Changing breakfast

Nick Glasser

New member
A strong supporter of breakfast being thought of as the "the most important meal" I would never think of skipping however recently my 30g whey and 3/4 cup of oats has become lackluster.

Looking for some good meals to keep the morning interesting
Protein pancakes or waffles


Greek yogurt

No need to limit it to breakfast foods either, occasionally I will have leftovers from dinner
Mine is 5-6 whole eggs, 4-5 pieces of bacon, bagel + cream cheese (or a couple pieces of toast), and whole milk.

Sometimes cheese + salsa too.
Hashbrowns with peppers
Lean turkey sausage

Oats + cookie nookie pb :)
Turkey sausage

Onion begal
200g beef + broccoli
Chicken + Eggs + Potatoes + low fat cheese
Greek Yogurt + Whey + Berries + cereal on top for crunch
3 Eggs + 100g Beef + Broccoli + peppers/onions
Protein Pancakes/Waffles (Flour/pancake mix, SF/FF Pudding Mix, Baking Powder, SPlenda, Whey, almond milk, eggs)
French toast (bread, whey, almond milk, eggs, baking powder, splenda, cinnamon)
I've made myself some super delicious granola as of late and thinking for my next batch I'll add some SELECT Milk Chocolate protein ;)

From memory, this is the recipe;

4 cups of shredded coconut
4 cups of roasted/raw almonds - or any nuts really. Your choice.
2 cups of cocoa - this is where I will add the protein powder instead I reckon.
5 TBSP of rolled oats
2 TBSP of organic honey/maple syrup/stevia - Again, your choice. I use honey.
4 TBSP chia seeds - I used black this time. I don't really know the big difference or benefits of black vs. white Chia seeds.
10 TBSP of coconut oil

Taste and adjust any ingredients as you wish. Mix together.

Spread thin in baking tray (lay down baking paper first!) and cook for 20 - 30 mins depending on how 'roasted' you like it at approx 120c.

Take it out and let it rest for 10-15 mins.

While it's resting I dice up a big handful of dried cranberries and toss over the granola before mixing through and dividing up into small serving sizes and refrigerate.

I can eat it straight but I actually had it this morning with JALNA pot-set premium creamy vanilla yogurt and **** my ass it was delicious.
I have muesli, 3 eggs boiled, 200g Greek yogurt,toast with cottage cheese + slices of tomato, small glass of juice with my multi vit & fish oils oh and a can of tuna

You can try these

Coconut Flake Cereal 250g + Paleo Hero Primal muesli + Paleo Hero Choc + Granola Forage Paleo 1 kg. I have tried and now i love it. You can find all these products at Wicked Accessoriess.