Alpha-T2, LX, Caffeine and heart palpitation


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Ok let me lay out the background for you. I started taking DS Lean Xtreme and PES Alpha-T2 last Wednesday. I have been dosing 1 of each upon waking up and then 1 of each again pre-workout at around 5pm. Never noticed any side effects. Fast forward to this morning. I decided to bump it up to 2 Alpha-T2 and 1 LX upon waking. I also had 100mg of caffeine that I usually do not have in the mornings b/c I have been extremely tired at work in the mornings. I think this is due to being on a CKD diet and possibly lack of long sleep also. After getting to work I had a feeling of nauseousness for about 15-20min, but it went away and I felt fine afterwards. About 15min. ago I suddenly felt my heart pounding in my chest very hard. It couldn't have lasted more than 10-15 seconds and from what I could tell it was not going any faster or slower than normal while resting, just beating really hard. It feels ok now except for the fact I am aware it happened and now it's kinda freaking me out. Paranoid much? Anyways I just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this or has any ideas / suggestions for me. I have read that caffeine and thyroid issues can cause heart palpitations and also Alpha-T2 seems to be regarded as a stim in some threads, yet at the same time I read that I shouldn't experience stim like effects for the most part due to its specific make up. Thanks for your help. Also if this is not the right place for this post I apologize.


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This could be due to a myriad of things but alpha-t2 and caffeine mixed with a CKD diet can definitely dehydrate you. CKD diets also can get you close to hypoglycemia so if you drank caffeine in the morning and you had low blood sugar it could have been your body kicking out sympathetic tone to increase blood sugar, it is a common sign of hypoglycemia. Obviously we don't have much information about you or anything like that but try keeping your water intake higher and maybe don't take 2 doses of the alpha T2 and caffeine at the same time, separate the doses a bit.

Alpha T2 is some potent stuff! :afro:


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Thanks. It is somewhat confusing reading something like Alpha-T2 is potent stuff from one perspective and then also reading that it is not usually associated with stim-like effects (jitters, etc) Maybe I will go with the 2 caps of Alpha-T2 in the morning with the LX and then have my caffeine in the afternoon by itself. That will also help keep me going in the afternoon without as much drama in the morning. Thanks again.


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Thanks. It is somewhat confusing reading something like Alpha-T2 is potent stuff from one perspective and then also reading that it is not usually associated with stim-like effects (jitters, etc) Maybe I will go with the 2 caps of Alpha-T2 in the morning with the LX and then have my caffeine in the afternoon by itself. That will also help keep me going in the afternoon without as much drama in the morning. Thanks again.
By potent I was referring to its fat burning effects. As for T2 not giving any jitters or anything like that you have to remember that you are also upregulating natural thyroid production and in a normal situation you may not feel this but considering you may have been hypoglycemic and/or dehydrated + on another stimulant it is amplified. Thyroid hormone is one of the most powerful in the body, it upregulates just about every biologic process. It is pretty much the best way you can burn fat.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Thanks. It is somewhat confusing reading something like Alpha-T2 is potent stuff from one perspective and then also reading that it is not usually associated with stim-like effects (jitters, etc) Maybe I will go with the 2 caps of Alpha-T2 in the morning with the LX and then have my caffeine in the afternoon by itself. That will also help keep me going in the afternoon without as much drama in the morning. Thanks again.
Alpha-T2 is not generally associated with stimulant-like effects, no. However, if you are sensitive to stimulants in ANY way, then it is possible that you may experience SOME effects, especially if you used caffeine when you usually do not (and I would be inclined to believe that this was the cause).

In any case, two caps at once may be too much for you, so I recommend just going back down to dosing one cap twice daily and seeing how that foes, or, if you use two caps again, don't stack caffeine with it.



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i was also looking at using alpha t-2 and read exhaustively about the contents; specifically methysynephrine. I've become sensitive to stims, high dose C and low dose of E+C. my blood pressure also spikes when on E+C (known affect of E), and i can tell when the sides are starting. The synergesitc effect of Caffeine might be good for fat burning purposes but can cause issues such as vasoconstriction (like with me), heart palpatations (like with me and houston), respiratory alkalosis (with me), etc. Also, withdrawals can be harsh and suseptability to future occurences/symptoms can increase; you can tell the brain things are fine all you want, even when taking a simple vitamin (taste/texture/action) can psych you out. I was on a Keto diet as well when I had my first bout of respiratory alkalosis. Low amounts of carbs when this occurences cause havoc (as mentioned), especially the brain; scary when you are driving and you start hyperventilating and get starred vision from cerebral vasoconstriction. I was looking at similar stacks alpha,titanium,erase or erase/titanium/mild fat burner. I saw this post and wanted to ask about anyone knowing having any studies/results on Titanium or Alpha T-2? Hard to find anything definative about effects. I'd give a try myself since Im scientific (engineering background), cost is not high and everyone reacts different to various compounds; just a bit scary when you have to go to the ER.

i also only use KreAlk, multivit (Adam), bcaa (usp labs), whey and fish oil. any discussion would be greatly appreciated

  • RockStar
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i was also looking at using alpha t-2 and read exhaustively about the contents; specifically methysynephrine. I've become sensitive to stims, high dose C and low dose of E+C. my blood pressure also spikes when on E+C (known affect of E), and i can tell when the sides are starting. The synergesitc effect of Caffeine might be good for fat burning purposes but can cause issues such as vasoconstriction (like with me), heart palpatations (like with me and houston), respiratory alkalosis (with me), etc. Also, withdrawals can be harsh and suseptability to future occurences/symptoms can increase; you can tell the brain things are fine all you want, even when taking a simple vitamin (taste/texture/action) can psych you out. I was on a Keto diet as well when I had my first bout of respiratory alkalosis. Low amounts of carbs when this occurences cause havoc (as mentioned), especially the brain; scary when you are driving and you start hyperventilating and get starred vision from cerebral vasoconstriction. I was looking at similar stacks alpha,titanium,erase or erase/titanium/mild fat burner. I saw this post and wanted to ask about anyone knowing having any studies/results on Titanium or Alpha T-2? Hard to find anything definative about effects. I'd give a try myself since Im scientific (engineering background), cost is not high and everyone reacts different to various compounds; just a bit scary when you have to go to the ER.

i also only use KreAlk, multivit (Adam), bcaa (usp labs), whey and fish oil. any discussion would be greatly appreciated
Great post.

As for Titanium and AT2, the ingredients will not interact negatively, or synergistically. But they will both work to their fullest in their own independent pathways, which when combined, give users the ability to burn fat while maintaining and even gaining lean mass


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thanks for the reply and the kind words. one of the questions I had but didn't ask: do you get a fraction of a result as separate entities or do you need all the parts to get the whole result? Thanks for answering it! read many of your posts and enjoyed them as well

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thanks for the reply and the kind words. one of the questions I had but didn't ask: do you get a fraction of a result as separate entities or do you need all the parts to get the whole result? Thanks for answering it! read many of your posts and enjoyed them as well
Since they are not synergistic, meaning that you dont NEED one product to make the other extra effective, they are both fully effective on their own to get the whole result.

To make it simple, lets say a guy ran Alpha-T2, and he lost 10lbs of fat in 4 weeks.

Then the same user ran Titanium after, and gained 5lbs of lean mass.

If he were to run them together, in the same 4 weeks, the same results would be expected (10lbs fat loss, 5lbs lean mass gained). It would not suddenly turn into 20lbs of fat lost and 10lbs of lean mass gained just because you took them together

I think that answers your question. If not, ask more!


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Great post.

As for Titanium and AT2, the ingredients will not interact negatively, or synergistically. But they will both work to their fullest in their own independent pathways, which when combined, give users the ability to burn fat while maintaining and even gaining lean mass
Exactly and to further this, attacking things from different pathways is the best way to go.

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