Abliderate Advanced with DAA and AD3


Well-known member
Running DAA and AD3 for 8 weeks which should help reduce cortisol as one of the benefits of AD3.

Would adding in Abliderate Advanced be overkill or not good to use at the same time during the 8 weeks?
Let your joints be your guide. The AA will minimize Cortisol ONLY on the areas applied. If there is a way to adjust your dosage of the other product downwards, it would probably be a good idea.
you could drop the ad3 to 1 cap pre bed but it will cut the dose in half
Good to know. Given its DAA, feel better off going with 2 caps of AD3 instead of one.

Would Eviscerate Smolder be the better way then to go or use it along with AA, alternating every other day?

Let your joints be your guide. The AA will minimize Cortisol ONLY on the areas applied. If there is a way to adjust your dosage of the other product downwards, it would probably be a good idea.
if youre referring using an AI with daa you dont have to, i would run your daa/ad3 then add your topical further down the run
That is what I was thinking. Just going on vacation towards the end of October so was thinking if it would help, would try it beforehand along the way.

if youre referring using an AI with daa you dont have to, i would run your daa/ad3 then add your topical further down the run
Good to know. Given its DAA, feel better off going with 2 caps of AD3 instead of one.

Would Eviscerate Smolder be the better way then to go or use it along with AA, alternating every other day?

Personally I really like stacking the two products. I apply Abliderate Advanced, let it dry for about two minutes. Then apply Smolder over the top. Great combo.

Might look into dosing your DAA twice a day instead of 3 grams all at once. Lot of anecdotal feedback on people preferring this.
Thanks for the feedback.

Good idea about splitting the dosage of DAA as I have been thinking going that route.

As for timing Abliderate Advanced and Smolder, do you use it first thing in the morning, once a day?

How long does one bottle of each last?

Personally I really like stacking the two products. I apply Abliderate Advanced, let it dry for about two minutes. Then apply Smolder over the top. Great combo.

Might look into dosing your DAA twice a day instead of 3 grams all at once. Lot of anecdotal feedback on people preferring this.
Thanks for the feedback.

Good idea about splitting the dosage of DAA as I have been thinking going that route.

As for timing Abliderate Advanced and Smolder, do you use it first thing in the morning, once a day?

How long does one bottle of each last?

Yes I use them both in the morning once a day though many people prefer two applications of Smolder. I don't like sleeping with it on (well, really my girlfriend doesn't like it!). One bottle should last a pretty good amount of time depending on how many areas you apply the Smolder to.
As for dosage, use about 1-2 quarter sizes of AA in the core area daily and the same amount of Smolder to the chest and delt areas?

Yes I use them both in the morning once a day though many people prefer two applications of Smolder. I don't like sleeping with it on (well, really my girlfriend doesn't like it!). One bottle should last a pretty good amount of time depending on how many areas you apply the Smolder to.
As for dosage, use about 1-2 quarter sizes of AA in the core area daily and the same amount of Smolder to the chest and delt areas?

That works. I would probably only apply to the delt areas if using it as a pre-workout, but that's just me. Matt can answer better if he likes.
I can't fully agree with this yet, but I'm almost done with bottle #1 and am loving AA. Bottle #2 will be great as well I'm sure.

Honestly I'm not aware of many people who haven't been satisfied after running AA. It's very effective. The original Abliderate was solid, but Matt went out and improved that with Advanced.
Yes, stacked with DCP and AAv2, I got a big student refund so I went a little crazy on the supps lo. They all work very well though.

Nice. Keep us posted on the run. That should be a real good stack.