AK’s all in- logging Iconic Formulations All Out Ultra- Sponsored Log



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Late getting this today, has been busy getting everything ready and family in town to watch are daughter and the dogs. We will go in at 6:30am tomorrow morning.

Wake up time 7:00am 1 heaping scoop of All out and down the hatch! Gym time was 7:30 and was there about 45 minutes. This morning was just an arm pump session did preacher curls,hammer curls, cable curls/ skull crushers, cable tricep over head, push downs and dips. Did not track anything just went for high volume and pumped it out.

I will say that All out is probably the best tasting pre workout’s. Mixed up super easy and stays in suspension really well. Very nice tub and mine was sealed really well and had no clumping issues. I did weigh out a scoop and to match the grams it was more than a scoop, but generally a heaping scoop was pretty close.
The energy is really smooth and strong and comes on quick. I did get the tingles one time in the beginning but after that I did not get them. I could feel the energy coming on as my ears would start to feel warm never tingling but close.

Really good pumps from All Out Ultra, some of my high volume and multiple sets would make some pretty nasty pumps! ( in a good way)

Energy was smooth and quick, no crash. Definitely helped me get through some grueling sessions. Had no ill effects at all during use of the product, my training was mostly all early morning and empty stomach.

I don’t think I ever did just a half scoop all mine have been one full scoop and very little water. (Tomorrow I plan on making a tall yeti with ice and a scoop to enjoy it through the morning)

Overall very happy and satisfied with this product. I believe this is a really great pre workout with a loaded profile and a heft dose! I would like to thank @delsolrob again for the logging opportunity of this All Out Ultra pre workout!




Sounds like you enjoyed the product and worth it!


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I’m glad to hear your experience was just like mine! People respond differently to all kinds of things, but I think this one is a good fit for many users.

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