Christmas Bulk: Superdrol and 19-Nordiol



I know nothing...
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Add alittle bit of juice in your shake, it'll become "bust some out and drink for fun "good"


Like juice with the milk? Or just juice? I have the chocolate flavored one, what kind of juice do you recommend me drinking with it?

I love GF-Pro and its flavor.. I could drink that all day if it didn't cost so damn much.


No problem Darius.

What you could do is find out howmuch calories you were eating before you started gaining weight on this cycle. Take that amount and divide it by the amount of weight you weighed on day one of the cycle. whatever number you get multiply it by your current weight and that is the amount of calories that you should be eating.

if you were already eating that amount of calories add 500 more if not eat the amount you get on the calculation.

Yeah.. I dunno. I'm not good at calorie counting, so I think I'm just going to try to eat "noticibly more" food. I will save the calorie counting for my cutting phase later on.

Thanks for the advice from everyone though. Sometimes things just sorta slip up even though they shouldn't, thanks for reminding me about my diet and stuff. It's going to be on track good now, till the end.


I started Superdrol today myself, and I am curious as to your overall impression so far as to how well it works. Thanks.


I started Superdrol today myself, and I am curious as to your overall impression so far as to how well it works. Thanks.
It's badass dude. Seriously an awesome compound. Strength gains are awesome, I'm alot bigger (~10lbs), and absolutely no side effects except really painful pumps (at 30mgs, at 20, it wasn't that bad). Just do the the basics.. get your sleep, workout hard, and eat and you'll have a great cycle. Good luck with it.


I know nothing...
  • Established
Like juice with the milk? Or just juice? I have the chocolate flavored one, what kind of juice do you recommend me drinking with it?

I love GF-Pro and its flavor.. I could drink that all day if it didn't cost so damn much.
No you add juice into milk (2cups of milk with .5 cup of juice + 2 scoops of protein) Tastes great.
I use orange or cranberry juice.


Day 23:

Morning Weight: 236lbs (+10lb gain)

Sorry for not updating it for a while. I very recently got a bad stomach problem that wouldn't go away for a while. Just stomach discomfort, but for prolonged days. It's doing much better now. I have been working out still and will post some numbers below. Unfortunately, I have lost my appetite really bad due to becoming sick, and started eating alot less than I need to. With that to say, strength is still climbing, although my mass isn't, and to be honest, I am actually satisfied with where I stand right now, and going any bigger for me is something that I really don't want to do. Everyone has noticed the size gains. Now after workouts, I try to sneak back into the house so my parents don't see me (dead serious). They have noticed the size increase and question me everyday. I had a long talk with my mom and she said.. "at least your not doing steroids" after a long elaborate explaination for my newly found size. It made me feel bad, but oh well,.. I will get a bit smaller after the cut and I'm not going to use anymore compounds for a while to make sure everything inside goes back to the norm. You have no idea how many people and their mom's lol mention it, its getting annoying, to the point of wearing sweaters wherever I go ( to places where people know me, and yes, even in my thick sweaters, I can't hide). Not trying to boost my ego or anything stupid like that, but I am just giving you the facts from this side of the story. On the other hand, Superdrol is an amazing compound. I cannot stress this enough. For all of you that want mass without any sides.. this compound is for you. For all of you who want insane strength (my strength gains were better than alot of peoples logs of 1-Test) this compound is for you. I will continue to take Superdrol till the end of the cycle, but my program is going to shift from mass to strength in this final week. I will eat normal, so I don't put on anymore size, but I will push out all the strength gains that I can get from it.

Strength Gains so far:
Chest (Incline Bench Press): solid 40lb increase. not shitting anyone, it went up that much on both my middle sets (4 sets, 1st is warmup and 4th is alot lower too, went up on sets 2+3 (at least 8 reps of the new weight too, on both sets).
Biceps (Stand up EZ curl bar) I usually do seated preacher curls and then all sorts of curls, but on stand up, I gained 30lbs.
Triceps (rope pulldown and other variations) 30lbs.
Shoulders (shoulder press) 25lbs. (my shoulders are easily the "biggest" muscle of my body.
Back (rows) 25lbs.
Legs (leg press, did different stuff too, but for leg press) 40lbs.
Calves (seated calve raises) really never maxed out before, but from the start to end, I added 45lbs.
Forearms eh.. I did whatever till the burn was so bad that I almost cried :D lol
Shrugs hmm never really increased the weight, just held them up alot longer in each rep/set, probably should have increased the weight.. oh well.

The only before pic I have (which is a recent before pic, before the cycle) is of my back, so I will take another one of my back after the cycle and upload it for your viewing pleasure ;).

Other noticible stuff so far:
  • starting to get very mild acne on the forehead, gonna nuke it with some benzyne tonight
  • veiny.. very veiny after a workout
  • extremely painful pumps at 30mg.. it owned me so I dropped back to 20mg
  • scary dark urine whenever I don't get enough water for the day (stupid me, only happend occasionally)
  • rash? a very weird rash in certain "patches". some patches on my legs and arms.. dunno if its from SD or what, but occured after the cycle.. its not that bad, gonna put some oinment, and im sure it will clear up soon
  • no hair loss
  • no hair growth
  • balls on vacation.. hoping they show up soon during pct (shrunk noticibly, about half the man I used to be.. thanks alot nordiol)
  • libido is still crazy. (seriously dunno whats up with this, but I am horny as hell.. and do systematic "checks" ;) everyday)
  • felt nautious and stomach felt nasty (dunno what this is from, but definitely something from after the cycle started)
  • insanely painful back lower, upper, everywhere back pumps (this was on 30mg, woke up multiple times during the night and had to stretch it out or I couldn't fall back to sleep :(
  • ab pumps from walking? stomach muscles felt funny after walking a long distance at 30mg
  • lots of compliments (good and bad) but with what you guys have in mind, it would be all good :D
Anyways. Will update more later, but not the fun food logs that I used to write up. Anyways, I'll let you guys know how it goes, even through pct and all.

Nate Dawg

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Excellent log darius, I know what you mean about feeling bad when your mom said "at least you arent using steroids", my parents would kick my ass if they found out I was using. Its our bodies and we can do what we want with it:thumbsup:


Well weight is down to 235, which is still +10lbs. Strength continues to climb. I put on another 10lbs on my incline bench press, for a total 50lb gain, this past week. Shoulder, back, arms, basically everything, went up really well in strength this past week. I stopped the cycle on Friday and started 40mg of Nolva. Going to do it like 40/30/20/20. I have to get to work in a bit, so I will post about the whole cycle later on tonight, like a summary of everything and what was good, bad, etc. But for a short answer, I LOVED this cycle so much. I will post up later.


  • Established
How significant was the 19-Nordiol? Do you think the gains you made could be contributed to SD only?


How significant was the 19-Nordiol? Do you think the gains you made could be contributed to SD only?
Not sure really. Considering that my mass came fast, the mass was undoubtedly from the Superdrol because 19-Nor takes a while to kick in. Superdrol increased my strength also, but 19-Nor may have played some role with strength towards the end of my cycle.


Final Cycle Impressions

I loved this cycle so much. Superdrol is truly and amazing substance, at least for me. At first I was a bit hesitant, to lay down $275 for 5 bottles, because I was unsure what it would really do for me. Looking back now though, I would have laid down $100 per bottle. Like I said, I did a M4OHN cycle, earlier, for 6 weeks. Although I got nice pumps and some decent strength gains, Superdrol completely blew it away in every aspect (size, strength, and sides). With my M4OHN cycle, I went into it looking every single day for the gains to start, but with Superdrol, I kept that thought out of mind this time. It was scary when the size started packing on out of nowhere the first week, especially the strength gains. There is no way of me knowing what Superdrol did 100% and what 19-Nordiol did 100%, but if I had to place my bets, it would definitely be on the Superdrol.

  • Incredible Strength
  • Absolutely no side effects at 20mg
  • Noticible increase in endurance
  • Very fast mass explosion
  • The value ($)
  • The incredible pumps
  • Increased vascularity
  • Strong Libido (entire cycle)
  • Rage (but not to the degree of getting out of control, more like a preworkout helper)

  • Back cramps at 30mg (horrible cramps)
  • Painful pumps (sharp pains, had to rest longer than usual to "walk the pump off")
  • 19-Nor shrinking my nuts
  • The fact that using it forever is probably very bad for you :D and that I only have 4 bottles left :(
Some other things that I would have done differently (maybe for the next cycle):
  • Keep body measurements, and get new ones every other day or so (I didn't keep any).
  • Plan out nutrition further in advance (I started eating alot the first half of the cycle and started to slack afterwards).
  • There is a small chance my original weigh in weight may have been incorrect by at most 5 lbs. It could have only been less, giving me more gains (because I only checked it once one time in the morning for the start of the cycle, when it probably should have been a bit less).
  • Record workouts and what I lifted, so that I could always be "adding" weight. (May have happend only to a small degree, but I had awesome strength gains).
Final Strength Gains:
Chest: (Incline Barbell Bench Press) +50lbs
Shoulders: (Shoulder Press): +30lbs
(Front Dumbell Raise): +15lbs
(Reverse Shoulder Flys): +25lbs
Lats: (Lat Pulldown): +30lbs
Bi's: (Standing EZ Curl): +40lbs
Tri's: (Pulldown): +40lbs
Calves: (Seated Calve Raise): +45lbs
Legs: (Leg Press): ~50lbs+
Back: (Rows): +30lbs

I have posted a before/after pic. I only had one recent before pic, and it was of my back/shoulders, so you can get some idea of my gains. It was taken Dec 1, 2004. I know I started my cycle on the 25th, but I can assure you I looked the same then as on Christmas, because my diet was horrible during that time and I was not getting very much protein (school, finals, and stuff.. no excuse, but thats what happend). The other pic, the after one, was taken on January 17, 2005, somewhere in the last week of my cycle. The reason I know the exact dates, is because the pics were both taken on my Sanyo camera phone and it stores the date.

If any of you have any questions at all, feel free to ask me anything.



Didn't mean for the font to get so big near the end lol. Tried to edit it but no luck. Oh well.


Active member
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Damn, your lats got huge. I'd be interested in this being updated every couple days/weeks in your PCT if you want, I'd like to see how much sticks around.


  • Established
awesome Darius - great feedback and accomplishments.

do you have any plans for bloodwork??

and also, I know it's hard to say, but - How much shutdown did the superdrol (by itself give you)? I know 19nor is pretty brutal. Maybe compare the first 2 weeks to the final 2 weeks (when the 19nor had kicked in fully)...

The pictures really show great progress, certainly have a 'V' look now.


Thanks for the compliments.

Sorry, but no plans on bloodwork.

Superdrol didn't shut me down at all I don't think. It's hard to say exactly, but I'm sure 19-Nor accounted for most of the nut shrinkage. Libido was always up the whole cycle and it is still up today, so I'm sure I was shutdown, but the Superdrol kept stuff alive. I will post up during PCT if I experience and loss of libido or gains or anything. The gains feel solid, and I'm pretty sure they will stay after PCT. I might loose a few lbs, but I don't think my strength will go down. I will post if anything happens.

When I cut after PCT, I'm sure things will look better. Right now I'm pretty fat, but not super fat. I'm sure the V will come out better after I loose the lower back fat and love handles.


  • Established
Will/would you run it without the 19nor - the next time?


Will/would you run it without the 19nor - the next time?
I will cut for a few months. Probably start another cycle around May. I want to try it like this, but it will probably change before then:

2 weeks on, 2 weeks off (nolva), 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off (nolva). The reason I want to try it like that is because I saw all my gains in the beginning of the first couple weeks (of course strength always went up, and the no mass gains after the first few weeks may have been because of my diet), but I will look into some things and figure something out.

Lean One

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Dude! Excellent gains. your back and shoulders are noticably bigger. Great job!


Registered User
Damn Dude! You can definatly tell the diff. Congrats. Thanks for the log.



Registered User
good log thanks for all the detail, please keep it updated through you PCT. Also do you think you would have had the same kind of strength increases if you didn't raise your calories. I realize you wanted to bulk up but I am interested in your thoughts on the strength & endurance part of it.


good log thanks for all the detail, please keep it updated through you PCT. Also do you think you would have had the same kind of strength increases if you didn't raise your calories. I realize you wanted to bulk up but I am interested in your thoughts on the strength & endurance part of it.
Well I raised my calories from pre-cycle to the start of the cycle alot so I think that contributed to most of my size gains. With the extra size my strength went up, but then towards the middle of my cycle, size quit because I didn't up the cals any more (should have, at least consistently). Despite that, my strength was still climbing pretty steady. So I would say, if you already have some mass, and just eat more protein (not enough cals to bulk, but enough protein for the strength), your strength should go up well and you wouldn't put on too much size.

As for endurance, during my training in Brazilian jiu jitsu, I felt like I could go on longer. I would still start breathing hard during a tough roll and my heart rate would go up, but I felt pretty steady, like I could keep on going and it would be ok and work. It did work, it made me last longer on the mat. It wasn't as noticibly enormous as the strength gains or size gains, but I could definitely feel something was different, in a very good way.

Yeah I will keep everyone posted on the PCT. Right now just using my regular supplements. I also have been doing Nolva at 40mg every night, ZMA (hah I know some say its crap, but it can't really hurt), and Liver Tabs.

I wish I had some other before pics. You can't really tell in that pic, but my arms got way bigger too, when flexed. Chest got alot bigger, legs got some good definition. My calves got crazy big, cause I trained them almost every day.

Lean One

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SD has anti estrogenic properties. The oposite will happen.

I answered because i'm in a good mood right now. This is however, a question that could easily be answered with a little searching. I realise you're new, so :welcome:

This board isn't called "Anabolic Minds" for nothing. We like our members to put a little effort into learning. Use the search function first. Ask questions later. ;)


New member
any specific reason for the niacin? does it help with any sides??

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