yes this was exactly my question because I thought it wouldn’t make no sense for me to get the extra 1000 calories if they are simply just trash. I dont want to count these damn calories but start to eat pretty good and get my daily amount of protein & carbs from good food..
You are correct. The only people that really can get away with the calories for the sake of calories are people that have super high metabolisms and just need to get more calories in general bc their body is burning them anyway, and even then they would still need to make sure they were getting enough protein and complex carbs,.
A lot of the guys here love to train and they love counting their calories and macros - and I respect that and wish that I was that way, but I'm not, and I used to drive myself nuts trying to make myself do that and be that way. It always resulted in me getting frustrated and saying to heck with it and hurt my consistency and desire to even try.
When I'm dieting to lose fat, I set a minimum protein intake and a maximum carb intake for the day, but I don't count exact calories or count carbs and proteins exactly.
When I'm trying to build and grow, I set a minimum protein and complex carb intake and I make sure I get that, but I don't count it out as exacts.
When talking recomp, would I stay the same weight or could I maybe gain weight due to building up muscle? Even though I am not more calories that I should ?
There's a saying that muscle weighs more than fat - that's not literal because 1 lb. is 1 lb., but what it means is that losing 1 lb. of fat is generally considered more obvious than gaining 1 lb. of muscle. So in the sense of a recomp regimen, you could gain weight on the scale from building muscle and still notice fat loss in your appearance even if the scale doesn't move. Likewise, you may lose weight on the scale but not lose as much as you visibly look like you are bc you're building muscle at the same time.
The concept of cutting and bulking are more of a bodybuilding lifestyle whereas the idea of what I think you're talking about is more the mindset of a healthier lifestyle and long term goals and results.
I can relate bc that's more my way of doing it too. I'll get frustrated sometimes and do a quick cut and try to lose a lot of fat fast - but that's because I've talked openly about how I struggle with depression and I'm a depression eater, so I do go through spells at times where my eating will get out of control. So when I start back right, sometimes I'll do a quick cut kind of as a reset to get back on track.
If you need help with supplements, I'll be glad to help. But for what you're trying to do, things that stand out to me GlycoPhase, Recomp20, and Lean Edge.
GlycoPhase is a GDA that helps your carbs go towards building muscle and losing fat, rather than being stored as fat.
Recomp20, just as it sounds, is specifically for recomp and helps build muscle and lose fat.
Lean Edge is great for when/if you want to focus on fat loss while doing this.
Here are some links for if you or anyone reading wants to learn more about those:
Lean Edge: