Cancer Prevention Supplements



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I've recently started a number of new supplements on an ongoing basis, for overall general health. Most of them are for cardio-protective purposes, but it's interesting to see how some of them are (supposedly) great for cancer prevention too.

Here's my list of new general-wellness staples I've added to my daily supplements:

Lycopene (Jarrow's Lyco-Sorb - for prostate and heart)
Tocotrienol / Tocopherol (Jarrow's Toco-Sorb)
Ubiquinol (the QH- version, VERY superior to plain old CoQ10)
Astaxanthin (protects the skin and eyes, good at protecting from sun exposure)
Grape Seed Extract (OPCs+95 version)
Were do you get your astaxanthin from? Interested in it regarding the sun exposure aspect of it!


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Were do you get your astaxanthin from? Interested in it regarding the sun exposure aspect of it!
I get it from Jarrow as well (on Amazon). I rate Jarrow's supplements highly.

I forgot to mention that I also take (Kyolic) odorless garlic pills!! Great stuff, for so many reasons. I take Kyolic's Immune support version with vitC, Astragalus, mushroom extracts, oregano extract, olive leaf oil and aged garlic in it.


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I honestly think one of the best ways to help prevent cancer (by far) is to really limit eating any over-cooked foods, especially BBQ, but this is so tough...

A.G.E.'s (advanced glycation end products) are horrible compounds that are formed in the browning / blackened parts of the food that is over-cooked. They promote a pro-inflammatory state (which cancer will thrive off of), and also feed cancer cells as well as many other diseases.


Well as a cancer survivor, ill just let myself chime in here.

There is alot that can help you prevent cancer! First of all my way of thinking is that cancer is a man-made disease, the word cancer means; Crab. Reason? Well, the body tries to deposit the unhealthy cells in a cluster shell "Tumor" and often there is a trigger for cancer.
- Radition = leuchemia and lymphomatic cancer
- Smoking = Lung and mouth cancer
- Supplements/steroids = Testicular and prostate cancer, I knew mine was related to supplements. Statistics how major increase these last 10years in wealthy countries, and while i was in chemo i spoke to alot of atheltes/lifters... There are different types.
- It aint all magic, 1+1 if often 2. And that 2 might just be a cell that dosent do apoptosis, it becomes cancerous due to frequent poisining..

My cancer documentary is out: "1:00 for some action"
I likewise run my own channel and try to promote healthy living, exercise and motivation: "newest video, sorry for no music in the start"

This forum is where it all started, as i tought it was the supplements that made me feel sick... Eventually it was not, but in another way it might just have been. Back to topic.

One of the best way to secure your health is simply to think natural. If you think you get more vitamin A from a pill then from 3-carrots you are wrong, the carrot contains living molecyles that are 100% not motified and still 100% bioawailable for your body. There is a difference in real vitamins and stuffed stone hard pills.

But minerals is another story, i sometimes supplement with zink, iodine, and selenium! But this has likewise something to do with my chemo theraphy.

I hope you all like the video, and eventually subscribe to my channel! Im doing this to promote fitness and health as a cancer surivor!


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Thanks for sharing Profion! And congrats on beating this beast!


Thanks brother! It is kinda hard looking at the post i made here, finding out that it was cancer.
On the testicular-cancer forum there has been a debate around one of USP labs products, as many young men found them selves sick after use! Some, quite alot of the trainees actually say that it was due to that. Im not sure and will not judge that.

Anyways the human body is a powerfull machine, but it has to be controlled by a phenomenal mind! If not, the intire machinery just crashed into dirt and the further chance of survival is minimal! 7-8months diagnose with one of the most aggresive types of cancer, yet my tumormarkers were like that of a 1-2week disease.... Doctors dident know **** about it, but let me tell you: Find the reason, fix it and that goes a long way.

To much dirt everywhere these days. Chemtrails, dirt supps, hormonal food, GH hotwings, and girls on testosterone... You get where im comming from, nature is beautiful.


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Well as a cancer survivor, ill just let myself chime in here.

There is alot that can help you prevent cancer! First of all my way of thinking is that cancer is a man-made disease, the word cancer means; Crab. Reason? Well, the body tries to deposit the unhealthy cells in a cluster shell "Tumor" and often there is a trigger for cancer.
- Radition = leuchemia and lymphomatic cancer
- Smoking = Lung and mouth cancer
- Supplements/steroids = Testicular and prostate cancer, I knew mine was related to supplements. Statistics how major increase these last 10years in wealthy countries, and while i was in chemo i spoke to alot of atheltes/lifters... There are different types.
- It aint all magic, 1+1 if often 2. And that 2 might just be a cell that dosent do apoptosis, it becomes cancerous due to frequent poisining..

My cancer documentary is out: "1:00 for some action"
I likewise run my own channel and try to promote healthy living, exercise and motivation: "newest video, sorry for no music in the start"

This forum is where it all started, as i tought it was the supplements that made me feel sick... Eventually it was not, but in another way it might just have been. Back to topic.

One of the best way to secure your health is simply to think natural. If you think you get more vitamin A from a pill then from 3-carrots you are wrong, the carrot contains living molecyles that are 100% not motified and still 100% bioawailable for your body. There is a difference in real vitamins and stuffed stone hard pills.

But minerals is another story, i sometimes supplement with zink, iodine, and selenium! But this has likewise something to do with my chemo theraphy.

I hope you all like the video, and eventually subscribe to my channel! Im doing this to promote fitness and health as a cancer surivor!
I appreciate the post. Glad you were able to beat it!


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Mate dont make the mistake to believe everything you read on wikipedia without doing your own research. There are certain interests behind this opinion on amygdalin you posted here.It cannot be patented and therefore the big pharma does everything to make US believe it is ineffective and even dangerous.Its the same with many other things e.g. vaccinations or flouridation.
Are you for or against flouridation and vaccination? genuinely curious. Im for flouridation given that countries/ cities that actually do not put flouride in their water have horrible mouth hygiene and it shows once this is stopped.

Vaccination is good IMO as well for certain things.


Well as a cancer survivor, ill just let myself chime in here.

There is alot that can help you prevent cancer! First of all my way of thinking is that cancer is a man-made disease, the word cancer means; Crab. Reason? Well, the body tries to deposit the unhealthy cells in a cluster shell "Tumor" and often there is a trigger for cancer.
- Radition = leuchemia and lymphomatic cancer
- Smoking = Lung and mouth cancer
- Supplements/steroids = Testicular and prostate cancer, I knew mine was related to supplements. Statistics how major increase these last 10years in wealthy countries, and while i was in chemo i spoke to alot of atheltes/lifters... There are different types.
- It aint all magic, 1+1 if often 2. And that 2 might just be a cell that dosent do apoptosis, it becomes cancerous due to frequent poisining..

My cancer documentary is out: "1:00 for some action"
I likewise run my own channel and try to promote healthy living, exercise and motivation: "newest video, sorry for no music in the start"

This forum is where it all started, as i tought it was the supplements that made me feel sick... Eventually it was not, but in another way it might just have been. Back to topic.

One of the best way to secure your health is simply to think natural. If you think you get more vitamin A from a pill then from 3-carrots you are wrong, the carrot contains living molecyles that are 100% not motified and still 100% bioawailable for your body. There is a difference in real vitamins and stuffed stone hard pills.

But minerals is another story, i sometimes supplement with zink, iodine, and selenium! But this has likewise something to do with my chemo theraphy.

I hope you all like the video, and eventually subscribe to my channel! Im doing this to promote fitness and health as a cancer surivor!
Congrats on beating cancer, but I'm going to have to correct you:

Cancer is not man-made. You can increase your risk factors but cancer is as strongly genetic as it is environmental.

Look up the "two-hit" hypothesis. In your case (testicular cancer), the risk factors are few and far between, and you likely got it from genetics like most cases of testicular cancer


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Not only are genetics a big part of why some people get cancers, but a huge part of how they respond. Biomarkers are hot topics in oncology research these days.


Not only are genetics a big part of why some people get cancers, but a huge part of how they respond. Biomarkers are hot topics in oncology research these days.
Yep, big time. People like to argue that no one died of cancer back in ancient times and so our new age toxins must cause cancer. Wrong.

Cancer is more common in the modern era because we live longer. Guess what THE STRONGEST risk factor for cancer is? Age.


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Yep, big time. People like to argue that no one died of cancer back in ancient times and so our new age toxins must cause cancer. Wrong.

Cancer is more common in the modern era because we live longer. Guess what THE STRONGEST risk factor for cancer is? Age.
Yep. Many patients go from low risk to high risk simply because they have a birthday.


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Are you for or against flouridation and vaccination? genuinely curious. Im for flouridation given that countries/ cities that actually do not put flouride in their water have horrible mouth hygiene and it shows once this is stopped.

Vaccination is good IMO as well for certain things.
You need to start a new thread! :) I grew up on well water and everyone in my family had great teeth - we brushed with tooth paste. There are a couple of studies on towns in the US that went from un-flouridated to fluoridated, and actually show worse statistics in the dental area. I still am on a well, so I don't really care/follow the fluoride issue though.

Vaccines are another thing. Like above, I got a certain amount of vaccines being born in the 60's, and neither me or my peer group had any problems. I still have my shot record from back then - there were maybe what - 5, 8? Now? they want to stick these kids with 30 different needles. I don't have a problem with the main stuff, like we all got as kids, but I firmly believe today's shot schedule is about money. Look at the 2009 Swine Flu "Pandemic" - what a crock - pure money making scheme. I looked it up once - I think the last actual disease that was cured was back in the late 60's... Now? All about the Benjamin's IMO. Heck, look at the push to get MALES the HPV Vaccine. I love the hard sell of "Looks like you may be pre-cancerous..." Yeah Einstein, we're ALL pre-cancerous... Jiigzz, you've created a monster I bet :)


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Heck, look at the push to get MALES the HPV Vaccine. I love the hard sell of "Looks like you may be pre-cancerous..." Yeah Einstein, we're ALL pre-cancerous... Jiigzz, you've created a monster I bet :)
Speaking of HPV, women might be more at risk (for cancer), but I've heard my fair share of stories about men who've gotten throat cancer from HPV! As a man who loves to dine on a fine clam, it is definitely a bit worrisome. Not much one can do though. I think it's something like 70% of the active population has it.


You need to start a new thread! :) I grew up on well water and everyone in my family had great teeth - we brushed with tooth paste. There are a couple of studies on towns in the US that went from un-flouridated to fluoridated, and actually show worse statistics in the dental area. I still am on a well, so I don't really care/follow the fluoride issue though.

Vaccines are another thing. Like above, I got a certain amount of vaccines being born in the 60's, and neither me or my peer group had any problems. I still have my shot record from back then - there were maybe what - 5, 8? Now? they want to stick these kids with 30 different needles. I don't have a problem with the main stuff, like we all got as kids, but I firmly believe today's shot schedule is about money. Look at the 2009 Swine Flu "Pandemic" - what a crock - pure money making scheme. I looked it up once - I think the last actual disease that was cured was back in the late 60's... Now? All about the Benjamin's IMO. Heck, look at the push to get MALES the HPV Vaccine. I love the hard sell of "Looks like you may be pre-cancerous..." Yeah Einstein, we're ALL pre-cancerous... Jiigzz, you've created a monster I bet :)
Many people share your point of view because they don't understand the purpose of why we're doing this. People often tend to look at it from a selfish POV rather than public health (and I don't blame you, it's natural if you don't understand).

But for the flu, we're trying to protect transmission to people with COPD or elderly folks who could die if you get the flu and give it to them. Not so you can be safe from what is often just a bad cold.

The most debatable one is the chickenpox vaccine. This is probably the only one I'd be on the fence about getting for my kids, but I'd still err on the side of getting it. Again, no one in the medical community is worried about kids getting chicken pox. They're worried about transmission to adults, a relatively common phenomenon that leaves hundreds of thousands annually in the US alone suffering from chronic pain unresponsive to analgesics.

For HPV, it actually makes a ton of sense. HPV is absolutely pre-cancerous. No, this isn't a "cancer risk factor" as you're making it out to be. It literally CAUSES cancer. It goes into your genome, lies dormant for decades, then mutates your genes to make cells divide uncontrollably. THE ONLY WAY TO GET CERVICAL CANCER IS THROUGH HPV. If you don't have HPV, you don't get cervical cancer, period.

HPV is also the only way you can get a host of other cancers involving the throat and skin. It should absolutely be vaccinated against. The problem is, again, people think selfishly. "My kids don't need this." You're right, they probably don't, but look at the good of humanity. The point is, what if we could wipe out a variety of cancers...just take them off the earth forever? You'd be doing that if you vaccinated the entire population with HPV. You'd end post-herpetic neuralgia forever by vaccinating everyone against varicella. We did it with smallpox and we can do it with other major diseases too. The problem is that people don't think in terms of the greater good. They think about themselves. And to make things worse, we have media propaganda making people think vaccines are a conspiracy to make money. Sorry, but the medical community would make A HELL OF A LOT MORE MONEY if they let people get these diseases, kept them in the hospital for months as they died, and then raked in the cash. That's literally hundreds of thousands of dollars per patient for their hospital stay....versus the cost of vaccines, which without insurance often tops out at just $100 and is a one-time payment for life in most cases. Use your head here.

I agree, many things out there are done for money. Vaccines aren't one of them. Get your vaccines and vaccinate your kids. It's not about you, it's about the person next to you who may die from what you have. And it's about improving the future of mankind by continuing to eradicate deadly diseases permanently. We were doing so well since the advent of vaccines. I'd hate to see us lose all the progress we made simply because people are falling prey to propaganda and conspiracy theories.


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Yep, big time. People like to argue that no one died of cancer back in ancient times and so our new age toxins must cause cancer. Wrong.

Cancer is more common in the modern era because we live longer. Guess what THE STRONGEST risk factor for cancer is? Age.
But many people don't argue that there was no cancer in ancient times but rather cancer has increased and the changes in our environment, food supply and life style are causes of this of course as well as age. Would be interesting to see cancer rates in people over 60 in less developed parts of the world or where people are exposed less to an industrialised environment. I mean after all if you're exposed to a particularly damaging environment for longer surely you will suffer more damage.


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Many people share your point of view because they don't understand the purpose of why we're doing this. People often tend to look at it from a selfish POV rather than public health (and I don't blame you, it's natural if you don't understand).

But for the flu, we're trying to protect transmission to people with COPD or elderly folks who could die if you get the flu and give it to them. Not so you can be safe from what is often just a bad cold.

The most debatable one is the chickenpox vaccine. This is probably the only one I'd be on the fence about getting for my kids, but I'd still err on the side of getting it. Again, no one in the medical community is worried about kids getting chicken pox. They're worried about transmission to adults, a relatively common phenomenon that leaves hundreds of thousands annually in the US alone suffering from chronic pain unresponsive to analgesics.

For HPV, it actually makes a ton of sense. HPV is absolutely pre-cancerous. No, this isn't a "cancer risk factor" as you're making it out to be. It literally CAUSES cancer. It goes into your genome, lies dormant for decades, then mutates your genes to make cells divide uncontrollably. THE ONLY WAY TO GET CERVICAL CANCER IS THROUGH HPV. If you don't have HPV, you don't get cervical cancer, period.

HPV is also the only way you can get a host of other cancers involving the throat and skin. It should absolutely be vaccinated against. The problem is, again, people think selfishly. "My kids don't need this." You're right, they probably don't, but look at the good of humanity. The point is, what if we could wipe out a variety of cancers...just take them off the earth forever? You'd be doing that if you vaccinated the entire population with HPV. You'd end post-herpetic neuralgia forever by vaccinating everyone against varicella. We did it with smallpox and we can do it with other major diseases too. The problem is that people don't think in terms of the greater good. They think about themselves. And to make things worse, we have media propaganda making people think vaccines are a conspiracy to make money. Sorry, but the medical community would make A HELL OF A LOT MORE MONEY if they let people get these diseases, kept them in the hospital for months as they died, and then raked in the cash. That's literally hundreds of thousands of dollars per patient for their hospital stay....versus the cost of vaccines, which without insurance often tops out at just $100 and is a one-time payment for life in most cases. Use your head here.

I agree, many things out there are done for money. Vaccines aren't one of them. Get your vaccines and vaccinate your kids. It's not about you, it's about the person next to you who may die from what you have. And it's about improving the future of mankind by continuing to eradicate deadly diseases permanently. We were doing so well since the advent of vaccines. I'd hate to see us lose all the progress we made simply because people are falling prey to propaganda and conspiracy theories.
Generally agree with this but the pharma industry doesn't help and neither does the medical profession. The most recent example I can recall in Europe is the swine flu vaccine. There was such hysteria about it that a vaccine was rushed through and not properly tested and guess what it caused narcolepsy in children.


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Many people share your point of view because they don't understand the purpose of why we're doing this. People often tend to look at it from a selfish POV rather than public health (and I don't blame you, it's natural if you don't understand).

But for the flu, we're trying to protect transmission to people with COPD or elderly folks who could die if you get the flu and give it to them. Not so you can be safe from what is often just a bad cold.

The most debatable one is the chickenpox vaccine. This is probably the only one I'd be on the fence about getting for my kids, but I'd still err on the side of getting it. Again, no one in the medical community is worried about kids getting chicken pox. They're worried about transmission to adults, a relatively common phenomenon that leaves hundreds of thousands annually in the US alone suffering from chronic pain unresponsive to analgesics.

For HPV, it actually makes a ton of sense. HPV is absolutely pre-cancerous. No, this isn't a "cancer risk factor" as you're making it out to be. It literally CAUSES cancer. It goes into your genome, lies dormant for decades, then mutates your genes to make cells divide uncontrollably. THE ONLY WAY TO GET CERVICAL CANCER IS THROUGH HPV. If you don't have HPV, you don't get cervical cancer, period.

HPV is also the only way you can get a host of other cancers involving the throat and skin. It should absolutely be vaccinated against. The problem is, again, people think selfishly. "My kids don't need this." You're right, they probably don't, but look at the good of humanity. The point is, what if we could wipe out a variety of cancers...just take them off the earth forever? You'd be doing that if you vaccinated the entire population with HPV. You'd end post-herpetic neuralgia forever by vaccinating everyone against varicella. We did it with smallpox and we can do it with other major diseases too. The problem is that people don't think in terms of the greater good. They think about themselves. And to make things worse, we have media propaganda making people think vaccines are a conspiracy to make money. Sorry, but the medical community would make A HELL OF A LOT MORE MONEY if they let people get these diseases, kept them in the hospital for months as they died, and then raked in the cash. That's literally hundreds of thousands of dollars per patient for their hospital stay....versus the cost of vaccines, which without insurance often tops out at just $100 and is a one-time payment for life in most cases. Use your head here.

I agree, many things out there are done for money. Vaccines aren't one of them. Get your vaccines and vaccinate your kids. It's not about you, it's about the person next to you who may die from what you have. And it's about improving the future of mankind by continuing to eradicate deadly diseases permanently. We were doing so well since the advent of vaccines. I'd hate to see us lose all the progress we made simply because people are falling prey to propaganda and conspiracy theories.
Response of the year award goes to this


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I didn't read all the posts so forgive me
If I double up on some supps out there. Hubby had prostate cancer last year and we kept it from growing until
His surgery. We use daily:

900mg turmeric 2x a day
Boswellia serrata
Multi enzymes
Fish oil 3 pills 3x a day
Loose leaf teas.
Flor-essence tea once a year
Vitamin D 5000iU 2x a day

I might be leaving some out but that's what we have so far


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Many people share your point of view because they don't understand...
Thanks for taking the time to reply at length, it takes effort and I know the work I put into my lengthy stuff. We'll just agree to disagree - I really don't want to devote time to vaccines when I want to read about supps, anabolics, etc... But again, thanks.


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Many people share your point of view because they don't understand the purpose of why we're doing this. People often tend to look at it from a selfish POV rather than public health (and I don't blame you, it's natural if you don't understand).

But for the flu, we're trying to protect transmission to people with COPD or elderly folks who could die if you get the flu and give it to them. Not so you can be safe from what is often just a bad cold.

The most debatable one is the chickenpox vaccine. This is probably the only one I'd be on the fence about getting for my kids, but I'd still err on the side of getting it. Again, no one in the medical community is worried about kids getting chicken pox. They're worried about transmission to adults, a relatively common phenomenon that leaves hundreds of thousands annually in the US alone suffering from chronic pain unresponsive to analgesics.

For HPV, it actually makes a ton of sense. HPV is absolutely pre-cancerous. No, this isn't a "cancer risk factor" as you're making it out to be. It literally CAUSES cancer. It goes into your genome, lies dormant for decades, then mutates your genes to make cells divide uncontrollably. THE ONLY WAY TO GET CERVICAL CANCER IS THROUGH HPV. If you don't have HPV, you don't get cervical cancer, period.

HPV is also the only way you can get a host of other cancers involving the throat and skin. It should absolutely be vaccinated against. The problem is, again, people think selfishly. "My kids don't need this." You're right, they probably don't, but look at the good of humanity. The point is, what if we could wipe out a variety of cancers...just take them off the earth forever? You'd be doing that if you vaccinated the entire population with HPV. You'd end post-herpetic neuralgia forever by vaccinating everyone against varicella. We did it with smallpox and we can do it with other major diseases too. The problem is that people don't think in terms of the greater good. They think about themselves. And to make things worse, we have media propaganda making people think vaccines are a conspiracy to make money. Sorry, but the medical community would make A HELL OF A LOT MORE MONEY if they let people get these diseases, kept them in the hospital for months as they died, and then raked in the cash. That's literally hundreds of thousands of dollars per patient for their hospital stay....versus the cost of vaccines, which without insurance often tops out at just $100 and is a one-time payment for life in most cases. Use your head here.

I agree, many things out there are done for money. Vaccines aren't one of them. Get your vaccines and vaccinate your kids. It's not about you, it's about the person next to you who may die from what you have. And it's about improving the future of mankind by continuing to eradicate deadly diseases permanently. We were doing so well since the advent of vaccines. I'd hate to see us lose all the progress we made simply because people are falling prey to propaganda and conspiracy theories.

tin gorilla

Many people share your point of view because they don't understand the purpose of why we're doing this. People often tend to look at it from a selfish POV rather than public health (and I don't blame you, it's natural if you don't understand).

But for the flu, we're trying to protect transmission to people with COPD or elderly folks who could die if you get the flu and give it to them. Not so you can be safe from what is often just a bad cold.

The most debatable one is the chickenpox vaccine. This is probably the only one I'd be on the fence about getting for my kids, but I'd still err on the side of getting it. Again, no one in the medical community is worried about kids getting chicken pox. They're worried about transmission to adults, a relatively common phenomenon that leaves hundreds of thousands annually in the US alone suffering from chronic pain unresponsive to analgesics.

For HPV, it actually makes a ton of sense. HPV is absolutely pre-cancerous. No, this isn't a "cancer risk factor" as you're making it out to be. It literally CAUSES cancer. It goes into your genome, lies dormant for decades, then mutates your genes to make cells divide uncontrollably. THE ONLY WAY TO GET CERVICAL CANCER IS THROUGH HPV. If you don't have HPV, you don't get cervical cancer, period.

HPV is also the only way you can get a host of other cancers involving the throat and skin. It should absolutely be vaccinated against. The problem is, again, people think selfishly. "My kids don't need this." You're right, they probably don't, but look at the good of humanity. The point is, what if we could wipe out a variety of cancers...just take them off the earth forever? You'd be doing that if you vaccinated the entire population with HPV. You'd end post-herpetic neuralgia forever by vaccinating everyone against varicella. We did it with smallpox and we can do it with other major diseases too. The problem is that people don't think in terms of the greater good. They think about themselves. And to make things worse, we have media propaganda making people think vaccines are a conspiracy to make money. Sorry, but the medical community would make A HELL OF A LOT MORE MONEY if they let people get these diseases, kept them in the hospital for months as they died, and then raked in the cash. That's literally hundreds of thousands of dollars per patient for their hospital stay....versus the cost of vaccines, which without insurance often tops out at just $100 and is a one-time payment for life in most cases. Use your head here.

I agree, many things out there are done for money. Vaccines aren't one of them. Get your vaccines and vaccinate your kids. It's not about you, it's about the person next to you who may die from what you have. And it's about improving the future of mankind by continuing to eradicate deadly diseases permanently. We were doing so well since the advent of vaccines. I'd hate to see us lose all the progress we made simply because people are falling prey to propaganda and conspiracy theories.
This is the best thing I have read today. Thank you.


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Use your head here...
I actually didn't see this part when I read it the first time, LOL

Ok, let's see:

No money in vaccines? (I really got into this during the bogus swine flu scare, so bookmarked dates are older - just Google "Vaccine Profits")

With the $780 billion global prescription drug market growing at a sluggish 5% a year, many analysts reckon that the vaccine industry, which is forecast to climb 13% annually through 2012, offers the most upside potential. "More companies are investing in vaccines as a way of diversifying away from prescription drugs, and new technologies such as cell culture are enabling them to produce more sophisticated vaccines," says Michael Boyd, acting director general of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA). Flu Vaccine Spurs Pharma DealsWitness the slew of recent dealmaking centered on vaccines. Through its $68 billion acquisition of Wyeth, Pfizer is now in the vaccine business. On Sept. 28, Abbott Laboratories (ABT) splashed out $6.6 billion for Belgian flu vaccine maker Solvay, while Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) bought 18% of Dutch vaccine manufacturer Crucell (CRXL). GSK—which looks set to enjoy a windfall from swine flu vaccine—also recently inked a $2.2 billion 10-year deal to provide Brazil with its pneumococcal vaccine. As emerging economies mature and health-care spending rises there, vaccines also offer drug companies attractive new markets. In June, GSK signed a $78 million joint venture with China's Shenzhen Neptunus Interlong Bio-Technique to develop flu vaccines. A month later, Sanofi acquired a majority stake in Indian vaccine maker Shantha Biotechnics, valuing the company at $824 million. And on Nov. 4, Novartis spent $125 million for an 85% stake in privately owned Chinese vaccines company Zhejiang Tianyuan. A Seasonal Shot in the ArmIn the short term, at least, H1N1 vaccine sales will give a major lift to sales at the three major European vaccine makers. GSK says analyst predictions for $1.7 billion of H1N1 vaccine sales in the fourth quarter are broadly accurate, and similar numbers are forecast for the first quarter 2010. Novartis says it expects $700 million in fourth-quarter sales alone of its H1N1 pandemic vaccine.
Drug companies have sold $1.5 billion worth of swine flu shots, in addition to the $1 billion for seasonal flu they booked earlier this year. These inoculations are part of a much wider and rapidly growing $20 billion global vaccine market.

"The vaccine market is booming," says Bruce Carlson, spokesperson at market research firm Kalorama, which publishes an annual survey of the vaccine industry. "It's an enormous growth area for pharmaceuticals at a time when other areas are not doing so well," he says, noting that the pipeline for more traditional blockbuster drugs such as Lipitor and Nexium has thinned.

As always with pandemic flus, taxpayers are footing the $1.5 billion check for the 250 million swine flu vaccines that the government has ordered so far and will be distributing free to doctors, pharmacies and schools. In addition, Congress has set aside more than $10 billion this year to research flu viruses, monitor H1N1's progress and educate the public about prevention.

Drugmakers pocket most of the revenues from flu sales, with Sanofi-Pasteur, Glaxo Smith Kline and Novartis cornering most of the market.
So, yes, they do make money - Pfizer et. al. get paid for every dose made.

US Population = 322,000,000

Yearly deaths from Rotavirus = 20-60

I can totally see how there is no profit in this vaccine, especially for the Dr that helped create it being on the CDC ACIP and voting for it to be added. Estimates on his take home when the royalties were sold are around $46,000,000.

Projected 2015 HPV infections = 12,000 Projected deaths = 4,000 (Remember we have 322 Million residents, somebody type up a percentage)

I can totally see how there is no money to be made by having every person (the dream scenario) in the US vaccinated (even men for God's sake) for HPV.

Hepatitus B. One of the 36 needles they want to stick kids with. Unless you are in AFRICA, there is about a 0.5% chance you will contract Hep B.
Which, by the way, is *primarily* contracted through sexual acts. Yep, those infants "in their first day of life" really need that one.

There's no shot for AIDS, yet we don't have millions of poor little kiddies dying in hospitals... because like AIDS, kids (and people) just don't die from a large majority of the "diseases" they want to inoculate them for. Chicken Pox? Oh, the thing that made me itch and miss school for a couple of days? Good God how did we survive Chicken Pox without a vaccine. Everybody Ok? Nobody caught Ebola? Ok, good.

You can't make money off of most of the illnesses these shots are for... because the rates of infection are minuscule on a national scale. But you *can* make money by inoculating as many as possible for those very diseases.

However, I'll take odds that you will NEVER see a cure for Diabetes or Cancer, LOL

Or, believe what you are told, because large corporations have zero effect on your daily lives, what 2008 financial crisis?

If I had a kid tomorrow, they would get vaccinated. Would they get 36 of them? Heck no.


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Other than a healthy diet and exercise, any supplements that you guys take that also aids in cancer prevention? I read that melatonin can reduce cancer. any others?
CBD and other cannabinoids and some are legal in alot of places, here is massive info on them >

also turmeric might be


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I actually didn't see this part when I read it the first time, LOL

Ok, let's see:

No money in vaccines? (I really got into this during the bogus swine flu scare, so bookmarked dates are older - just Google "Vaccine Profits")

So, yes, they do make money - Pfizer et. al. get paid for every dose made.

US Population = 322,000,000

Yearly deaths from Rotavirus = 20-60

I can totally see how there is no profit in this vaccine, especially for the Dr that helped create it being on the CDC ACIP and voting for it to be added. Estimates on his take home when the royalties were sold are around $46,000,000.

Projected 2015 HPV infections = 12,000 Projected deaths = 4,000 (Remember we have 322 Million residents, somebody type up a percentage)

I can totally see how there is no money to be made by having every person (the dream scenario) in the US vaccinated (even men for God's sake) for HPV.

Hepatitus B. One of the 36 needles they want to stick kids with. Unless you are in AFRICA, there is about a 0.5% chance you will contract Hep B.
Which, by the way, is *primarily* contracted through sexual acts. Yep, those infants "in their first day of life" really need that one.

There's no shot for AIDS, yet we don't have millions of poor little kiddies dying in hospitals... because like AIDS, kids (and people) just don't die from a large majority of the "diseases" they want to inoculate them for. Chicken Pox? Oh, the thing that made me itch and miss school for a couple of days? Good God how did we survive Chicken Pox without a vaccine. Everybody Ok? Nobody caught Ebola? Ok, good.

You can't make money off of most of the illnesses these shots are for... because the rates of infection are minuscule on a national scale. But you *can* make money by inoculating as many as possible for those very diseases.

However, I'll take odds that you will NEVER see a cure for Diabetes or Cancer, LOL

Or, believe what you are told, because large corporations have zero effect on your daily lives, what 2008 financial crisis?

If I had a kid tomorrow, they would get vaccinated. Would they get 36 of them? Heck no.
Cancer cures are actually here, and as PEOPLE spread info and do research it will out grow the pharma supression... i mean ill never just donate to a cancer foundation... there is money in treatments... not cures.... but times change as information becomes more mainstream...


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Are you for or against flouridation and vaccination? genuinely curious. Im for flouridation given that countries/ cities that actually do not put flouride in their water have horrible mouth hygiene and it shows once this is stopped.

Vaccination is good IMO as well for certain things.
Im against both.Have read many books about general health maintenance and cancer prevention and the things ill try to stay away from are:

Fried Foods
Trans fats
Too much grilled meat
Too much sugar
Too much wheat
Too much nitrite
GMO foods

Can also post the things that are good for cancer prevention soon but have lots of work at Moment.

Flouride is good for mouth Hygiene and teeth but not absolutely necessary to add to everything.It becomes too much flouride which is toxic in many ways and in many Organs.

The Main idea behind vaccination is good but nowadays it is vaccinated too much. Sometimes the disease is not in relation to the vaccination risks. Against very serious diseases it could be a good idea. But i dont think that small babies should be vaccinated and not too much stuff at the same time. Its a Manipulation of the immune system thats not without risks. No Chance to develop a natural immune system then if vaccinated too early. And than lets not forget that the injected stuff contains high amounts of Aluminium and other toxic stuff.


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I actually didn't see this part when I read it the first time, LOL

Ok, let's see:

No money in vaccines? (I really got into this during the bogus swine flu scare, so bookmarked dates are older - just Google "Vaccine Profits")

So, yes, they do make money - Pfizer et. al. get paid for every dose made.

US Population = 322,000,000

Yearly deaths from Rotavirus = 20-60

I can totally see how there is no profit in this vaccine, especially for the Dr that helped create it being on the CDC ACIP and voting for it to be added. Estimates on his take home when the royalties were sold are around $46,000,000.

Projected 2015 HPV infections = 12,000 Projected deaths = 4,000 (Remember we have 322 Million residents, somebody type up a percentage)

I can totally see how there is no money to be made by having every person (the dream scenario) in the US vaccinated (even men for God's sake) for HPV.

Hepatitus B. One of the 36 needles they want to stick kids with. Unless you are in AFRICA, there is about a 0.5% chance you will contract Hep B.
Which, by the way, is *primarily* contracted through sexual acts. Yep, those infants "in their first day of life" really need that one.

There's no shot for AIDS, yet we don't have millions of poor little kiddies dying in hospitals... because like AIDS, kids (and people) just don't die from a large majority of the "diseases" they want to inoculate them for. Chicken Pox? Oh, the thing that made me itch and miss school for a couple of days? Good God how did we survive Chicken Pox without a vaccine. Everybody Ok? Nobody caught Ebola? Ok, good.

You can't make money off of most of the illnesses these shots are for... because the rates of infection are minuscule on a national scale. But you *can* make money by inoculating as many as possible for those very diseases.

However, I'll take odds that you will NEVER see a cure for Diabetes or Cancer, LOL

Or, believe what you are told, because large corporations have zero effect on your daily lives, what 2008 financial crisis?

If I had a kid tomorrow, they would get vaccinated. Would they get 36 of them? Heck no.
Look into how the swine flu vaccine led to narcolepsy in children! Its been proven and was the subject of a number of journalistic investigations in the UK.


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I actually didn't see this part when I read it the first time, LOL

Ok, let's see:

No money in vaccines? (I really got into this during the bogus swine flu scare, so bookmarked dates are older - just Google "Vaccine Profits")

So, yes, they do make money - Pfizer et. al. get paid for every dose made.

US Population = 322,000,000

Yearly deaths from Rotavirus = 20-60

I can totally see how there is no profit in this vaccine, especially for the Dr that helped create it being on the CDC ACIP and voting for it to be added. Estimates on his take home when the royalties were sold are around $46,000,000.

Projected 2015 HPV infections = 12,000 Projected deaths = 4,000 (Remember we have 322 Million residents, somebody type up a percentage)

I can totally see how there is no money to be made by having every person (the dream scenario) in the US vaccinated (even men for God's sake) for HPV.

Hepatitus B. One of the 36 needles they want to stick kids with. Unless you are in AFRICA, there is about a 0.5% chance you will contract Hep B.
Which, by the way, is *primarily* contracted through sexual acts. Yep, those infants "in their first day of life" really need that one.

There's no shot for AIDS, yet we don't have millions of poor little kiddies dying in hospitals... because like AIDS, kids (and people) just don't die from a large majority of the "diseases" they want to inoculate them for. Chicken Pox? Oh, the thing that made me itch and miss school for a couple of days? Good God how did we survive Chicken Pox without a vaccine. Everybody Ok? Nobody caught Ebola? Ok, good.

You can't make money off of most of the illnesses these shots are for... because the rates of infection are minuscule on a national scale. But you *can* make money by inoculating as many as possible for those very diseases.

However, I'll take odds that you will NEVER see a cure for Diabetes or Cancer, LOL

Or, believe what you are told, because large corporations have zero effect on your daily lives, what 2008 financial crisis?

If I had a kid tomorrow, they would get vaccinated. Would they get 36 of them? Heck no.
In for discussion



Again, it's an issue of simply lacking understanding, which again I do not blame you for. This isn't your field and that's ok.

Of course there is no cure for diabetes or cancer. To comprehend this, you need to understand epigenetics and molecular biology. We will make massive strides in the future, but for all intents and purposes, these diseases will be incurable forever to at least some magnitude. Prevention will be the gold standard approach when technology catches up.

I didn't say you can't make money off vaccines. I said the money made from vaccines pales in comparison to hospital fees. The figures you posted are peanuts compared to end of life costs.

And again, that last part is just selfish dude. Don't get an HPV vaccine because "not enough" people die of HPV related cancer? I bet your view would be very different if it was someone you loved (also your numbers aren't even close to correct so I'm not sure what your source is).

Selfishness again here: rotavirus. THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF DEATH IN CHILDREN IN THE WORLD IS ROTAVIRUS. Let that sit for a second. The goal is to wipe out the virus for the good of the world, not for your child.

PEOPLE DONT DIE FROM THESE DISEASES BECAUSE OF THE VERY MEDICAL SYSTEM YOU HATE SO MUCH. You can't have it both ways. Either medicine is just a conspiracy or it's not. EVERYONE died of HIV before medicine invented drugs to help you live with it. Rotavirus killed hundreds of millions of kids before the U.S. createds supportive care and IV 0.9% saline to save them all. Ebola doesn't kill anyone in the U.S. but is a death sentence in Africa because the U.S. Provides proper medical measures to fight it.

And I mean, if you're against the hep b vaccine, then i mean this with no offense but you really don't know much about medical science at all and are just "going by your gut." That's one of the few that is just foolish to refute.

Anyway, we have tons of patients like yourself come in and refuse vaccines for the same reasons. I've learned the hard way it's a losing battle, people have their minds made up before even entering the comversation. Again, my only hope is that this movement of misinformation doesn't undo the decades of progress we've made in making lethal diseases a non-issue. You can preach whatever you want as long as the public isn't harmed.

I actually didn't see this part when I read it the first time, LOL

Ok, let's see:

No money in vaccines? (I really got into this during the bogus swine flu scare, so bookmarked dates are older - just Google "Vaccine Profits")

So, yes, they do make money - Pfizer et. al. get paid for every dose made.

US Population = 322,000,000

Yearly deaths from Rotavirus = 20-60

I can totally see how there is no profit in this vaccine, especially for the Dr that helped create it being on the CDC ACIP and voting for it to be added. Estimates on his take home when the royalties were sold are around $46,000,000.

Projected 2015 HPV infections = 12,000 Projected deaths = 4,000 (Remember we have 322 Million residents, somebody type up a percentage)

I can totally see how there is no money to be made by having every person (the dream scenario) in the US vaccinated (even men for God's sake) for HPV.

Hepatitus B. One of the 36 needles they want to stick kids with. Unless you are in AFRICA, there is about a 0.5% chance you will contract Hep B.
Which, by the way, is *primarily* contracted through sexual acts. Yep, those infants "in their first day of life" really need that one.

There's no shot for AIDS, yet we don't have millions of poor little kiddies dying in hospitals... because like AIDS, kids (and people) just don't die from a large majority of the "diseases" they want to inoculate them for. Chicken Pox? Oh, the thing that made me itch and miss school for a couple of days? Good God how did we survive Chicken Pox without a vaccine. Everybody Ok? Nobody caught Ebola? Ok, good.

You can't make money off of most of the illnesses these shots are for... because the rates of infection are minuscule on a national scale. But you *can* make money by inoculating as many as possible for those very diseases.

However, I'll take odds that you will NEVER see a cure for Diabetes or Cancer, LOL

Or, believe what you are told, because large corporations have zero effect on your daily lives, what 2008 financial crisis?

If I had a kid tomorrow, they would get vaccinated. Would they get 36 of them? Heck no.


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The economic cost of the Flu is far greater than the cost of vaccination.. You have to look at the implications of the Flu as well - pandemics resulting in school closures result in loss of work hours for families, schooling hours for children and not only that, but avian bird flu results in the destruction of the birds that transmit it, often billions in lifestock cost. Poor for the farmers that rely on these birds for income. Papers are readily available discussing financial cost: benefits of all sorts of illnesses and prevention methods.

And while not all bird flu viruses can be transmitted to humans, those that are can have a devastating impact. The 1918 flu pandemic infected 500 million people and killed, at its greatest estimate, 1 in 5 of those. The idea is to protect against something like this ever happening again - kill the virus before it can mutate and cause even greater problems or be passed on to those who are more likely to die from it.

Its important to look at the past for seeing how these things can actually affect populations before comparing them to the cost NOW. The reason these things have killed is because the medical care and prevention methods just didn't exist - it often takes a tragedy to prepare for another one. Problem is, people see the figures declining and think "why are we protecting against something that isn't even devastating", when in actuality, its because of what's been done to protect against it that is causing a drop in its harmful effects.

Historical data is necessary to see its potential impact - moreover, looking at its effect in countries with minimal/ no healthcare is another way to see its impact if medicine wasn't performing its duty.

Infectious diseases causes major loss of life as little as 100 years ago and earlier; medical care and prevention has seen non communicable take the lead in terms of death rate. Before that, well, not so much. People died before lifestyle disease could cause major issue


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I will admit though that im not a fan of protecting against everything. Somethings we need to develop immunity toward in order to protect against them and sometimes exposure is the best way.

But there are others that we can immunise for to stop its spread. I dont work in the medical field but I know a few people who do and so im definitely pro-medicine.

It changes lives


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The mortality rates of certain cancers has gone down dramatically through medicine. Just look at prostate cancer now compared to 20 years ago.


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The mortality rates of certain cancers has gone down dramatically through medicine. Just look at prostate cancer now compared to 20 years ago.
"There are three kinds of lies in the world: lies, damn lies, and statistics."

What if you took a slightly longer-term view of say 60 or 70 years would the same trend apply and for all developed nations?

tin gorilla

Again, it's an issue of simply lacking understanding, which again I do not blame you for. This isn't your field and that's ok.

Of course there is no cure for diabetes or cancer. To comprehend this, you need to understand epigenetics and molecular biology. We will make massive strides in the future, but for all intents and purposes, these diseases will be incurable forever to at least some magnitude. Prevention will be the gold standard approach when technology catches up.

I didn't say you can't make money off vaccines. I said the money made from vaccines pales in comparison to hospital fees. The figures you posted are peanuts compared to end of life costs.

And again, that last part is just selfish dude. Don't get an HPV vaccine because "not enough" people die of HPV related cancer? I bet your view would be very different if it was someone you loved (also your numbers aren't even close to correct so I'm not sure what your source is).

Selfishness again here: rotavirus. THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF DEATH IN CHILDREN IN THE WORLD IS ROTAVIRUS. Let that sit for a second. The goal is to wipe out the virus for the good of the world, not for your child.

PEOPLE DONT DIE FROM THESE DISEASES BECAUSE OF THE VERY MEDICAL SYSTEM YOU HATE SO MUCH. You can't have it both ways. Either medicine is just a conspiracy or it's not. EVERYONE died of HIV before medicine invented drugs to help you live with it. Rotavirus killed hundreds of millions of kids before the U.S. createds supportive care and IV 0.9% saline to save them all. Ebola doesn't kill anyone in the U.S. but is a death sentence in Africa because the U.S. Provides proper medical measures to fight it.

And I mean, if you're against the hep b vaccine, then i mean this with no offense but you really don't know much about medical science at all and are just "going by your gut." That's one of the few that is just foolish to refute.

Anyway, we have tons of patients like yourself come in and refuse vaccines for the same reasons. I've learned the hard way it's a losing battle, people have their minds made up before even entering the comversation. Again, my only hope is that this movement of misinformation doesn't undo the decades of progress we've made in making lethal diseases a non-issue. You can preach whatever you want as long as the public isn't harmed.
Coop is speaking sense here and being a lot more polite about it then he should. I have learnt over the years that one of the most frustrating obstacles I experience in life is that "you can't put brains in an idiot". If I here "36 needles" one more time I'm going to slit my wrists. Do you really believe your child would be injected 36 times? Really? Even if it were the case, which it is NOT, it is a damn site less invasive than the procedures we would be required to perform on your child using the medical science you are so quick to refute in order to save your child's life. I struggle to see how this is even up for debate. It shakes my faith in humanity.


"There are three kinds of lies in the world: lies, damn lies, and statistics."

What if you took a slightly longer-term view of say 60 or 70 years would the same trend apply and for all developed nations?
Yes, easily. And just you wait for the age of biologics. Drugs aren't being made as synthetic compounds anymore. They're created from living cells as antibodies and other targeted therapies. The layman doesn't realize that the top selling drug in the world (Humira) isn't a drug at's an antibody. Antibodies target specific molecules and don't have the systemic effects of other drugs.

And this means BIG things for cancer. The days of chemo that destroys your body are done. Now rather than having to kill all kinds of cells, we can focus on just cancer. And it's already coming. The press doesn't publish this because it's not a good conspiracy story, but here are some examples:

Herceptin has cured Her2+ breast cancer
Alemtuzumab has changed the game from chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Brentuximab vedotin can eradicate Hodgkin's lymphoma
And perhaps the biggest, rituximab, has taken non hodgkin's lymphoma and made it go from oftentimes a death sentence to curable.
And let's not forget we just cured Hepatitis C with biologics.
The cure costs a lot; the medical fees from liver cirrhosis are about 50 times more.

And this is just the start. It will take time for the rest of the biologics to be FDA approved. I know many people who work for Merck and insider information is that their drug that's coming soon known as Keytruda will revolutionize treatment for a variety of cancers. They're poured a ton of money into it, have put together their biggest research team ever, and the mechanism of the drug is freaking awesome. There's no golden bullet for cancer obviously, but this is the closest I've seen. One way cancer comes into being (there's about 10 necessary steps) is that mutated, reproducing cells get an extra mutation that allows them to avoid immune system surveillance (your immune system usually picks up cancerous cells and kills them before a tumor grows). Keytruda stops the cancer cells from dodging the immune system. I'm very curious to see what this will mean down the road.

Coop is speaking sense here and being a lot more polite about it then he should. I have learnt over the years that one of the most frustrating obstacles I experience in life is that "you can't put brains in an idiot". If I here "36 needles" one more time I'm going to slit my wrists. Do you really believe your child would be injected 36 times? Really? Even if it were the case, which it is NOT, it is a damn site less invasive than the procedures we would be required to perform on your child using the medical science you are so quick to refute in order to save your child's life. I struggle to see how this is even up for debate. It shakes my faith in humanity.


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"There are three kinds of lies in the world: lies, damn lies, and statistics."

What if you took a slightly longer-term view of say 60 or 70 years would the same trend apply and for all developed nations?
Yes. And living in South Florida you get a birds eye view of people that went through hell over prostate cancer 20 years ago (friend was told 6 months to live in 1995) to people that have it almost eradicated within 6 months with little effort.


everyone wants a magic pill for cancer, you want to prevent cancer? don't smoke, if you drink keep it to a minimum, healthy diet to include plenty of veggies and fruits, and do not overeat read meat and fried foods, limit sun exposure, do not get fat, workout and yes vaccines, get yearly check ups,people can do a lot to prevent cancer but its a major lifestyle change for alot of people, and like other illnesses people would rather live like they want, smoking,drinking and eating ****ty diets, and when they fall to illness they would run to be fixed and it will not be their actions they brought them to that point, it will be the blame of others.


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Yes. And living in South Florida you get a birds eye view of people that went through hell over prostate cancer 20 years ago (friend was told 6 months to live in 1995) to people that have it almost eradicated within 6 months with little effort.
Don't get me wrong I can see the progress. My uncle died of cancer a couple of years ago and my grandma is now in palliative care. My point was that since the 1900s death by cancers have increased significantly especially in certain European countries. We have to recognise that industrialised living is a major contributor of cancer. Its great we're better able to treat it but ironically these same socio-technological changes are increasing its incidence in the first place.


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Yes. And living in South Florida you get a birds eye view of people that went through hell over prostate cancer 20 years ago (friend was told 6 months to live in 1995) to people that have it almost eradicated within 6 months with little effort.
My husband was diagnosed at 44 with prostate cancer. Thankfully it was caught early enough that surgery removed it all and no chemo was needed. I still rely on herbal supplements and proper diet to reduce his risk of developing any other cancer....we live in south Florida as well. Could be coincidence lol


Don't get me wrong I can see the progress. My uncle died of cancer a couple of years ago and my grandma is now in palliative care. My point was that since the 1900s death by cancers have increased significantly especially in certain European countries. We have to recognise that industrialised living is a major contributor of cancer. Its great we're better able to treat it but ironically these same socio-technological changes are increasing its incidence in the first place.
The statistic is just not applicable though. This could just as easily be explained by:

1. The fact that the old #1 killer, heart disease, is dropping as a cause of mortality at an alarming rate due to improved medical care. Heart attacks were once a death sentence, remember all the fear it struck in people's hearts when they heard the term? Now it's easily treated in almost all cases. The fact is, EVERYONE DIES FROM SOMETHING. If you take out heart disease, the previous #1 cause, I'd expect a HUGE chunk of those survivors to later die from cancer, the previous #2 cause.

2. Again, industrialized countries don't die from infection and the like. Deaths get redistributed to other causes. Bottom line is everyone dies, and if some things improve, then diseases which we have less control over like cancer will certainly go up in incidence.


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It's quality of life that is important, not necessarily "preventing" death from certain diseases. Like Coop said, we are all gonna have to go sometime. Just try and live a relatively healthy life and don't obsess over preventing certain diseases, that in itself could be considered a disease. The obsession I mean.


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The statistic is just not applicable though. This could just as easily be explained by:

1. The fact that the old #1 killer, heart disease, is dropping as a cause of mortality at an alarming rate due to improved medical care. Heart attacks were once a death sentence, remember all the fear it struck in people's hearts when they heard the term? Now it's easily treated in almost all cases. The fact is, EVERYONE DIES FROM SOMETHING. If you take out heart disease, the previous #1 cause, I'd expect a HUGE chunk of those survivors to later die from cancer, the previous #2 cause.

2. Again, industrialized countries don't die from infection and the like. Deaths get redistributed to other causes. Bottom line is everyone dies, and if some things improve, then diseases which we have less control over like cancer will certainly go up in incidence.
My point wasn't just about cancer and of course everyone dies. Have chronic conditions increased over the last 100 to 200 years and is this increase greatly influenced by changes in diet and life style. Take for example the nutritional content of raw food. A BBC investigation looked at sulphur content in broccoli and found it was 10 times higher in the early 1900s. So yes people die and if you prevent death by one condition there will be an reciprocal increase in other conditions but what about the quality of life and whether you live half of it compromised with some chronic condition. You must see that industrialisation has had a severely negative impact upon our food supply, environment and ultimately our health.


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My point wasn't just about cancer and of course everyone dies. Have chronic conditions increased over the last 100 to 200 years and is this increase greatly influenced by changes in diet and life style. Take for example the nutritional content of raw food. A BBC investigation looked at sulphur content in broccoli and found it was 10 times higher in the early 1900s. So yes people die and if you prevent death by one condition there will be an reciprocal increase in other conditions but what about the quality of life and whether you live half of it compromised with some chronic condition. You must see that industrialisation has had a severely negative impact upon our food supply, environment and ultimately our health.
Correlation does not imply causality. There are also more Transformers movies today than there were in the early 1900s, but that doesn't mean they have a direct impact on mortality.


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Correlation does not imply causality. There are also more Transformers movies today than there were in the early 1900s, but that doesn't mean they have a direct impact on mortality.
Try telling that to an Autobot....


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Correlation does not imply causality. There are also more Transformers movies today than there were in the early 1900s, but that doesn't mean they have a direct impact on mortality.
Geez I know that. I don't need a 101 on stats. Pulling out the most oft repeated example doesn't show intelligence nor knowledge. But what it does show is ignorance masquerading as knowledge. And there proven (causation) links between aspects of modern life and chronic conditions. Ignoring these in any discussion on modern medicine shows either deliberate obfuscation or a ridiculous naivety.


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Anyone know much about Nobiletin? Saw a short blog post on it from Neuron (forgot his AM username) that is a couple years old.

Nobiletin is a polymethoxylated flavonoid compound extracted from the citrus peels of various fruits including the tangerine. A close chemical cousin of the well-studied tangeretin, nobiletin has potent anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. Due to its hydrophobic nature, nobiletin has been noted to have exceptional bioavailability in addition to blood brain barrier permeability. The latter is important for its novel anti-dementia, brain protective, and even nootropic characteristics.


I aint gon say much, ive shared my point, my story and disease.

I still believe it by heart, Cancer if often triggered by chemicals! I dont care if it is by smoke, medicine, drugs, steroids abuse, eating poluted shiat, and so on.... Wonna live long? Wonna live longest? Wonna live your fullest? Well, its simple be natural... Dont feed yourself through your lungs, dont inject alien-lab-made oil into your glute, dont consume gigantous amounts of alcohol, dont over eat on chem food, and DO EXERCISE. It kinda is logical aint it.

Now, okay, lets be realistic! Some of you, say that Age is the biggest factor. Well let me explain to you that one of the reasons why elderly men develop prostate cancer vs younger males... They are simply exposed to far more chemicals in a longer period of time, now xenochemicals that are in crappy food convert and spike E2, Estradiol, and Estrogene wich is the biggest factor for prostate cancer!!!!!!!!!
Those that say TRT spiked thier PSA are wrong, the abuse and aromatasion of testosterone into estrogene sky rocket E2 / DHT in abnormal levels did create / speed up their case.

Pick a supplement for your health, by bottle or fruit. Its up to you! - We are talking about prevention wich is often the biggest cure there is.
And btw. with the HPV vaccine that alot of women take... We are seeing abnormal side-effects leaving women in wheel-chairs of life!!!!!! Just as a prevention against something they might not even develop, its freaking lame and they use fear to push these women into modifying their bodies.

- Anyways hope ya stop by my new video :
And if ya havent seen my cancer documentary: Search Djuro Vukotic and it´ll pop up.

Nevertheless remember its olympia time! Watch the live stream guys


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I aint gon say much, ive shared my point, my story and disease.

I still believe it by heart, Cancer if often triggered by chemicals! I dont care if it is by smoke, medicine, drugs, steroids abuse, eating poluted shiat, and so on.... Wonna live long? Wonna live longest? Wonna live your fullest? Well, its simple be natural... Dont feed yourself through your lungs, dont inject alien-lab-made oil into your glute, dont consume gigantous amounts of alcohol, dont over eat on chem food, and DO EXERCISE. It kinda is logical aint it.

Now, okay, lets be realistic! Some of you, say that Age is the biggest factor. Well let me explain to you that one of the reasons why elderly men develop prostate cancer vs younger males... They are simply exposed to far more chemicals in a longer period of time, now xenochemicals that are in crappy food convert and spike E2, Estradiol, and Estrogene wich is the biggest factor for prostate cancer!!!!!!!!!
Those that say TRT spiked thier PSA are wrong, the abuse and aromatasion of testosterone into estrogene sky rocket E2 / DHT in abnormal levels did create / speed up their case.

Pick a supplement for your health, by bottle or fruit. Its up to you! - We are talking about prevention wich is often the biggest cure there is.
And btw. with the HPV vaccine that alot of women take... We are seeing abnormal side-effects leaving women in wheel-chairs of life!!!!!! Just as a prevention against something they might not even develop, its freaking lame and they use fear to push these women into modifying their bodies.

- Anyways hope ya stop by my new video :
And if ya havent seen my cancer documentary: Search Djuro Vukotic and it´ll pop up.

Nevertheless remember its olympia time! Watch the live stream guys
Sorry if this comes across as disrespectful but it was in fact the "chemicals" used in your treatment which brought your cancer into remission? I got to say I will be a dead man pretty quickly if I didn't use the "chemicals" daily to control my Inflammatory disease. I think its pretty irrational to start posting all that shi* about only consuming natural stuff. It would be irrational of myself to blame "chemicals" for my disease, so I don't. There's my point, my story, my view.


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Geez I know that. I don't need a 101 on stats. Pulling out the most oft repeated example doesn't show intelligence nor knowledge. But what it does show is ignorance masquerading as knowledge. And there proven (causation) links between aspects of modern life and chronic conditions. Ignoring these in any discussion on modern medicine shows either deliberate obfuscation or a ridiculous naivety.
If you want to have an intelligent discussion, post references. Otherwise, you are making biased claims based on your own opinion.

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