Clen with T4


New member
Hi guys,

can you stack clen with t4? I heard you need Taurine otherwise clen shuts down the conversation from t4 to t3 in the liver.

Does anyone have more knowledge to this?
Why not just take t3 either by itself or with clean? You can alternate t4 and clean also either daily weekly or monthly.
Why not just take t3 either by itself or with clean? You can alternate t4 and clean also either daily weekly or monthly.

im getting 100mg T4 from my doctor… and i would like to know if i can stack clen to it and do i need Taurine because i heard Clen depletes taurine in the liver but it is needed to convert t4 to t3 in the liver
Do you mean 100mcg T4? And does your doc know about the Clen?

100mcg is a standard, mid range dose for replacement therapy in many cases, but beta agonists do not generally stack cleanly with Thyroid hormones.

In fact, with higher doses of T4, a cardio selective beta-blocker (the opposite effect of clen) is often used to control excessive cardiac acceleration.

You might be alright with just 100 though, if you don't get greedy with the clen.