at 248lbs... added Mohn 3 weeks ago(16-24-32-32-?-?) and have started to hear comments about thickness from the wife. No! not that thickness:blink:

Got to say for us older Gents this GHRP and Hex is the stuff... 5 weeks to go(4months total)
So how *are* you doin', bro?
Care to give a more detailed status report?

Thanks for keeping up with me!


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Thanks BW...Thats good advice..It is really good to have your perspective. He has actually been trying to get into the fitness room where he lives but has been having trouble because of the combo codes on the door. His has short term memory problems because of a head injury he had a decade ago. Im going surprise him at his apartment tonight.

I also need to take a more active part in his doctor visits I would like to talk to the doc about what supps he can and cannot take considering his condition.

Once again thanks for the input and keep challenging yourself. You have a gift of vision and sounds like you are starting to reap some of the rewards of your hard work and patience. Things only get better from here.:D
Good for you, for looking after your dad! Dads tend to be a proud & starchy crew, but showing your love & your desire to get together & do things with him can work miracles - for both of you! :thumbsup:


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So how *are* you doin', bro?
Care to give a more detailed status report?

Thanks for keeping up with me!
OK... Pumps are still unreal at times and still always there. I`ve pulled the t`s out from the closet and the 2x are tight on me and the 3x fit nice. Alway liked loose fitting tops. Today was warm here and at work walking around in a 2x T I got some compliments and a couple negs. I have noticably grown on the top end but have big problem bombing legs due to Lumbar DJD. I am not much for numbers but I may need to take measurements to compare with the old ones from a year or so ago. Will be buying a new smaller work belt soon!:twisted:

My wife noticed what you said about the hair growth. She mentioned the balding spot on back/top of my head seemed to be filling in. Nail growth is amazing clip toe nails and finger nails every week. I could shave Mon. and wait till Fri to shave again not now by Thurs the icth from the whiskers is to much.

Strength has gone up and endurance since adding the Mohn. And as Dr D warned me my appetite is unreal! I eat and eat 90% clean... been getting in 2 shakes( 1cup oats/ 2 scoops Pro(1 MPI 1 whey)) on top of my pre and post shakes. One thing I did take a look at was the amount of salt sometimes as much as 15 grams a day. Low sodium everything from now on. Weight is still in the 248-250 range each morning

I have missed some doses due to the amount of OT at work lately. But haven`t gone more than 1 day between the correct timing. Went back to 5 on 2 off and have 2 doses and 3 weeks left.
All in all I luv this stuff and the Mohn has been a major add.

Also when you mentioned QiGong I decided to go back into Shaolin. I found a local school teaches but want to build up my flexibility. Where as 15 years ago I could kneel and lay back on the floor or put my head on my shins that is now impossible. So the yoga has become part of my routine for now.


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Week 17 & 18 of 30 / Hexarelin #3

Weight: 214# Waist: 39“ Bodyfat: 16.9%

Dose 13 03/27 AM
off 03/28
off 03/29
Dose 14 03/30 AM
Dose 15 03/31
off 04/01

Weight: 212# Waist: 39.25“ Bodyfat: 17.2%

off 04/02
Dose 16 04/03
off 04/04
Dose 17 04/05
Dose 18 04/06
Dose 19 04/07
Dose 20 04/08

Here ends kit #3

Weight: 200# Waist: 37.75“ Bodyfat: 16.9%

Apologies to all: computer problems ate the Week 17 update (not the stats, just the commentary), and switching to a new computer has slowed an already slowed process. The promised notes on diet, supplementation & workouts have been delayed; however, if my boss & I go our separate ways (very possible, @ this point), I will have both even more - and even less - time on my hands (...and will need more money, too).

Looking back over the 4 months this project has absorbed so far, I see my weight has been fairly stable, my BF has dropped 3 points, and my waist is down a full 2”. VAT *finally* seems to be responding!

Mood, attitude & energy levels still strong (still do best when I can avoid my soon-to-be-ex), workload has been quite high over the last week, both inside and outside (today is another day in the yard). Appetite control still good (the Syneburn helps). Hair & beard continue to grow in thicker & darker: coverage has improved to the point where it’s hard to see the extent of the original bald spot; am keeping it close-cropped, as that seems to have a positive effect on the process. Nails need tending twice a week.

I have an appointment this week @ the local sports-doc shop to have both knees and one shoulder evaluated for therapy/possible surgery. As my knee has grown more painful, I’ve has to acknowledge the negative impact it has on my overall fitness level & ability to perform; since it is NOT getting better, I’m taking steps to get it squared away before I get any older (& while I’m healing well!).

Have started a parallel experiment: commented last time that my libido has been mostly absent; began toremifene this week to see if ‘the boys’ will turn off the TV & *DO* something. Got the idea from a trial of Clomid on hypotesticular men, but my work requires I stay on an even keel emotionally - and that’s been plenty hard to do, even without Clomid’s legendary affect; now that toremifene is available to me, I decided to try 30 days @ 60mg & see if it jump-starts the nuts. Today will be day 3

Must say “Thanks, IBE!!!” once again: the overall turn-around in my life these last 4 months is astounding. I sincerely hope that Hexatropin continues to be available - I’m considering extending this first run from 6 to 12 months.

Thanks too to all you fine men who have been keeping up w/ my saga & encouraging me in my efforts - bless every one o’ y’all! Happy Easter!


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Hey man.
Once Rebound Reloaded becomes avaible (late April??), you might look into that for libido.


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been interested in that one, too.

went this way, as I theorize that stupid experimentation w/ prohormones during the early days (4AD, 19-Nor - not much, but very stupid) may have played a role for me. have not had good results w/ AIs & anti-Es (Rebound, UltraHOT, letro etc) - fluctuating fat stores, chest-fat, extreme emotional lability, lack of wood - which encouraged the idea of a SERM-based PCT-style testicular reboot.


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It's awesome stuff. I'll never go back to regular ATD again.

Dr. D cooked up a good one!!

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