Body Transformation Contestants!

Basso said:
Hey, just a quick update photo, sorry guys but I'm just unbeatable! Lol

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Seriously though, how's everyone doing? We still have a game on?

so basso is code name for tom platz? lol
Tom Plates??? what are you talking about?;) I've had some amazing quad development this past couple weeks, don't you think? LoL
Basso said:
I ate 4 big cookies last night:D

AI cookies right :D

Looking forward to the after pictures..

Just curiouse is the deadline Sept1 or did this start a little bit later? Just wondering when the pictures will be up.

Keep up the hard work guys
OCCFan023 said:
AI cookies right :D

Looking forward to the after pictures..

Just curiouse is the deadline Sept1 or did this start a little bit later? Just wondering when the pictures will be up.

Keep up the hard work guys

I know I'm probably going to have to take mine either a 31Aug or 2Sep, but I don't think it's a big deal if it's a couple days off.
Basso said:
I know I'm probably going to have to take mine either a 31Aug or 2Sep, but I don't think it's a big deal if it's a couple days off.

I have to wait until Sunday the 3rd to take mine - I raised this question early on, and it didn't seem to be an issue.
I'm giving an extra week into sept. since we technically started a week late. If you have trouble making the deadlines please pm me or post it here.
:sad: That doesn't help me, I can't go to the gym that week, oh well I'm giving up a week handicap to everyone!

Come on guys Pizza and Beer is on me for the next 2 weeks!
Basso said:
:sad: That doesn't help me, I can't go to the gym that week, oh well I'm giving up a week handicap to everyone!

Come on guys Pizza and Beer is on me for the next 2 weeks!

Do some pushups, lift some furniture, suspend gallon milk jugs from your finger tips. Get creative!
yeahright said:
Do some pushups, lift some furniture, suspend gallon milk jugs from your finger tips. Get creative!
LoL, nah I'll just take my pics a week early, I want to give these blokes a chance:D
I know its a bit early, but I'm ready. After today's workout in the gym.

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I've been giving it some thought. I just to see how this one turns out before jumping the gun.
Lookin Good Tattoo!
thanks jay, busted my rear end the past 2 months. Wasnt too pleased with how my biceps turned out in the pic though, they look much better than that.

I do have a ? though. Since banners in sigs are not allowed, how is the AI thing going to work. I did have the AI Banner in my sig until it was removed. I assume Crowler is still doing this, but since the sigs were taken offline, how is this going to be done now?
Hey Jay are you going to start a new thread with side by side comparisons or something??

Outstanding job tattopierced!! I'll have my sorry fat bootie pics up this weekend (if I'm not to sloshed to work the camera)
Basso: Yeah, a new thread with side by side pics and a voting poll. I'll be calling in the unbiased judges too to keep everything as honest as possible.
Jayhawkk said:
Basso: Yeah, a new thread with side by side pics and a voting poll. I'll be calling in the unbiased judges too to keep everything as honest as possible.

Unbiased eh?:think: Maybe I shouldn't spend so much time pissing people off in here, lol, alright cool

Good luck everyone!
Basso said:
Hey Jay are you going to start a new thread with side by side comparisons or something??

Outstanding job tattopierced!! I'll have my sorry fat bootie pics up this weekend (if I'm not to sloshed to work the camera)

somehow I highly doubt you'll be coming in "fat" as you put it. I'm very anxious to see what everyone has done, I know I busted my arse and hopefully it shows, hopefully good enough to win. ;)
some more pics..

the skinny one was from 2003 when I first started lifting.

the other was from today in the gym.

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if you look at the back pic, you can see my nice scar from breaking my arm this year. Its on my right arm and starts above the band tattoo and goes below my elbow on my forearm.
Jayhawkk said:
hah you were an itty biddy lil bugger.

yep. at the time 6'7" 158lbs

i havent weighed in a while now, but I figure I'm around 210lbs. Still down from what I was before I broke the ole arm.
Ok I'm done also, so here is my after pic and here are my before and after stats.

Measurement: 1July/1Sep

Weight: 238/230 (-8)
BF: 18/14 (-4)
Waist: 36.75/35.5 (-1.25)
Stomach: 37.5/36 (-1.5)
Buttocks: 43/42 (-1)
Chest: 48/48 (0)
Thigh: 28.25/28 (-.25)
Calve: 17.5/17 (-.5)
Bicep: 18.5/18.5 (0)
Forearm: 14/14 (0)
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Win or Lose this has been great fun and I'm very pleased with my results, though I'm only about half way there! I want to wish everyone the best of luck I know we will see some amazing transformations.

Good Luck
Basso is D..u..n
I'll post after I'm back from the shore which will be tuesday. probably going to hurt me since I'll be partying but oh well, only time I can get a camera.
Contest Pics

Posted my final shots this AM over in the other competition forum....

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Jayhawkk said:
If you haven't seen it yet Joey, check out the prize center in the contest faq

Thanks. I had already looked at it - but since I don't have a MySpace page or anything like it there was no place to do the banner thing.

Regardless of how the contest goes, it really helped to have an intermediate goal on my way down to contest condition (8 weeks out now).

Thanks to you and the others involved. This forum definitely kicks ass, and I look forward to learning more....

curiouse: is there gonna be poll in a seperate thread or do we post up our votes? Also is voting beggining soon?
Jayhawkk, what are the rules for the contest participants as far as voting? (not that I would vote for myself)
Vote for yourself or for someone else. It's your call :) It's being weighed by outside judges so someone hitting other forums to get people to vote won't sway the results.
so the poll isnt who the winner is, that is being judged by outside sources right?