Chemistry question regarding 1-Test, 4-AD, and 3-Alpha



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Does 1-Test, 4-AD, and 3-Alpha in powder form lose potency over time or do they decompose/breakdown into something else? Assume the powders were kept in ziploc bags but not frozen.

I was watching TV the other day and OTC meds came up; there was a general warning made about some OTC products that actually decompose and can cause severe side effects if taken after their expiration date, so I started wondering about these compounds since they were very popular a few years ago and I'm sure some people kept some before the ban.



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sounds like you need to send ur stuff you never use to me :p

good question i guess !! hopefully someone has a decent answer


  • Established
I have to totally disagree with nycste - you should send them to me!


Well-known member
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I'd have to know the decomp. rate of the compounds, and the expiration date. I think the worst that could happen would be a loss of potency, unless the stuff is way past expiration by a magnitude of something like 5 years.


Recovering AXoholic
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what's 3-alpha (I'm not as keen with old school ph's as I am with current ones).


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I'm Pretty sure 3-Alpha is an analog of 5AA which is basically a DHT pro-hormone. IT was a Molecular Nutrition product that was designed to stack well with Bolione (1,4AD) because of it's hardening effects and non-aromatizing/androgenic properties.


  • Established
Molecular Nutrition
3-Alpha Information

U.S. Patent # 6,242,436

Just as there is a clear need for aromatizable anabolic steroid hormones, particularly when muscle mass is the primary focus, there also exists a strong need for non-aromatizable compounds: Androgens that do the specific job of hardening and tightening the physique. Just ask any serious bodybuilder where he would be without this class of steroid at contest time. The non-aromatizable androgen is often indispensable to building a winning show physique. Recently this class of agent has been explored in the supplement market, and 3-Alpha (5a-androstane-3a,17b-diol) represents the greatest achievement in this area of research as it is both a direct precursor to the most potent androgen found in humans (dihydrotestosterone) and by far the most active in terms of documented blood conversion rate.

3-Alpha is unquestionably the most potent non-aromatizable androgenic prohormone ever developed, the ultimate pre-contest agent.

The Highest Documented Conversion Rate

3-Alpha is not only an incredibly potent product because it converts to the powerful androgen dihydrotestosterone, but also because it is activated with an affinity far exceeding any other prohormone. 4-androstenedione and 4-androstenediol for example have demonstrated a conversion rate to testosterone of roughly 5.5% and 16% respectively. The 3-beta isomer of 5-alpha androstanediol, the predecessor to 3-Alpha, stands at about a 9.5% conversion rate to dihydrotestosterone. Although these figures are fair, they fall far short of the 43% conversion rate demonstrated in in-vivo human studies with 3-alpha. A blood conversion rate this high is clearly unprecedented, making 3-Alpha a serious step up from the less active prohormones to come before it. Figure 1 compares the active conversion rates of the mentioned compounds.

43% conversion rate demonstrated in in-vivo human studies with 3-alpha. A blood conversion rate this high is clearly unprecedented

Figure 1. 4-Androstenedione and 4-Androstenediol: The amount of testosterone formed after incubation in human blood. Acta Endocrinol vol. 55 697-704. 3-beta and 3-alpha isomers of 5alpha-androstanediol: The amount dihydrotestosterone formed in serum after injection into human subjects. Acta Endocrinol Vol. 79 (1975) 394-402.

No Aromatization

3-Alpha will not raise estrogen levels in the body, as it lacks the necessary structure for aromatization (androgen to estrogen conversion) to be possible. Its activity in the body is that of a pure androgen, and similarly side effects related to estrogen such as increased body fat, water retention and gynecomastia are not possible during use. Dihydrotestosterone is further shown to have anti-estrogenic activity, an added benefit when we are looking to lower the activity of this hormone in the body. Although some estrogen is desirous when we are looking to build mass, due to the fact that androgens and estrogens play opposing roles on the deposition of body fat in humans its absence is preferred when we are trying to cut-up. With this in mind bodybuilders will often use non-aromatizable steroids such as stanozolol, methenolone, trenbolone, fluoxymesterone, Proviron (mesterolone; 1-methyl DHT) and Masteron (drostanolone; 2-methyl DHT) exclusively during contest season. As a natural and powerful non-aromatizable androgen, 3-Alpha is the ultimate pre-contest agent. Unmatched in its capacity to alter the physique in a way unattainable with estrogenic prohormones.

DHT and Androgenic Side Effects

It is a terrible misconception among bodybuilders that dihydrotestosterone is an isolated culprit when it comes to side effects. All anabolic/androgenic steroids exert their activities through the cellular androgen receptor, and dihydrotestosterone is no different than any other agent except that it is a more potent activator of this receptor than most. All steroids can cause androgenic side effects in direct relation to their affinity for this receptor, and DHT has no known unique ability in this regard. That said, those with a known or apparent genetic predisposition to hair loss for example would not be advised to take a strong androgenic prohormone if they wish to avoid advancing this condition. But again, 3-Alpha joins a long list of prohormones with similar potential (none are truly devoid of this possibility). For the vast number of others willing to experiment with prohormones, one would expect the typical androgenic side effects such as oily skin, acne or body and facial hair growth to occur with 3-Alpha in relation to the dosage used and ones own individual sensitivity.

A Naturally Occurring Hormone

3-Alpha (5-alpha androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol) is an androgen metabolite found in humans. It is similarly a natural compound that can legally be sold as a nutritional supplement.

How Supplied

50mg 5-alpha androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol per capsule, 60 capsules per bottle. Recommended dosage is 1-2 capsules, 2 to 3 times daily.


In vivo uptake and metabolism of 3b-5a-androstane-3a,17b-diol and of 3b-5a-androstane-3b,17b-diol by human prostatic hypertrophy. Horst, Dennis, Kaufmann and Voigt. Acta Endocrinol Vol. 79 (1975) 394-402

[ii] Aromatization of androgens to estrogens mediates increased activity of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in rat levator ani muscle. Endocrinol 106(2):440-43 1980

[iii] Activation of the somatotropic axis by testosterone in adult males: Evidence for the role of aromatization. Weissberger and Ho. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 76 (1993) 1407-12

[iv] Modulation of the cytosolic androgen receptor in striated muscle by sex steroids. Rance, Max. Endocrinol 115 (1984) 862-6

[v] In vivo androgen in rat skeletal and perineal muscles. Dionne, Dube, Lesage and Tremblay. Acta Endocr Copen. 91 (1979) 362-72


Recovering AXoholic
  • Legend!
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I'm whored out, but I'll try to hit you later coug. thanks for the info.

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