I love T-Nation, but sometimes they cherry pick the studies they use. Studies that back their products and their intra has carbs.
I have been experiencing with intra workout carbs for a few months now OP. My timing is 1.5-2.5 hours pre workout. I do not use intra carbs on my hypertrophy days, where I lift with lighter weights, more reps, and less rest time. I find that because I am in and out, I do not need them.
However, on my heavy 5/3/1 days, I do use intra workout carbs. On my heavy push day, I can only get one small meal in pre workout, so I have found the carbs help me get through the workout. I use them on my heavy pull and leg day even though I can get another meal in pre workout. My number one reason is because I cannot eat a lot pre workout before I deadlift or squat. Even if I wait close to three hours before lifting, I feel too bogged down. So those carbs intra help me get through those sessions as well.
If you do use intra workout carbs, I would say experiment for yourself, do not jump on a supplement per say. Go with Gatorade powder first, it is a lot cheaper. Some people do not like Gatorade because it bloats them. If that happens to you, look for a supplement. I like Glycofuse and Super Carb.
Right now, I just use Orange Gatorade powder and Orange IntraMax, works like a charm.