Critique my first Cycle please, mainly PCT.

Rack It

New member
Pre Cycle
AI Cycle Support -1 Scoop/day 10 days prior - Started this today.

H-Drol 50/75/75/75/75/75/ - I will start 75 on the 7th day.
Cycle Support - 2 scoops/day all 6 weeks
Taurine - 5g/day (if needed)

Should I be taking N.O products and sizeon during cycle? I've read that BP can be an issue, so I would like some more experienced peoples' opinions here.

AI Post Cycle Support - 4 caps, 2 x/day for 4 weeks - I think I went overboard on my PCT support when ordering, ha. Should I use this along with nolva, reduce xt, and a natty test booster?

Nolva 20/20/10/10 (Should I start the first 2 days at 40?)

Reduce XT - I've read and been advised to start this on the third week. Is this correct?

Bioforge or Recyle - I have both of these on hand and I'm wondering when and what doses I should run one of these at. Bioforge vs Recycle? What doses, and mainly when should I start the test booster?

White flood (preworkout)
SizeOn Maximum Performance (during workout)
Xtend mixed with sizeon (during workout)

Extras -
Orange Triad (all cycle and post)
Fish oil (Optimum, all cycle and post)
Glucosamine / Chondroitin (all cycle and post)
Protein (all cycle and post)

I will be 21 next month and have decided to dab into the PH world, I've been doing research for the past three months, and have followed tons of logs on HDrol cycles. I know age isn't a magic number to say, Hey, I'm "X" years old, and it would be okay to start my first cycle. Surely, that is not the case, I'm set on doing a mild 6 week cycle, if you can help me out, please do.

I have been training for 3 years now and sitting at 200 pounds, standing at 6'1. Last summer I took Mass FX and Hyperdrol x2 and it went great. I have been on and off the staple supplements (creatine, bcaas, protein, multi, fish oils, preworkouts) for the last 2 years and my diet is in check. Thanks for anyone with help, I plan on starting a log in a few weeks.


New member
Nolva 20/20/10/10 (Should I start the first 2 days at 40?)

Do you mean start at 40mg the first 2 weeks??
if thats so yes,40/40/20/20

Rack It

New member
No I meant, the first two days take 40mg nolva, and then go onto finish the remainder of the 2 weeks left 20/20 and then 10/10.

If you could answer some of the questions I also have above I would appreciate it: See bolded, thanks.

- Jeff


  • Established
Save the stims and creatine for PCT, youll have plenty of pump...

haha now for are by no means short on your pct, nolva dosing looks fine. H Drol is pretty mild, yes still a steroid but no need to throw the kitchen sink at it. Run nolva as you stated, pick a natty test booster and start it with your nolva. If you want to get that peace of mind and run an AI, start it week 3 and run as directed, other than that you would really just be wasting the rest.

Other than that, looks good man!


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  • Established
Nolva 20/20/10/10 (Should I start the first 2 days at 40?)

Do you mean start at 40mg the first 2 weeks??
if thats so yes,40/40/20/20

ABSOLUTLY NOT... there is NO REASON to dose nolva at 40mg for 2 weeks!!! especially with h-drol! If anything.. dose it at 40mg for 2-3 days then hop down to 20mg for the remainder of week 1. the rest of your pct plan looks good.

as far as stims or N.O. products... save it for pct s u can keep your strength up and solidify your gains.


New member
Nolva 20/20/10/10 (Should I start the first 2 days at 40?)

Do you mean start at 40mg the first 2 weeks??
if thats so yes,40/40/20/20
well check this out i ran for pct nolva with a natty test booster like DTHC and along with formex and felt grate after, it was the smoothest ive had back to normal state, so yes i would recommend yousing a natty test booster and a Al of some kind. on the Nolva dose it like he said 20/20/10/10 and what not, i guess its different with SD.

Rack It

New member
ABSOLUTLY NOT... there is NO REASON to dose nolva at 40mg for 2 weeks!!! especially with h-drol! If anything.. dose it at 40mg for 2-3 days then hop down to 20mg for the remainder of week 1. the rest of your pct plan looks good.

as far as stims or N.O. products... save it for pct s u can keep your strength up and solidify your gains.
Okay, gotcha! One more thing should I just ditch the AI Post Cycle Support since I already have a natty test booster?


Active member
  • Established
well check this out i ran for pct nolva with a natty test booster like DTHC and along with formex and felt grate after, it was the smoothest ive had back to normal state, so yes i would recommend yousing a natty test booster and a Al of some kind. on the Nolva dose it like he said 20/20/10/10 and what not, i guess its different with SD.
that post says nothing about any other pct products... it only mentions his question of when to dose nolva at 40mg... u said the first two weeks... i said the first 3 days.

as for your natty test boosters... yea of course you need them obv


  • Established
Okay, gotcha! One more thing should I just ditch the AI Post Cycle Support since I already have a natty test booster?
With H Drol you will be fine running Nolva and a natty, I would personally save that AI's for a stronger cycle in the future. No one ever just runs a cycle of H drol and doesnt experiment with SD later lol.

Also, idk what all the confusion about the nolva dosing is on here but the way you had it in your original post is fine. GL

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