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I have spoken to doctors and ran tests and ultimately coming back to caffeine but just wondering if someone experienced the same symptoms. Did ekg and calcium scan and both came back great. Crp sensitive on blood work came back elevated but was fighting a cold and will test again. Symptoms: dizziness upon drinking caffeine and chest gets somewhat tight feeling, not pressure or pain but just tight and I get a little dizzy. This can happen randomly and is worse in AM after coffee. I have tried to scale down the coffee some and at times seems to still get dizzy ligntheaded and chest seems to get a funny feeling, however no shortness of breath. If I lift chest it feels worse and more tightness in that left side. Going to cardiologist to make sure nothing more but thinking it’s caffeine although I have been drinking for years with no many symptoms. I am super healthy and workout for years. Funny thing is I can run 2 miles in 13 minutes on treadmill and feel great, and no syomptoms. Could be anxiety, stress I suppose? Don’t feel stressed. Anyone experience this?