Can This Old Guy Get Shredded? Cutting w/ H-Drol & MMV2 Can Be Fun!



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Way to kill it brother!!
About that grip......sit around and squeeze on a tennis ball during the day. And get you some straps for those heavy sets. It's a neccessity!


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Screw the wraps dude, IMO they take away from building grip strength. I just bought some gymnastic/lifters chalk and I was blown away by how much of a difference it made. I jumped nearly 80lbs on my deadlift without wraps.


Screw the wraps dude, IMO they take away from building grip strength. I just bought some gymnastic/lifters chalk and I was blown away by how much of a difference it made. I jumped nearly 80lbs on my deadlift without wraps.
Yeah, I kinda felt the same way myself. Seems counter productive to use straps if you want to build up your grip strength. I will consider trying the chalk though.

On another note, I hit abs and cardio already this morning and will be going back to blast my back tonight after work. MMV2 has been jumped up to 4 caps per day and I have also added in the DCP today. I know it's a day early, but what can I say...I think you understand.

DOMS is still killing my hammies and has also come to visit my traps now, shweeet.

Thanks for all the feedback guys, having others to help you out and support you is a wonderful thing. Be back later tonight with the full report for the day.


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So I know you are wanting to get shredded, but you are gaining weight. Are you leaning up pretty good? How is the T3 treating you?


To me it seems that I am leaning up. I am confused too about the weight gain and can only attribute it to the H-Drol. It's not really a steady gain though as it has been fairly static since the initial jump. With four weeks still to go on the cycle + 4 weeks of PCT I feel it's too early to start second guessing. I will be taking photo's again tomorrow to do a comparison with the first set from 2 weeks ago so I think I'll have a better idea tomorrow after comparing the photos. If I'm wrong and there is no leaning then I will make some adjustments.

Regarding the T-3 it's been fine at 25mcg daily. No lethargy like when I was at 100mcg previously. I have been feeling warmer throughout the day and have been sweating a bit at night while sleeping which I attribute to the effect of the T-3. Overall I am pretty pleased so far even with the slight increase in the weight on the scale. If this turns out to be a good recomp I'll settle for that. I'm mostly concerned about the mirror at this point anyway and don't really care if I end up at 175 lbs or 195 lbs as long as I feel that I look considerably better than when I started. Gotta get rid of this tire round my middle ya know.


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Gotta get rid of this tire round my middle ya know.
I think I fully understand what you are talking about here my brother. I am kinda looking forward to starting a cut in the coming weeks to see if I can further reduce this goodyear hanging on my midsection.


Yeah, too many years of :pizza: + :hot: + :cheers: left me looking all.... :donut:


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What is the latest man? How is the run going?


Hey Silver, thanks for stopping by and asking. Been busy as all hell between work and some things I'm starting up online, but the run is going great. Everything according to plan so far although it does look like this has turned into more of a recomp than a cut. Some of that is due to my inability to maintain my diet properly and some of the weight is from the H-Drol I'm sure. We'll see what happens during PCT, but I think I will hit my goal which was around 178-180 and sub 10% BF.

I have a bit more H-Drol left than I thought and have bumped to 100mg a day for the last 5 days. T-3 was taken out this week. MMV2 is at 5 caps per day. Ancillaries are the same and BP is fine. No shrinkage, but I have noticed a drop in libido. That could be due to the H-Drol or it could just be normal fluctuations for me. One addition that I love is the Recreate. I think it's keeping me from adding fat during my cheats and has had an effect on my overall composition.

What I'm doing must be working as I had 3 different people at the gym last week comment that I am looking significantly better. One guy even said that he wishes he had abs like mine and I don't think my abs are all that great yet, still too much lower abdominal fat for my liking.

I may post pre-PCT photos for comparison, but will definitely post final pics for comment and critique. Will be spending three weeks in Thailand and hopefully won't gain too much fat as I do plan on continuing lifting at least three days a week while there and cardio as well. Will decide when I get back if I need to keep cutting a bit or if I want to run at maintenance for a while. Truthfully I am thinking about a serious all out bulk to break 200 lbs, but then again I have a trip to Florida coming up in September and not sure if I want to be bulking prior to that. I may run maintenance over the summer and then start an all out bulk in October. Any thoughts on a cycle to go with that? Epi/Tren? Epi/Superdrol bridge? Superdrol/Tren?

How's the plans for Cabo man? Still planning on going?


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Hey Silver, thanks for stopping by and asking. Been busy as all hell between work and some things I'm starting up online, but the run is going great. Everything according to plan so far although it does look like this has turned into more of a recomp than a cut. Some of that is due to my inability to maintain my diet properly and some of the weight is from the H-Drol I'm sure. We'll see what happens during PCT, but I think I will hit my goal which was around 178-180 and sub 10% BF.

I have a bit more H-Drol left than I thought and have bumped to 100mg a day for the last 5 days. T-3 was taken out this week. MMV2 is at 5 caps per day. Ancillaries are the same and BP is fine. No shrinkage, but I have noticed a drop in libido. That could be due to the H-Drol or it could just be normal fluctuations for me. One addition that I love is the Recreate. I think it's keeping me from adding fat during my cheats and has had an effect on my overall composition.

What I'm doing must be working as I had 3 different people at the gym last week comment that I am looking significantly better. One guy even said that he wishes he had abs like mine and I don't think my abs are all that great yet, still too much lower abdominal fat for my liking.

I may post pre-PCT photos for comparison, but will definitely post final pics for comment and critique. Will be spending three weeks in Thailand and hopefully won't gain too much fat as I do plan on continuing lifting at least three days a week while there and cardio as well. Will decide when I get back if I need to keep cutting a bit or if I want to run at maintenance for a while. Truthfully I am thinking about a serious all out bulk to break 200 lbs, but then again I have a trip to Florida coming up in September and not sure if I want to be bulking prior to that. I may run maintenance over the summer and then start an all out bulk in October. Any thoughts on a cycle to go with that? Epi/Tren? Epi/Superdrol bridge? Superdrol/Tren?

How's the plans for Cabo man? Still planning on going?
Take it from me that the Tren by itself is probably enough. Epi by itself was enough. Superdrol by itself was enough. Don't pull my bonehead move with stacks dude. Hdrol and MMV2 are MILD. Try superdrol by itself and tell us what you think about a harsh steroid before you go stacking them.


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I am in agreement that SD by itself would be good or Tren by itself is probably plenty. I honestly didn't gain much more weight by adding p-plex into the equation and I know I gained sides. I would also keep an eye out on all the One logs that will be popping up. Day 3 for some of those guys and they are seeing good results already.


I've already done Superdrol by itself several years ago and yes it is harsh, it also delivers results. Of course at that time I made the mistake of going too high dosage wise. I was good at 20mg, but had to push to 30mg and that's where the sides really hit hard.

Anyway, was just looking for suggestions on stacks as I haven't tried Epi or Tren yet and wanted to get others thoughts. Silver seemed to have a pretty good ride on the Phera/Tren combo other than his high BP towards the end so that might be a choice. I have plenty of time to think about it as it will be 7-8 months before I start the cycle. H_ll, maybe all just stay natty while I bulk as long as the gains keep coming. No reason in the world I can't get to 210-220 pretty easily if I keep my diet dialed in without any chemical additions.

Really sucks about your cycle though bro and you weren't even that far into it. I guess some things are just meant (or not meant) to be. How's the finger doing by the way? That was kinda freakish too. Last update I saw seemed like you were gonna be able to work around the break pretty well. I mean you were pulling a PR on deads so I can't see where it would affect your other lifts too much.

Thanks for the input GMG, gives me a bit more to think about prior to a bulk cycle. Maybe my time would be better served finding some test cyp, but I don't think the wife would go for that. Would be cool if she understands though since she's a nurse and I wouldn't have to worry about pinning myself.


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I've already done Superdrol by itself several years ago and yes it is harsh, it also delivers results. Of course at that time I made the mistake of going too high dosage wise. I was good at 20mg, but had to push to 30mg and that's where the sides really hit hard.

Anyway, was just looking for suggestions on stacks as I haven't tried Epi or Tren yet and wanted to get others thoughts. Silver seemed to have a pretty good ride on the Phera/Tren combo other than his high BP towards the end so that might be a choice. I have plenty of time to think about it as it will be 7-8 months before I start the cycle. H_ll, maybe all just stay natty while I bulk as long as the gains keep coming. No reason in the world I can't get to 210-220 pretty easily if I keep my diet dialed in without any chemical additions.

Really sucks about your cycle though bro and you weren't even that far into it. I guess some things are just meant (or not meant) to be. How's the finger doing by the way? That was kinda freakish too. Last update I saw seemed like you were gonna be able to work around the break pretty well. I mean you were pulling a PR on deads so I can't see where it would affect your other lifts too much.

Thanks for the input GMG, gives me a bit more to think about prior to a bulk cycle. Maybe my time would be better served finding some test cyp, but I don't think the wife would go for that. Would be cool if she understands though since she's a nurse and I wouldn't have to worry about pinning myself.
I would never run a designer again if my GF wouldn't leave me over pinning.

That being said, I am fairly sure that the Hdrol hadn't kicked in yet and I didn't really even dose the Feraguno yet. I am almost positive that the majority of my sides came from the Tren and the 1T mixed. I may just be one of those people that the tren doesn't agree with, or my sides might be totally unrelated to the steroids, I won't know untill my blood tests come back.

I was pretty shut down after just 2 weeks... something to seriously think about IMO.

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