Critique training routine



Hey guys, I used to spend way too much time on these boards and in the gym a decade or so ago, but I’ve paid for it over the last fifteen years completely neglecting my body. In a mission to
Get in tip top shape in my mid 30s I’ve thrown together an upper/lower split and wanted to get some opinions on it.

Day 1- Upper Body
Barbell Flat Bench Press
3X5 followed by a rep test with 135, 185 or 225 lbs
T-Bar Rows- 3X5
Incline DB Press- 3X8
Lat Pulldowns- 3X10
Cable Crossovers- 3X10
Face Pulls- 3X15
Straight Arm Pulldowns- 3X12

Day 2- Lower Body
Squat: 3X5
Single Leg Press: 3X8
Power Clean: 5X3
RDL: 3X5
Leg Extension: drop sets of 3 reps
Ab circuit

Day 3- Upper Body
DB OH Press: 3X5
Pull-up (negatives): 3X5
DB Flat Bench Press: 3X10
Thickbar Rows: 3X10
Lateral Raise: 3X10
Face Pulls: 3X10
Straight Arm Pulldown: 3X12

Day 4- Lower Body
Trap Bar Deadlift: 3X5
Hyperextensions: 3X10
Hack Squat: 3X8
Reverse Hyperextensions: 3X8!
Donkey Kicks: 3X10
Ab circuit

Day 5- Arms
Incline DB Curls- 3X10
Rope Pulldowns- 3X10
EZ Bar Curls- 3X10
CGBP: 3X10
Hammer Curls: 3X10
Overhead Tricep Extension: 3X10

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