Advice: what to do next?


New member
Hey guys, fairly new to posting on forums, always researching & finding some awesom advice & such!

In a bit of a predicament, usually trustworthy person I get off has given me average gear, running test 350 & tren ace! 7 weeks in & only about a kg of weight on, bf % is around the same, have put on abit of size but nothing like I have past course & was skeptical 2 weeks in but he assured me, should of gone on my gut instinct!

Now my question is because I've already got prop & such in my system should I get some test p (proper good stuff) & run it for another 6 weeks high dosage, say 400mg+? Scrap the test 350 & let the esters runout probably either continue the tren even tho it's probably half strength til that runs out, then start PCT with Arimidex 5 days after the last prop shot??


  • Established
Well first, adex is an AI. While it can be used during pct, you need a serm (clomid or Nolva) to restart your HPTA. If I were you, I would just call it quits for this cycle. get a serm ASAP, start pct ASAP, and wait and start a proper cycle once you have everything on hand and more reliable products. Just my honest opinion, I know it's probably not what you want to hear


New member
Sorry I meant Nolva for after, already have Arimidex on hand, sides have been little to non existent!

Yeah I was thinking that but I want to at least make some gains, as I only cycle once a year, in the offseason! If I were to run something for 6 weeks or even 8 what would you recommend from here? I can run the end of the course into pre season a little bit for sport, cardio will suck but I'll be right I've done it previously!


  • Established
So just making sure I understand you correctly, you have been on sustanon and tren ace for 7 weeks, you think they are either bunk or underdosed and are wondering if you can continue on with test prop and the tren for 6 more weeks because you would like to see some gains. If that is the case, I guess you could do that technically if you can for sure get your hands on legit prop on short notice. I would drop the tren too though since it very well could be complete bunk too. but if I were you i would call it quits, do pct, wait a couple more months and start back up again. Like I said I know that isn't what you want to hear, but just saying what I would do if I were in your position.

Edit: also even if the tren wasn't bunk, I would stop it anyways because if my understanding is correct, most people won't run it for as long as you are talking. Remember these are strong exogenous hormones you are putting in your body. Better safe than sorry


New member
Yeah I understand totally, thanks for the help man!
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