Anabolic memes



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Man that Pizza Hut dining room is taking me back to my childhood. I remember there being a Smoking and Non-smoking half, and all of the smoke just rolled over into our half anyway
I remember that. We use to frequent a Friendly’s and the hvac vents blew the smoke from that section to the non-smoking section


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Yes, but the problem is that people who believe that 1+1=5 tend to influence lawmakers/policymakers somehow to consider the possibility of 1+1=5 (i.e. education/acadamia), and pandora's box is suddenly opened.
But I am a blue collar Caucasian so no one is going to listen anyway it’s just my “white privilege” talking


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Life is too short to waste on idiots you don’t gain anything by convincing anyway!
ha, someone asked in my mexico group if nude sunbathing was allowed.. I said not legally. some dude started arguing with me calling me a "western washington lib" (ha ok) so I posted a picture I had of a chick trying to do some topless sunbathing when the Mexican fuzz surrounded her and wouldn't leave her until she was clothed. Dude still wanted to argue so ... ignore button.


Man that Pizza Hut dining room is taking me back to my childhood. I remember there being a Smoking and Non-smoking half, and all of the smoke just rolled over into our half anyway
I used to crush the tabletop version of mario back in the day at the local one when I was like 6 or 7 yrs old. Land before Time soda pop cups, toys... then at 16 went back for a JOB! one of my favorite high school jobs with my best friend.

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