Anyone seen someone getting impressive gains from only SARMS?



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Any person can make a video you ****in moron. He also suggested ppl use sarms in PCT which is down right stupid. You sound like a complete fool. As far as making videos go my 9yr old has a Pokemon channel. He must be some kind of Pokemon guru cus he's memorized all there stats and has extensive knowledge. Go run his dip**** trash you fuxin momo


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Anyone with experience in aas knows he is talking out of his ass and has no real experience with aas.stating you can't run orals for more than 4 weeks.saying anadrol and dbol are useless and don't put on muscle lololol. Same retarded **** I hear parroted on the forums by people who have never lifted a weight let alone done a cycle. It's sad some of you would rather get spoon fed wrong information from guys like Dylan and other youtube idiots or forum idiots then instead of doing your own research.


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It's sad that ppl see YouTube channels and think these guys are celebrities or guru's and forget there just some guy with a camera.


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I gained a solid 15 and kept 13 off of LGD alone . Ran it for 8 weeks . Was from an RC company. They have their place . I had zero sides and it was my second cycle . As for the online youtubers they're all trash . Allways pct with anything that's going to alter your natural hormone production . If you look on my profile you can find my first log where I took LGD for the first time.


It's sad that ppl see YouTube channels and think these guys are celebrities or guru's and forget there just some guy with a camera.
what do you think about enhanced athlete? all the people that ONLY USE SARMs from them look natty. forexample mature muscle fitness


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You must have overlooked the part where it said the cancer GW study was refuted multiple times and extremely flawed. Oh, and that when ran properly, and not abused like in the study, it can be used to treat cancer.
I have also heard about studies that claimed GW showed anti-cancer properties.
Everyone always brings up gw causing cancer but no one never talks about it causing cirrhosis.
There are claims that GW is also beneficial for the liver as long as it is not used concurrently with products that are detrimental to liver function..


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Hey where I can I find your articles and videos on sarms? I'd love to check them out
You can google the user names:
Have fun reading
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You can google the user names:
Have fun reading
what do you think about enhanced athlete? all the people that ONLY USE SARMs from them look natty. forexample mature muscle fitness


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I think it looks shady. They don't list the ingredients on their topical fat burner.


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ok thanks
That was the only product that interested me, as it's hard to find one containing aminophylene in it. So I get irritated when companies don't list ingredients.
Eviscerate used to have it, now it doesn't and it sucks.


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Sarms do work but there is so much hype and bull**** about them on the internet. Also, many of the recommendations (such as waiting only 2 weeks between Sarms cycles or using Sarms in PCT or between AAS cycles) are downright dangerous advice. Here's the deal on Sarms from my experience and research:

- Sarms can yield a 5-10 lb increase in muscle
- Sarms WILL shut you down hard
- Sarms will crash your HDL
- Sarms have minimal effect on heart, BP, liver, prostate unlike AAS
- Time on = Time off to allow the body to recover.
- you WILL need a pct for any Sarms at any dose
- recommended Sarms doses are ridiculous. (E.g. 25mg of Rad per day is crazy)

Also - the GW cancer risk is mixed. Some studies showed it caused cancer others shown different results but most studies were inconclusive . Also the people who state that the equivalent human dose that caused the cancer in rats is like 900mg/day are morons and have not done the conversion right. There are formulas for this - it was more like 72mg/day in a human. The rat studies also gave them a chemical which grew tumors and they were bred for cancer.

Bottom line - so some research, look at logs with blood work and make a decision.


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This is 10 days on rad-140/LGD4033

I **** you not, combo feels like a medium dose of methylstenbolone



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Those are some nice gains. What was your dosing schedule like? Also – have you done any blood work to assess where you're at with your test and lipid levels?


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I'm still on, but 10mg of each only


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To me the most important thing in all of this is research and finding out what works for you, I've had things work well in the past for me that others thought were garbage.My Sarms experience so far has been nothing but positive, my favorite being Cardarine (I know, it's not a real Sarm). I've gone from looking decent to people asking me what the hell have I been doing over the last 3 months to look the way I do. I'm 3 months away from my 65th birthday and still wrecking stuff. I think if you take a sensible approach and don't look for "Pie in the Sky", you'll do well. The people I interact with, including the young people i teach drumming to are impressed with how i look so, I guess that's good enough for me.


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^^ that is a great observation. I'm 50 and nowhere near where I was in my 20's but people comment on how good I look. A few Sarms blasts with my TRT protocol (with regular training) is enough to keep me looking pretty muscular and a lot better than quite a few guys in their 20s and 30s who don't lift or who simply don't take care of themselves.

Regarding Sarms gains - it depends on the dose. I've seen guys blow up on LGD, Rad and S4 but they were taking 2-4 times the dose I would take. As we get older, we become a bit more sensitive to things like blood pressure, HDL, shutdown, etc. in fact - for some of us older guys, running a suppressive Sarms is a one way ticket to TRT - you won't recover no matter what PCT you run. (This happened to me - but frankly the best thing I ever did was go on TRT - but that's another story).

The age old advice is train hard, eat right, blast PED when needed but don't go crazy and give your body a break (time on = time off at the very least) and we can continue to make progress.


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About a week and a half ago I started adding a very low-dose of Rad140 into my TRT protocol. All I can say is the SARM along with the testosterone is having a really nice effect. I am getting visible gains after a short time – and my strength is way up. As well as my recovery and endurance. I am only running 2.5 mg per day of Rad. (As I was saying above – no sense going crazy on the stuff at my age). I may run a log to document everything. But my plan is to only run this for about 4 to 6 weeks. I'm up 2 pounds already. The stuff is awesome.


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To me the most important thing in all of this is research and finding out what works for you, I've had things work well in the past for me that others thought were garbage.My Sarms experience so far has been nothing but positive, my favorite being Cardarine (I know, it's not a real Sarm). I've gone from looking decent to people asking me what the hell have I been doing over the last 3 months to look the way I do. I'm 3 months away from my 65th birthday and still wrecking stuff. I think if you take a sensible approach and don't look for "Pie in the Sky", you'll do well. The people I interact with, including the young people i teach drumming to are impressed with how i look so, I guess that's good enough for me.
Would you mind describing your dosage and type of gains? Also, I assume you also feel that the cardarine cancer studies are pretty much a non-issue in humans.


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Would you mind describing your dosage and type of gains? Also, I assume you also feel that the cardarine cancer studies are pretty much a non-issue in humans.
As I was looking to get more defined and cut, I'm not taking any major doses of anything basically staying within the prescribed guidelines, my gains have included my waist being the smallest it's been in about 25 years, my muscles have gotten quite a bit harder and I feel great most of the time. A side benefit is my blood sugar A1C is now below 6 which I was told by both my doctor and endocrinologist that it was unlikely I'd ever get to. Regarding the Cardarine cancer thing, I don't think I'm being cavalier about it but I'm not too concerned either


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As I was looking to get more defined and cut, I'm not taking any major doses of anything basically staying within the prescribed guidelines, my gains have included my waist being the smallest it's been in about 25 years, my muscles have gotten quite a bit harder and I feel great most of the time. A side benefit is my blood sugar A1C is now below 6 which I was told by both my doctor and endocrinologist that it was unlikely I'd ever get to. Regarding the Cardarine cancer thing, I don't think I'm being cavalier about it but I'm not too concerned either
Very cool. I've been following this compound for a long time – and recently there are actually several reports that show it could be protective against cancer – actually shrinking certain types of tumors. The study with the mice getting cancer – well they were bred for that and also given a carcinogenic compound. And lastly, in instances where certain tumor cells in humans showed greater expression of the PPAr delta enzyme (essentially what Cardarine activates) it seems that it's just a correlation – meeting it comes from the cancer cells directly – not caused by excessive amounts. I was just flipping through a very recent study performed in May of this year – it's a paid version – but I think I'm going to download it and post the results.

I have known people personally – and through online communities that I've been taking this substance for years – with nothing but great things to report for lipid, blood sugar – and fat loss management

Just one other quick question for you if you don't mind – do you cycle it – or stay on for long periods of time?


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Very cool. I've been following this compound for a long time – and recently there are actually several reports that show it could be protective against cancer – actually shrinking certain types of tumors. The study with the mice getting cancer – well they were bred for that and also given a carcinogenic compound. And lastly, in instances where certain tumor cells in humans showed greater expression of the PPAr delta enzyme (essentially what Cardarine activates) it seems that it's just a correlation – meeting it comes from the cancer cells directly – not caused by excessive amounts. I was just flipping through a very recent study performed in May of this year – it's a paid version – but I think I'm going to download it and post the results.

I have known people personally – and through online communities that I've been taking this substance for years – with nothing but great things to report for lipid, blood sugar – and fat loss management

Just one other quick question for you if you don't mind – do you cycle it – or stay on for long periods of time?
This is my 2nd cycle, i took off a month after my last run (10 weeks) as It was advised to allow your receptors to recoup. I'll probably continue that trend


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Search clenbuterol - fat loss secret revealed on youtube (Brought to you by IROIDS). Then type in iroids review and look at the guys who are reviewing these products. My favorite is the iroids Anavar review.

Dylan is definitely associated with this company. I think if you go into Isarms website and click the dbol button and it will directly take you to the iroids website.

If this doesn't scream scam idk what does.

Also I've read several forums where bros talk about how Dylan reads verbatim from forums what other vets had posted. And when the OP address Dylan about it, he blocks them deletes postings and never refutes accusations.

Lastly, I was an another forum where a guy claims to call Dylan out on the isarms forum about not having any of the certs Dylan claims to have. And the guy got banned, and the thread got deleted.

That's 3 strikes and he's out in my book. I can't speak for the authenticity of his products but at $1k stacks I don't feel like I am missing out on anything.

I haven't gotten the sources for real gear yet but I just stocked up to run 2 epi cycles and 2 lgd cycles with all my CS and PCT for less than that.

I hope I didn't just violate a bunch of rules for talking about this guy, but it was already on topic so I feel like I'm gtg?


I was told the most anabolic compound on earth is food


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On topic, LGD-4033 is legit. Can get similar gains to a DMZ cycle or S-drol...


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I'm hoping with less sides. From what I have been able to find on these forums the sdrol can come with some some pretty nasty sides.


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... Are you saying that you've gotten SD-like gains from LGD??
Yes, it's powerful stuff. Over a 4 week cycle weight gain was similar, urine was not as orange darkened, and water-BF% rose but not as much as your stronger methyl PH like DMZ or SDrol. It's a semi wet gainer from my first go with it last fall... Will be doing it again in spring time.


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how do you know what advice to trust when YOU do your research?
NIH, and resurch docs are your best bet. From there, forems like this are great for practical & antidotal advice.


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Like anything, sarms can be person dependant. I can't go near GW it brings out anxiety sides for me.

Ran a few various sarms, I do like Lgd, nothing amazing but will help you put on a few lbs.

I currently am running S23 and love it, meant to be the harshest in terms of shutdown, I'm running it solo and I'm about coping.
But I'm used to running 19nor's with less test than most, so I'm used to a bit of lethargy.
Haven't weighed myself, but it's certainly working, strength and endurance is up, and leaning out nicely.

I plan on running this on/off for a long while, it's really helping with the prostate.

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