Caffeine sensitivity or something else


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I have spoken to doctors and ran tests and ultimately coming back to caffeine but just wondering if someone experienced the same symptoms. Did ekg and calcium scan and both came back great. Crp sensitive on blood work came back elevated but was fighting a cold and will test again. Symptoms: dizziness upon drinking caffeine and chest gets somewhat tight feeling, not pressure or pain but just tight and I get a little dizzy. This can happen randomly and is worse in AM after coffee. I have tried to scale down the coffee some and at times seems to still get dizzy ligntheaded and chest seems to get a funny feeling, however no shortness of breath. If I lift chest it feels worse and more tightness in that left side. Going to cardiologist to make sure nothing more but thinking it’s caffeine although I have been drinking for years with no many symptoms. I am super healthy and workout for years. Funny thing is I can run 2 miles in 13 minutes on treadmill and feel great, and no syomptoms. Could be anxiety, stress I suppose? Don’t feel stressed. Anyone experience this?
First and foremost, those can be an indicator of something very serious - not meaning to scare you - but I wouldn't do anymore experiments with it until seeing a cardiologist if I were you.

Since you've been experiencing this, have you tried any other sources of caffeine other than coffee? Like tea, for example. And if so, did it happen with that too?

Oh, and I just re-read your post and saw that you said it can happen randomly but is worse in the AM after coffee - is it always after coffee, or does it happen sometimes without coffee a well?

In general, the symptoms could be related to stress and anxiety but it would be rare for caffeine to ramp it up that quickly and that badly, and to do it every time - especially if you've always been able to consume it.

Where I'm going with my question above is that it could be caffeine, but it could also be that you have developed a sensitivity to coffee itself; in common terms, think of it as an allergic type response, although it would technically be a sensitivity which would be a little different in a medical sense.

Regardless of what's going on, I hope you feel better.
For me it's caffeine. I can't even drink a small cup. I have the same symptoms. Now I live completely caffeine free. I also don't use any preworkout with caffeine in it. Just cut out caffeine in any form and see how you feel. Please see a cardiologist anyway. You never know. A heart ultrasound should also be done.

Do you have a blood pressure monitor? If the symptoms occur, it is best to take a measurement. I always had increased blood pressure with cardiac arrhythmia at that time.
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Blood pressure is always good. Pulse is great. I can run suicides and kill myself physically and be great as well. Not shortness of breath. In great shape just trying to figure out why caffeine would cause this feeling all of a sudden and I assume what symptoms I am having is called something, but can’t really find anything online. Like I said am seeking a cardiologist to be safe but in the meantime trying to narrow it down
Are you running any gear? For me, when I started test, my sensitivity to caffeine went up. I used to be able to have a cup of coffee in the evening and be able to sleep. After going on gear I had to dial it back to 2-3 cups in the morning, nothing in the afternoon or evening.
First and foremost, those can be an indicator of something very serious - not meaning to scare you - but I wouldn't do anymore experiments with it until seeing a cardiologist if I were you.

Since you've been experiencing this, have you tried any other sources of caffeine other than coffee? Like tea, for example. And if so, did it happen with that too?

Oh, and I just re-read your post and saw that you said it can happen randomly but is worse in the AM after coffee - is it always after coffee, or does it happen sometimes without coffee a well?

In general, the symptoms could be related to stress and anxiety but it would be rare for caffeine to ramp it up that quickly and that badly, and to do it every time - especially if you've always been able to consume it.

Where I'm going with my question above is that it could be caffeine, but it could also be that you have developed a sensitivity to coffee itself; in common terms, think of it as an allergic type response, although it would technically be a sensitivity which would be a little different in a medical sense.

Regardless of what's going on, I hope you feel better.
Isint there something that often gets added to caffine to lessen the jittery effects of stims? Im drawing a blank. I was just really wondering if taking something like that with it would help.

I was also wondering about the thing you said with coffee itself. Some ppl can drink soda or tea but give them a coffee or expresso and there sleep is fuckex. My cousin is like this. He may do a coffee or expresso rsndomly in the morning time to time. But if he has one after noonish his heart is racing and he sleeps shitty
Isint there something that often gets added to caffine to lessen the jittery effects of stims? Im drawing a blank. I was just really wondering if taking something like that with it would help.

I was also wondering about the thing you said with coffee itself. Some ppl can drink soda or tea but give them a coffee or expresso and there sleep is fuckex. My cousin is like this. He may do a coffee or expresso rsndomly in the morning time to time. But if he has one after noonish his heart is racing and he sleeps shitty

In supplements, Theanine is very commonly added and we use KannaEase in some high stim products to help offset the jitters and make it a much cleaner, smoother energy experience.

I did a long post probably a year or two ago, but I couldn't find it w the search function detailing the differences between allergies and sensitivities and how people can be sensitive to many things - and I think this applies for some people with coffee in general. Like people that can use caffeine from other sources just fine, but with coffee they are much more bothered by it on a mg per mg basis, so it would make logical sense that it would be something else in it besides the caffeine doing it. That was where my thought was going if he was able to take caffeine in other sources. And especially bc he said he could always drink coffee before and this kind of happened all of a sudden - bc sensitivities can literally develop overnight for some people.
I get the same thing from stimulants (usually). Coffee is worse than redbull, redbull is worse than diet sodas, and Adderall Is somewhere in the middle.

When I get the heavy chest type feeling and my body gets super cold and somewhat shaky /dizzy (honestly, I'd call it feeling more disoriented) my heart rate is actually usually super low (like sub 50) and doing cardio helps re-regulate for the day.

Doc says I'm fine, never seen a cardiologist myself outside of a potential diagnosis for thoracic outlet syndrome.

Usually don't get the symptoms when I don't do stimulants.. But life is tough without stimulants so I feel ya.
Yes. I’ve limited caffeine past two days and gone away for the most part. I think your right. My heart rate goes down and causing dizziness bc my blood pressure and heart rate seem lower
I just posted in another thread - today is day 480 no caffeine.

Best decision I've made in a while. I do miss the buzz, I sleep 10x better most nights and my energy comes from water, food, and moving my body. Oh, and TRT. Let's not forget that.
Your not lying! I have cut down the caffeine and symptoms completely gone! I always knew I was caffeine sensitive but my body adjusted up until the last 6 months. I suppose I developed some sensitivity which is ok because I do feel better and more energized without the crash at the end of day and brain fog.
I love coffee but have always been a bit of a hyper-responder / sensitive. Last spring I got to a point where I was consuming 24-30oz/ day plus another ~100mg caffeine in my pre-workout. So 400-500mg / day on top of for frequent nicotine usage (was prob using 6mg Zyn 3-5 times/day). Typically I use 1 3mg Zyn / day or even every other, and consume 100-250mg tops of caffeine daily.

I experienced what you were to some degree, dizziness, weird feeling in chest sometimes, light headed, anxiety, headaches… I had increased both do to stress at a new job and trying to function better plus everyone at work drank coffee and used nicotine like madmen so it became easy to fall into that culture. Long story short I cut caffeine out for a couple weeks entirely & dropped back my nicotine usage to once a day again, all went away, & now I’m back to 6-10oz coffee a day and maybe half a scoop of pre-workout no issues.
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I love coffee but have always been a bit of a hyper-responder / sensitive. Last spring I got to a point where I was consuming 24-30oz/ day plus another ~100mg caffeine in my pre-workout. So 400-500mg / day on top of for frequent nicotine usage (was prob using 6mg Zyn 3-5 times/day). Typically I use 1 3mg Zyn / day or even every other, and consume 100-250mg tops of caffeine daily.

I experienced what you were to some degree, dizziness, weird feeling in chest sometimes, light headed, anxiety, headaches… I had increased both do to stress at a new job and trying to function better plus everyone at work drank coffee and used nicotine like madmen so it became easy to fall into that culture. Long story short I cut caffeine out for a couple weeks entirely & dropped back my nicotine usage to once a day again, all went away, & now I’m back to 6-10oz coffee a day and maybe half a scoop of pre-workout no issues.
Careful with the zyns, those things are insidious. Good for you for having a control on them now
Same. I use zyn as well and have cut back. I am normally 24 mg at time. 4 of the 6 mg. It doesn’t bother me as much as caffeine but with both combined I think did.