I've never been asked for a larger size on it. I don't think we would do a larger size, but I would be glad to set up a 3 pack option if people would like for us too.
I've never been asked for a larger size on it. I don't think we would do a larger size, but I would be glad to set up a 3 pack option if people would like for us too.
About to switch over to SNS creatine HCl - says 1 scoop / 100# of bodyweight. One scoop is 750 mg, so I'd only be using 1.5g - does that seem right? I'm usually taking around 5g of creatine mono...
About to switch over to SNS creatine HCl - says 1 scoop / 100# of bodyweight. One scoop is 750 mg, so I'd only be using 1.5g - does that seem right? I'm usually taking around 5g of creatine mono...
About to switch over to SNS creatine HCl - says 1 scoop / 100# of bodyweight. One scoop is 750 mg, so I'd only be using 1.5g - does that seem right? I'm usually taking around 5g of creatine mono...
I am about 230lbs (20 percent bodyfat powerlifter). I like to use 2-3 scoops for a maintenance dose and then go to 4 scoops for a few weeks as a peak for a lift.
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