Androbulk/furaza-a cycle



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Out of curiosity,,, seeing as how I'm already on trt, will I see anything from any of the andro series? What I'm thinking is give the stuff a fair shot while on my cruise dose of 125mg a week,,,, 2nd question: will they raise my test levels?? Reason I ask I get my official, Endocrinologist required, labs done while cruising to maintain my script. Last thing I want is over elevated test, she'll lower me or drop me altogether!!
I would do as warbird suggested and stack HARD or LEAN w/TRT dose. Adding MASS is fine and could give you more punch to your test dose , and also NOT elevate the dose, but I feel you would get more from the other 2 products listed. The LEAN is especially unique since 11-KT will be doing its work on a cortisol blocking levels causing a nice leaning effect.



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I would do as warbird suggested and stack HARD or LEAN w/TRT dose. Adding MASS is fine and could give you more punch to your test dose , and also NOT elevate the dose, but I feel you would get more from the other 2 products listed. The LEAN is especially unique since 11-KT will be doing its work on a cortisol blocking levels causing a nice leaning effect.

I like the idea of a quality "lean" supplement,,, my bf% is still 15%... lowest it's been since I can remember,, but still too high


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Proper dose at longer intervals is always better in terms of gains, sides not so much. Blood work from my furuza run showed no ill effects on the liver but dramatic impact on lipids.
Where you running furaz solo, do you remember your lipid values?


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Yes, to gauge effectiveness, HDL was 10 after 3 weeks, LDL I can't recall but it was well above normal
That is really bad, never knew a non-methyl could kill HDL like that, well guess this won't be in my next cut, have to just use androhard and androlean


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That is really bad, never knew a non-methyl could kill HDL like that, well guess this won't be in my next cut, have to just use androhard and androlean
Yes, from experience methyls do cause more severe and quicker hepatic/lipid sides but it is not inclusive to these hormones alone especially concerning lipids.


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Began the bulk yesterday (4/3) at 6caps. Starting weight of 181 lbs. Obviously no news except I am getting the long dull "tension headaches". Been upping water intAke To try and combat this. I've also acquired another bottle of furaza so that puts me at 4 bottles now and also got a bottle of AM, but it happens to be V2. I've also got my torem in and will be dosing it at 30mg a day along with the TRS. And picked up 2 bottles of cycle assist. I've been thinking about running this cycle one of two ways:

In observance of the fact I'm trying to keep bloat down and gains lean: (7wks)

Wk 1: 6 bulk/day
Wk 2: 3 bulk/ 4 mass/ 200-250 furaza
Wk 3-Wk 7: 3 bulk/ 4 mass/ 300 furaza

I was thinking that the mass would accompany some leaner gains but the bulk wwould keep sides lower. The other option would be to throw in the other bottle of bulk and do:

Wk 1-Wk 2: 6 bulk/day
Wk 3: 6bulk/ 4mass/ 200-250 furaza
Wk 4-8: 6bulk/ 4 mass/ 300 furaza.

Just don't want to have too "wet" of gains. Maybe should have done just a Mass cycle but can't change that now and was trying to avoid some sides if possible.

Open to any suggestions from anyone, I'll update as soon as there's something to update for those who are interested.


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Began the bulk yesterday (4/3) at 6caps. Starting weight of 181 lbs. Obviously no news except I am getting the long dull "tension headaches". Been upping water intAke To try and combat this. I've also acquired another bottle of furaza so that puts me at 4 bottles now and also got a bottle of AM, but it happens to be V2. I've also got my torem in and will be dosing it at 30mg a day along with the TRS. And picked up 2 bottles of cycle assist. I've been thinking about running this cycle one of two ways:

In observance of the fact I'm trying to keep bloat down and gains lean: (7wks)

Wk 1: 6 bulk/day
Wk 2: 3 bulk/ 4 mass/ 200-250 furaza
Wk 3-Wk 7: 3 bulk/ 4 mass/ 300 furaza

I was thinking that the mass would accompany some leaner gains but the bulk wwould keep sides lower. The other option would be to throw in the other bottle of bulk and do:

Wk 1-Wk 2: 6 bulk/day
Wk 3: 6bulk/ 4mass/ 200-250 furaza
Wk 4-8: 6bulk/ 4 mass/ 300 furaza.

Just don't want to have too "wet" of gains. Maybe should have done just a Mass cycle but can't change that now and was trying to avoid some sides if possible.

Open to any suggestions from anyone, I'll update as soon as there's something to update for those who are interested.
I know it's not cheap but you need to go with 300 furaza in the first part and 400 in the 2nd for it to do it's magic


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Had a free minute so here's a quick update (4/6):

Workouts have been great, headaches are not as intense and cured by one or two ibuprofen. Maybe it's placebo but Ive been ridiculously hungry, more so than usual. Also have noticed skin is already getting more oily. Otherwise no other news, as far as dosing of the furaza I'm gonna see how things are going and possibly add another bottle to the mix and up the dosage for the last few weeks.


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Did you decide on which option you are taking? I would go with number two


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Yeah I'm leaning towards the second option as well. As was Suggested earlier I've been really focusing on my diet and keeping it clean to keep the gains as lean as possible. The headaches have went away for the last day or so. Otherwise nothin new to report.


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Yeah I'm leaning towards the second option as well. As was Suggested earlier I've been really focusing on my diet and keeping it clean to keep the gains as lean as possible. The headaches have went away for the last day or so. Otherwise nothin new to report.
Like I've said before,, you really need to dose furaza at 350-400


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Yeah I'm leaning towards the second option as well. As was Suggested earlier I've been really focusing on my diet and keeping it clean to keep the gains as lean as possible. The headaches have went away for the last day or so. Otherwise nothin new to report.
Definitely keep us updated.


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Almost a week down of 6bulk a day and nothing new to report yet. However I was reading on some forums and saw where Eric or Matt (or someone, can't quite recall) from PP was saying about running a series of the andro products then going right into another set of different products, which got me thinking about extending this cycle to 12 weeks. I would only need one bottle of lean in addition to what I have to make this happen (Which I've found some lean online but it's very expensive) but I've already got so much $$ in this I figure why not do a little recomp at the end?

Wks 1-2: 6bulk/day
Wks 3-8: 6 bulk/day (300-350 furaza/day (as discussed earlier))
Wks 9-12: 6mass V2/day and 6lean/day

Also seems like a better use of the mass. Might end up tweaking it some more such as dosing the mass/lean for 4/day each with a two week overlap (wks 6-12). Also not sure when/with what to use the furaza-a, would it be better to save it for another cycle with the addition of the lean or just throw it in? Looking for any suggestions or input on this, especially where toget lean (actually in stock) at a decent price.

Ill keep updating with the bulk for now, and checking for any suggestions. Thanks!


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My advice, be patient, only the first week bud stick with it


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As of yesterday up two pounds from start of cycle, probably water weight. No major increase in strength but workouts have been great.


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As of yesterday up two pounds from start of cycle, probably water weight. No major increase in strength but workouts have been great.
Interested to see where it goes from here. 1 week might be a bit early to notice any drastic change, but it should come soon :)


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Day 10: weight still at 183 (+2lbs). Feeling stronger during workouts and good mental state thus far. No sides to report. Contrary to the original plan for the cycle, I will be running it slightly different as follows:

Wk 1-6: 6bulk/day
Wk 7-8: 6bulk/day; 350-400furaza
wk 9-12: 6massv2/day 400 furaza
then 4 week pct

I think this plan will help to solidify the gains from the bulk. If anyone has any other beliefs or suggestions I'd like to hear your input.


im in!! cnt wait to see results and im about to start a cycle of bulkwith furaza. if i plan on runnin bulk 5 weeks how many weeks should i take furaza and at what mgs?


Im in late, but better late than never! I've been huge fan of Furaza for years. I just love it! Enjoy and good luck bro!


i changed it up a bit diue to furza being so crazy price. im doing straight 4 caps a day abulk and 300mgs p-stanz for 6 weeks follwed with pp pct and daa powder. my side supps will be cycle assit by cel, gold standard 100 percent whey (might throw in hydrowhey if i have some left) and cocnrete creatine. ALong with a multivatimin,flax oil and coq10
nothin to crazy just tryna have a very lean bulk before summer


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i changed it up a bit diue to furza being so crazy price. im doing straight 4 caps a day abulk and 300mgs p-stanz for 6 weeks follwed with pp pct and daa powder. my side supps will be cycle assit by cel, gold standard 100 percent whey (might throw in hydrowhey if i have some left) and cocnrete creatine. ALong with a multivatimin,flax oil and coq10
nothin to crazy just tryna have a very lean bulk before summer
Should do you good :)


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Day 15: (yesterday) weight 184 (+3lbs)
workouts have been continuing to get better and still feeling good. No real sides to mention except appetite has been way down the last few days which could be unrelated to the bulk but I'm thinking it is.


quick question, will the pp pct and daa be enough for my pct?


quick question, will the pp pct and daa be enough for my pct?
I've actually done a more suppressive cycle than this not long ago, and pp pct worked great! I would add Intimidate to just to be safe if your not using a SERM for the extra boost.


I've actually done a more suppressive cycle than this not long ago, and pp pct worked great! I would add Intimidate to just to be safe if your not using a SERM for the extra boost.
well thats good that it worked for you and i will look into intimidate iv never heard of it


Good call! You might find yourself painting your toilet bowl brown, often.


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Day 22 (yesterday) 183lbs (+2)
Been a while since the last update, no real changes in weight or strength, maybe an extra rep here and there on some sets. Lethargy has been terrible, hard to accomplish much during the day. Appetite is still not great but seems to get getting better gradually. Was thinking maybe to balance out my anabolic/androgenic ratio by adding a half dose (3 caps) of AH to the mix starting next week and going thru the remaining 8 wks and happened to find a bottle for dirt cheap so might try that unless anyone has any suggestions as to why not. Logs are saying it should definitely help with appetite and I'm hoping lethargy. So far very dissapointed with the bulk, and wishing i woulda went with hdrol or epi again, but cant change that now, been reading tho that gains may not start until about the end of the first bottle, I'm hoping so, expensive stuff to just make me dead tired all day. Definitely gonna stick with it and see how it all turns out tho, hoping for the best.


As much as I dont find it necessary to purchase intimidate if you are going to purchase tcf-1 in the TRS, i should warn not to use both as that would be too much DAA.
well both are in my possession so what should i take instead of the daa, a different type of test booster?
and do you mean not to take tcf-1 withdaa and intimidate ? is it still ok to take tcf-1 with daa and no intimidate?


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Day 22 (yesterday) 183lbs (+2)
Been a while since the last update, no real changes in weight or strength, maybe an extra rep here and there on some sets. Lethargy has been terrible, hard to accomplish much during the day. Appetite is still not great but seems to get getting better gradually. Was thinking maybe to balance out my anabolic/androgenic ratio by adding a half dose (3 caps) of AH to the mix starting next week and going thru the remaining 8 wks and happened to find a bottle for dirt cheap so might try that unless anyone has any suggestions as to why not. Logs are saying it should definitely help with appetite and I'm hoping lethargy. So far very dissapointed with the bulk, and wishing i woulda went with hdrol or epi again, but cant change that now, been reading tho that gains may not start until about the end of the first bottle, I'm hoping so, expensive stuff to just make me dead tired all day. Definitely gonna stick with it and see how it all turns out tho, hoping for the best.
Give it time we recommend 8 weeks for a reason, 2 pounds now and it should start hitting

Add the AH for the lethargy it will help, but I would add in calories as well considering it will hinder a bulk in terms of overall wright gain


damn bro sorry to hear, you got me worrying now cuz im 10 days deep on thebulk and notice nothing but acne nd i get irritated much easier. however i did start my p-stanz and running that at 350mgs so i hope that my purchase of androbulk isn't a complete waste of money. and if its true that you start to see results or ur second bottle well thats bs becasue i spent a ton of money on the one bottle of the bulk and no way i could afford another bottle. if the one bottle doesn't do anything im gonna be super pissed. 440 for the bulk alone not including pct, yeaa i should have went with epi-tren or epi- p-stanz. that is more then half the price and guaranteed to work -__- .... on the bright side at least we did choose two non methyls


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Day 35: 185lbs (+4)

First ill back up a bit and give a review of the four weeks of Bulk solo since I havent been able to give an update for a while.
After four weeks of bulk I was up about 4-4.5 lbs depending on the day. I felt a bit stronger and have been able to get a few more reps on lifts, also workouts have been getting much longer and involving more exercises. I did feel rather bloated on bulk, but that's the way it goes when trying to bulk when you are forcing food down every chance you get. I Did feel like I carried a majority of bloat in the midsection but definitely some noticeable size in the upper arms and shoulders. I will say I am more confident in lifting heavier due to the fact that my joints feel amazing. Skin was a bit more oily but nothing an extra shower a day can't handle. Libido and everything else was fine. Did have that horrible lethargy for a week or so but that wasnt as bad on the last week.
After four weeks of bulk solo I threw in 3Ah v3 a day. I have been on this regiment for a week now.
Weight seems about the same, however I feel that the midsection bloat has decreased a good bit and am holding at the same weight. I am still continueing to eat as before and still trying to gain as much size as possible. No new sides to report, been taking toco 8 twice a day and a few caps of cycle assist to try and keep everything else like BP in check.
I must say I'm glad I'm running this cycle for 12 weeks, the gains are very slow moving but have been fairly steady. I would not recommend a cycle of less than 8weeks. Expensive, yah definitely. I'd be about finishing up the cycle if I woulda went with hdrol or epi, and would be about at least double the gains, but that's how the androseries is supposed to work they say and if the gains do eventually and they are safer and the gains stick around I'd say it's doing they're claiming it to do. I guess it really does boil down to being less harsh on the body.
I'll try to update more often, been so busy and didn't realize it had been so long and also there were no huge changes to report.


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Day 43: 188.5 (+7.5)
after six weeks must say the gains seem to be coming faster. Started the furaza Friday as well. No sides to mention, strength still getting better. Hope that things continue as they have for the rest of the cycle. Overall the bulk is good. I'm satisfied, not sure now if the gains will be strictly bulk or some help from the hard but can't complain about the stuff in general except for price, but I knew that going into this all.


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Day 51: 189lbs (+8)

On the last week of bulk. Strength is continuing to go up but joints are starting to ache. Gonna start some more fish oil today. Furaza is up to 350 a day now. Have noticed a few zits (but still just about average amount which isn't much, skin was perfect for a bit which I say is from the toco) back aches (pumps) and much more irritable. Could be furaza or AH. Starting to lose some of the bloat from the bulk but also appetite has been down. Pleased that I'm already thinning out tho. Gonna start overlapping a half dose of bulk with a half dose of the mass over the next few days to balance out the change in "products" until the bulk runs out. Hoping that that mass helps put on more size, was hoping to gain a little more size before I started the mass but I'm sure the gains will continue And hopefully fat loss too.


Primordial Performance Rep
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Day 51: 189lbs (+8)

On the last week of bulk. Strength is continuing to go up but joints are starting to ache. Gonna start some more fish oil today. Furaza is up to 350 a day now. Have noticed a few zits (but still just about average amount which isn't much, skin was perfect for a bit which I say is from the toco) back aches (pumps) and much more irritable. Could be furaza or AH. Starting to lose some of the bloat from the bulk but also appetite has been down. Pleased that I'm already thinning out tho. Gonna start overlapping a half dose of bulk with a half dose of the mass over the next few days to balance out the change in "products" until the bulk runs out. Hoping that that mass helps put on more size, was hoping to gain a little more size before I started the mass but I'm sure the gains will continue And hopefully fat loss too.
Interested in how the next phase will be, especially your transition method.

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