Brown nipple discharge?



Has anyone ever had this happen? I've had clear before but never brown. It almost looked like pus coming out of the left nipple. It was only a tiny spec but still alarming to me. I have a very tiny lump there also. It's been there for over a year now but now it kind of hurts. My doc appointment is Monday morning. But I'm kind of anxious right and was wondering if anyone had any info on this. Also I will go ahead and point out that I've drank about five times a week the whole time I've been on this cycle. The cycle is : Test E 400mg a week
OP Tr3n 90mg a day
Super DMZ 2.0 40mg a day
(So far I've been on this cycle for 6


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And what the hell are you taking for estrogen and prolactin?


I have them all. Caber, anastrozole, nolva, and a couple others but I don't remember the names. I will say that I wasn't taking them when I was supposed to. It's kind of hard to keep up with a schedule when your drunk as hell every night. I know I made a lot of stupid and noob moves on this cycle. You guys can lecture me all you want. I knew it was coming when I posted this. As that's fine cause I deserve. But please at least have some info on what I asked about.


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your 163 lbs and taking all these supps and drinking on top of that liver stress i dont know what else to say......


That's not updated I'm actually 175 now. And yes my liver is stressed. I wake up from drinking and feel like death. And when I down a handful of phs and inject, I feel so lethargic that I can't even stand up to put my shoes on. My skin is red with white specs all over my arms. I'm well aware of the stress of my liver and kidneys.
I'm not ok with it but hey, I'm the one who decided to do a cycle and then binge drink like I'm still in college. Idk why. But let's get back to the leaking brown nipples


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Matt first of all the doctors visit is a necessity! I only say this because the discharge is brown. However nandrolone type compounds like tren have been known to produce a brown discharge from the nipples. Letrozole would help or take Arimidex with cabergoline. But see the doctor to make sure it's not something else as well


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And no more drinking for ****s sake. I hope you're taking cycle supports. I'd almost go as far to say stop the cycle and do PCT. you really dropped the ball on this one


I'm taking arimidex and I'm waiting on my buddies to help with the dosage since I'll be taking both. And trust me, my wife made me make a doc appointment when I came clean to her about my symptoms. I don't want you guys thinking I'm taking all this lightly. Cause I'm not. I'm definitely not happy that over the past couple years of abusing AAS and alcohol, I've probably done serious damage to my body. But I man as
Of right now I can't do anything about it. I stopped my cycle (let's face it, I was doing way to much hear even if I want drinking) I was a fool for sure.


I have tons of knowledge on how to cycle right. Hell I've studied gear for three years now. I've probably read every article there is on gear and alcohol abuse. Every shot I took, my brain was well aware of the potential damage. But I put my smarts in the back seat so I could get big, and also have fun... Which was a very, very big mistake


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i quit drinking 5 months ago i know how hard it is but i decided to start lifting agian and focus on getting big feels good to be sober.


It's crazy how alcohol seems to have such a bind on my life right now. I was a HEAVY drinker when I was 17. I'm talking about taking shots right as I got out of bed. And continuing to drink all day untill I passed out. Some days is pass out and it would only be 1
In the afternoon. But I managed to stop drinking for awhile. And I started drinking a lot again when I was 22 but not as excessive. Both times I was so unhappy with my life. But now, I'm happy! I'm newly married. We have a four month old baby who I couldn't stop loving if I tried. I have a good job. Really, there is nothing bad going on in my life to make me want to drink. But for some reason, every time I get off work and come home to sleep, I end up getting drunk first. I really don't know why cause it's not even fun anymore. But yeah back to the drip-drip brown nippy nips???


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your 163 lbs and taking all these supps and drinking on top of that liver stress i dont know what else to say......
Wtf does his weight have to do with his cycle? Just because you're 200 pounds and 20% body fat doesn't mean that you are special and doesn't give you room to talk smack. I could go eat McDonald's every day and hit those stats easy. Help the man out or stfu. Very simple.


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It's crazy how alcohol seems to have such a bind on my life right now. I was a HEAVY drinker when I was 17. I'm talking about taking shots right as I got out of bed. And continuing to drink all day untill I passed out. Some days is pass out and it would only be 1
In the afternoon. But I managed to stop drinking for awhile. And I started drinking a lot again when I was 22 but not as excessive. Both times I was so unhappy with my life. But now, I'm happy! I'm newly married. We have a four month old baby who I couldn't stop loving if I tried. I have a good job. Really, there is nothing bad going on in my life to make me want to drink. But for some reason, every time I get off work and come home to sleep, I end up getting drunk first. I really don't know why cause it's not even fun anymore. But yeah back to the drip-drip brown nippy nips???
The 2 are probably not related but the alcohol isn't helping any aspect of your life it seems. It's time to make a life decision on what is more important, gains or a buzz. It was a decision I had to make 3 years ago. I wouldn't be overly concerned with your nips, let your doctor check them out and do some blood work and you should get straight. Good luck bro.


Smash smash smash and the crowd goes wild big Hulk smash enters the building this looks like a wrestling match for chrissakes. Brown discharge coming from the nipple could only mean one of two things 1. duct ectasia 2. Breast cancer .
Iam not a doctor . See your doctor promptly breast cancer is no joke and can happen to men too. Goood luck op


The 2 are probably not related but the alcohol isn't helping any aspect of your life it seems. It's time to make a life decision on what is more important, gains or a buzz. It was a decision I had to make 3 years ago. I wouldn't be overly concerned with your nips, let your doctor check them out and do some blood work and you should get straight. Good luck bro.
Id rep this into oblivion guys this is solid advice! !! Come all rep this hard!!!! ^^^^^^^


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Seems like you need to go to rehab, serious. It's not always the 12 step program that helps, it's the time away from society/drugs and alone time to really think.

If you can't stop drinking at least drop the super dmz


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Sorry, but if I look down an my nips a leakin brown crap or leakin anything at all I'm damn sure I'd be going to the doctor as soon as humanly possible and not going on an internet message board asking da' bros for medical advice. Yeah I saw OP is going to the doc, so I'd just wait on that OP. Another thing don't try to lie to the doctor. They aren't dumb. I know a lot of people encourage lying to your doctor on when it comes to AAS. Personally I think that's retarded and it's not going to get you the best medical care.


I should have worded it better. It's not leaking out. I never would have even known but I got a little pain there so I squeezed pretty hard and a tiny little bit came out. And I already said I'm going to the doctor but I ha e to wait until Monday.


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I should have worded it better. It's not leaking out. I never would have even known but I got a little pain there so I squeezed pretty hard and a tiny little bit came out. And I already said I'm going to the doctor but I ha e to wait until Monday.
Well then I'd have to say stop playing with yourself. Whenever a thread comes up like this, it always seems the guy likes squeezing and touching his nipples. That can't be could for it, and I'd think it'd make things worse. I don't get it though, why the obsession with playing with your nipples?. Don't have a girlfriend?. What hell?. Really, just whack it like a normal guy.

Oh and this video is needed in this thread also,



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I know this is going to offend some people and I don't mind lol but why is it that guys in recovery from drugs/alcohol start using steroids. First of all I have 8 yrs sober from drugs and alcohol and I was in AA for a long time. Guys would come in get sober and within months would be on steroids. I figure it's because they're extremely insecure. All addicts and alcoholics are insecure with themselves I don't want to hear any babble saying otherwise. Anyway when I even considered touching hormones I quit AA and joined smart recovery which is a bit more open minded. I just felt like a hypocrite in AA. Maybe this is just a Florida thing idk. Some people would not consider me sober even because of supplements actually


Doesn't offend me at all. I was very insecure about my body before steroids. I didn't feel ugly. Just small lol. But yeah I've always quit alcohol but it slowly seems to creep back into my life.


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I know this is going to offend some people and I don't mind lol but why is it that guys in recovery from drugs/alcohol start using steroids. First of all I have 8 yrs sober from drugs and alcohol and I was in AA for a long time. Guys would come in get sober and within months would be on steroids. I figure it's because they're extremely insecure. All addicts and alcoholics are insecure with themselves I don't want to hear any babble saying otherwise. Anyway when I even considered touching hormones I quit AA and joined smart recovery which is a bit more open minded. I just felt like a hypocrite in AA. Maybe this is just a Florida thing idk. Some people would not consider me sober even because of supplements actually
I've seen a lot of people that were former addicts come on here, start using a lot of shady supplements and then disappear. I here a lot of these guys return to drugs or alcohol. The way I see it is they start searching for that buzz that they got from the drugs and alcohol with supplements....Maybe trying stronger and stronger pre-workouts and stimulants, but never finding that buzz again and eventually going back to their old habits. From my perspective it looks like they are trading one addiction for another temporarily and then returning to the drugs and alcohol.

There was guy on here a few years ago like this. He was really into AAS and supplements and then went back to drugs.


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Doesn't offend me at all. I was very insecure about my body before steroids. I didn't feel ugly. Just small lol. But yeah I've always quit alcohol but it slowly seems to creep back into my life.
Yea but dude..I mean eventually if things get painful enough you're going to have to stop. I pray it's not death that stops you my man


Oh trust me I'd prefer not to die either. Especially when my daughter is only four months old. My nipple isn't hurting anymore and there is no discharge. I know it's only been three days (I noticed the brown stuff a couple days before I posted about it on here) I've been on anastrozole and now caber. I stopped the tren and DMZ. I'm still going to the doc Monday though


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Op...dont want to sound like Im' preaching, but for god sake, you have a job, a wife and most importantly a beautiful 4 month old daughter.

I know from experience alcohol can be very destructive to families, so seek help before you loose everything you have...start with your doctor, be honest and frank.

And you can make very good gains without all the stuff you are taking.....get your diet/ training in check and you will not only make gains, you will feel better for it...
All the best


Preach on bro. Not one comment on here has made me mad. I even managed to at least half way grin at the people who think this is all funny. But hey, we can't always be mature adults. He'll just look at how much I messed my body up. Not very mature on my part either lol. But yeah man it's one thing to read about people having bad complications from gear. Buts it's another to actually experience it. I think I prayed for the first time in over a year that id make it out of all this to be able to keep seeing my family. Even if I hadn't drank any alcohol, I was still abusing the cycle as far as how long I stayed on. And I wasn't exactly taking my cycle support when I should have. Again I knew when I post this I was going to make people want to give me a piece of their mind. And I don't have to lie to my doc. I had an enlarged spleen last year due to mono. But before they told me it was mono, I told them I thought my pains might have been from alcohol and steroid abuse. I can't lie about it or they can't diagnose me properly. Thanks for the advice though guys!


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Preach on bro. Not one comment on here has made me mad. I even managed to at least half way grin at the people who think this is all funny. But hey, we can't always be mature adults. He'll just look at how much I messed my body up. Not very mature on my part either lol. But yeah man it's one thing to read about people having bad complications from gear. Buts it's another to actually experience it. I think I prayed for the first time in over a year that id make it out of all this to be able to keep seeing my family. Even if I hadn't drank any alcohol, I was still abusing the cycle as far as how long I stayed on. And I wasn't exactly taking my cycle support when I should have. Again I knew when I post this I was going to make people want to give me a piece of their mind. And I don't have to lie to my doc. I had an enlarged spleen last year due to mono. But before they told me it was mono, I told them I thought my pains might have been from alcohol and steroid abuse. I can't lie about it or they can't diagnose me properly. Thanks for the advice though guys!
Don't take this the wrong way, but maybe checking into one of those rehab places for a few months would be a good bet for you. Saved the lives of a number of people who I went to school with that went down the wrong path in the years after...


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Preach on bro. Not one comment on here has made me mad. I even managed to at least half way grin at the people who think this is all funny. But hey, we can't always be mature adults. He'll just look at how much I messed my body up. Not very mature on my part either lol. But yeah man it's one thing to read about people having bad complications from gear. Buts it's another to actually experience it. I think I prayed for the first time in over a year that id make it out of all this to be able to keep seeing my family. Even if I hadn't drank any alcohol, I was still abusing the cycle as far as how long I stayed on. And I wasn't exactly taking my cycle support when I should have. Again I knew when I post this I was going to make people want to give me a piece of their mind. And I don't have to lie to my doc. I had an enlarged spleen last year due to mono. But before they told me it was mono, I told them I thought my pains might have been from alcohol and steroid abuse. I can't lie about it or they can't diagnose me properly. Thanks for the advice though guys!
Most people here want to support you...I certainly arent laughing...
most important thing is listen to the advice here, learn from your mistakes and move on...good luck


Most people here want to support you...I certainly arent laughing...
most important thing is listen to the advice here, learn from your mistakes and move on...good luck
I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the few who got on here and wanted to make jokes about my situation. And trust me I am happy for those on here who have given me advice. As well as support. Hopefully my doc visit goes well.


Ur caber is most likely bunk? I had brown liquid back in 08 and my caber was bunkaroo switched to different brand and it went away. PS layoff the booze I hope u get blood work livers are expensive as **** life is to


Ok guys I go to the doctor tomorrow morning. I need to know what all tests I should ask for. I'm having neck pains now but I think it's cause I went to hard on traps today. But yeah what all should I ask them to test me for based on everything I've told y'all so far about my symptoms


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Ok guys I go to the doctor tomorrow morning. I need to know what all tests I should ask for. I'm having neck pains now but I think it's cause I went to hard on traps today. But yeah what all should I ask them to test me for based on everything I've told y'all so far about my symptoms
The doctor should be able to determine all that. Just tell the doctor what you are taking and your symptoms. I'm not a doctor and won't be responsible for your healthcare. If I were you I wouldn't ask such things and put your health in the hands of some internet message board bros. Some high minded guys might answer you, but I wouldn't listen. Get your healthcare from your personal doctor. Bodybuilding and fitness message boards have no place in your own personal healthcare.


I already plan on telling the doc everything. I just wanted to make sure I cover all my bases.


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I already plan on telling the doc everything. I just wanted to make sure I cover all my bases.
Yes. My opinion is that you shouldn't be asking specific medically related things on here. No one is going to be able to give you medical advice that you should follow except for your own physician. I'm also saying, if someone does then I wouldn't listen. Just relax and let the doctor know your history and everything you are on. Wait for them.


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This is a prime example why bodybuilding gets a bad rep, no research and ignorance. Kids take handfuls of **** not knowing what does what and expects more is better. Results illness/death and newspapers. Not much difference than all those Synthol numpty's. This is all personal opinion but this is whats killing bodybuilding especially if you see it from a mainstream view (non-lifter). OP all I have to say if fix your **** whatever it takes and really inform yourself on what your putting into your body. If you can't find the answer, this is exactly what this board is for helping others. Good luck.


This is a prime example why bodybuilding gets a bad rep, no research and ignorance. Kids take handfuls of **** not knowing what does what and expects more is better. Results illness/death and newspapers. Not much difference than all those Synthol numpty's. This is all personal opinion but this is whats killing bodybuilding especially if you see it from a mainstream view (non-lifter). OP all I have to say if fix your **** whatever it takes and really inform yourself on what your putting into your body. If you can't find the answer, this is exactly what this board is for helping others. Good luck.
Wrong this is why ignorant people get a bad rep, not all bodybuilders use chemicals he just wanted to drink on off cycle his fault. The return of brown liquid nipples OP you shud be banned from ever using anabolics and alcohol for LIFE


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It's crazy how alcohol seems to have such a bind on my life right now. I was a HEAVY drinker when I was 17. I'm talking about taking shots right as I got out of bed. And continuing to drink all day untill I passed out. Some days is pass out and it would only be 1
In the afternoon. But I managed to stop drinking for awhile. And I started drinking a lot again when I was 22 but not as excessive. Both times I was so unhappy with my life. But now, I'm happy! I'm newly married. We have a four month old baby who I couldn't stop loving if I tried. I have a good job. Really, there is nothing bad going on in my life to make me want to drink. But for some reason, every time I get off work and come home to sleep, I end up getting drunk first. I really don't know why cause it's not even fun anymore. But yeah back to the drip-drip brown nippy nips???
Sounds to me like you have a drinking problem , and I'm not saying that to bash because I myself have my own addictions , ciggarettes being the main problem right now . The most important thing to know with substance use is when to start and when to stop . I'm sure you can figure that out yourself . Best of luck


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Wrong this is why ignorant people get a bad rep, not all bodybuilders use chemicals he just wanted to drink on off cycle his fault. The return of brown liquid nipples OP you shud be banned from ever using anabolics and alcohol for LIFE
Well i never said all bodybuilders use chemicals but this is what mainstream will think if this stuff makes it to the news all the time. Check my fist sentence I said "ignorance". Ie drinking on cycle all the time.


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The guys in college so I can see how that definitely doesn't help. Still if you were drinking at the age of 17 and passing out by 12 noon from drinking so much, you definitely need to get some professional help.


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This is a prime example why bodybuilding gets a bad rep, no research and ignorance. Kids take handfuls of **** not knowing what does what and expects more is better. Results illness/death and newspapers. Not much difference than all those Synthol numpty's. This is all personal opinion but this is whats killing bodybuilding especially if you see it from a mainstream view (non-lifter). OP all I have to say if fix your **** whatever it takes and really inform yourself on what your putting into your body. If you can't find the answer, this is exactly what this board is for helping others. Good luck.
I don't know body building really isn't that popular. I absolutely hate body building. Can't believe some people actually call it a sport.


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Yah what's trendy now is crossfit. That's your personal opinion, so what are you into?? It all get's grouped together as bodybuilding as per media.

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